path: root/src/blockchain_db
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authorRiccardo Spagni <ric@spagni.net>2016-03-25 08:22:06 +0200
committerRiccardo Spagni <ric@spagni.net>2016-03-25 08:22:06 +0200
commit7fa63a82a1c3a0243f6757c1689855ed3ca61695 (patch)
tree39aa2d1681cdf64be3c98d1d4fb1b689c3585f9f /src/blockchain_db
parentMerge pull request #748 (diff)
parentUpdate BlockchainDB documentation (diff)
Merge pull request #749
bfd4a28 Update BlockchainDB documentation (Thomas Winget) 797357e Change Doxyfile, Blockchain not blockchain_storage (Thomas Winget) c835215 remove defunct code from cryptonote::core (Thomas Winget) 50dba6d cryptonote::core doxygen documentation (Thomas Winget) 8ac329d doxygen documentation for difficulty functions (Thomas Winget) 540a76c Move checkpoint functions into checkpoints class (Thomas Winget) 1b0c98e doxygen documentation for checkpoints.{h,cpp} (Thomas Winget) 89c24ac Remove unnecessary or defunct code (Thomas Winget) ab0ed14 doxygen include private and static members (Thomas Winget) 3a48449 Updated documentation for blockchain.* (Thomas Winget)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/blockchain_db')
1 files changed, 937 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/src/blockchain_db/blockchain_db.h b/src/blockchain_db/blockchain_db.h
index 3396b8c20..3e0ca141e 100644
--- a/src/blockchain_db/blockchain_db.h
+++ b/src/blockchain_db/blockchain_db.h
@@ -38,18 +38,20 @@
#include "cryptonote_core/difficulty.h"
#include "cryptonote_core/hardfork.h"
-/* DB Driver Interface
+/** \file
+ * Cryptonote Blockchain Database Interface
* The DB interface is a store for the canonical block chain.
* It serves as a persistent storage for the blockchain.
- * For the sake of efficiency, the reference implementation will also
+ * For the sake of efficiency, a concrete implementation may also
* store some blockchain data outside of the blocks, such as spent
* transfer key images, unspent transaction outputs, etc.
+ * Examples are as follows:
+ *
* Transactions are duplicated so that we don't have to fetch a whole block
- * in order to fetch a transaction from that block. If this is deemed
- * unnecessary later, this can change.
+ * in order to fetch a transaction from that block.
* Spent key images are duplicated outside of the blocks so it is quick
* to verify an output hasn't already been spent
@@ -57,100 +59,34 @@
* Unspent transaction outputs are duplicated to quickly gather random
* outputs to use for mixins
- * A concrete implementation of this interface should populate these
- * duplicated members! It is possible to have a partial implementation
- * of this interface call to private members of the interface to be added
- * later that will then populate as needed.
- *
- * General:
- * open()
- * is_open()
- * close()
- * sync()
- * reset()
- *
- * Lock and unlock provided for reorg externally, and for block
- * additions internally, this way threaded reads are completely fine
- * unless the blockchain is changing.
- * bool lock()
- * unlock()
- *
- * vector<str> get_filenames()
- *
- * Blocks:
- * bool block_exists(hash)
- * height add_block(block, block_size, cumulative_difficulty, coins_generated, transactions)
- * block get_block(hash)
- * height get_block_height(hash)
- * header get_block_header(hash)
- * block get_block_from_height(height)
- * size_t get_block_size(height)
- * difficulty get_block_cumulative_difficulty(height)
- * uint64_t get_block_already_generated_coins(height)
- * uint64_t get_block_timestamp(height)
- * uint64_t get_top_block_timestamp()
- * hash get_block_hash_from_height(height)
- * blocks get_blocks_range(height1, height2)
- * hashes get_hashes_range(height1, height2)
- * hash top_block_hash()
- * block get_top_block()
- * height height()
- * void pop_block(block&, tx_list&)
- *
- * Transactions:
- * bool tx_exists(hash)
- * uint64_t get_tx_unlock_time(hash)
- * tx get_tx(hash)
- * uint64_t get_tx_count()
- * tx_list get_tx_list(hash_list)
- * height get_tx_block_height(hash)
- *
- * Outputs:
- * uint64_t get_num_outputs(amount)
- * pub_key get_output_key(amount, index)
- * hash,index get_output_tx_and_index_from_global(index)
- * hash,index get_output_tx_and_index(amount, index)
- * vec<uint64> get_tx_output_indices(tx_hash)
- *
- *
- * Spent Output Key Images:
- * bool has_key_image(key_image)
- *
- * Exceptions:
- * DB_ERROR -- generic
- * BLOCK_INVALID -- considering making this multiple errors
- * TX_DNE
namespace cryptonote
-// typedef for convenience
+/** a pair of <transaction hash, output index>, typedef for convenience */
typedef std::pair<crypto::hash, uint64_t> tx_out_index;
#pragma pack(push, 1)
+ * @brief a struct containing output metadata
+ */
struct output_data_t
- crypto::public_key pubkey;
- uint64_t unlock_time;
- uint64_t height;
+ crypto::public_key pubkey; //!< the output's public key (for spend verification)
+ uint64_t unlock_time; //!< the output's unlock time (or height)
+ uint64_t height; //!< the height of the block which created the output
#pragma pack(pop)
* Exception Definitions
+ * @brief A base class for BlockchainDB exceptions
+ */
class DB_EXCEPTION : public std::exception
@@ -168,6 +104,9 @@ class DB_EXCEPTION : public std::exception
+ * @brief A generic BlockchainDB exception
+ */
class DB_ERROR : public DB_EXCEPTION
@@ -175,7 +114,9 @@ class DB_ERROR : public DB_EXCEPTION
DB_ERROR(const char* s) : DB_EXCEPTION(s) { }
-// For distinguishing errors trying to set up a DB txn from other errors
+ * @brief thrown when there is an error starting a DB transaction
+ */
@@ -183,6 +124,9 @@ class DB_ERROR_TXN_START : public DB_EXCEPTION
DB_ERROR_TXN_START(const char* s) : DB_EXCEPTION(s) { }
+ * @brief thrown when opening the BlockchainDB fails
+ */
@@ -190,6 +134,9 @@ class DB_OPEN_FAILURE : public DB_EXCEPTION
DB_OPEN_FAILURE(const char* s) : DB_EXCEPTION(s) { }
+ * @brief thrown when creating the BlockchainDB fails
+ */
@@ -197,6 +144,9 @@ class DB_CREATE_FAILURE : public DB_EXCEPTION
DB_CREATE_FAILURE(const char* s) : DB_EXCEPTION(s) { }
+ * @brief thrown when synchronizing the BlockchainDB to disk fails
+ */
@@ -204,6 +154,9 @@ class DB_SYNC_FAILURE : public DB_EXCEPTION
DB_SYNC_FAILURE(const char* s) : DB_EXCEPTION(s) { }
+ * @brief thrown when a requested block does not exist
+ */
@@ -211,6 +164,9 @@ class BLOCK_DNE : public DB_EXCEPTION
BLOCK_DNE(const char* s) : DB_EXCEPTION(s) { }
+ * @brief thrown when a block's parent does not exist (and it needed to)
+ */
@@ -218,6 +174,9 @@ class BLOCK_PARENT_DNE : public DB_EXCEPTION
BLOCK_PARENT_DNE(const char* s) : DB_EXCEPTION(s) { }
+ * @brief thrown when a block exists, but shouldn't, namely when adding a block
+ */
@@ -225,6 +184,9 @@ class BLOCK_EXISTS : public DB_EXCEPTION
BLOCK_EXISTS(const char* s) : DB_EXCEPTION(s) { }
+ * @brief thrown when something is wrong with the block to be added
+ */
@@ -232,6 +194,9 @@ class BLOCK_INVALID : public DB_EXCEPTION
BLOCK_INVALID(const char* s) : DB_EXCEPTION(s) { }
+ * @brief thrown when a requested transaction does not exist
+ */
class TX_DNE : public DB_EXCEPTION
@@ -239,6 +204,9 @@ class TX_DNE : public DB_EXCEPTION
TX_DNE(const char* s) : DB_EXCEPTION(s) { }
+ * @brief thrown when a transaction exists, but shouldn't, namely when adding a block
+ */
@@ -246,6 +214,9 @@ class TX_EXISTS : public DB_EXCEPTION
TX_EXISTS(const char* s) : DB_EXCEPTION(s) { }
+ * @brief thrown when a requested output does not exist
+ */
@@ -253,6 +224,9 @@ class OUTPUT_DNE : public DB_EXCEPTION
OUTPUT_DNE(const char* s) : DB_EXCEPTION(s) { }
+ * @brief thrown when an output exists, but shouldn't, namely when adding a block
+ */
@@ -260,6 +234,9 @@ class OUTPUT_EXISTS : public DB_EXCEPTION
OUTPUT_EXISTS(const char* s) : DB_EXCEPTION(s) { }
+ * @brief thrown when a spent key image exists, but shouldn't, namely when adding a block
+ */
@@ -272,6 +249,18 @@ class KEY_IMAGE_EXISTS : public DB_EXCEPTION
+ * @brief The BlockchainDB backing store interface declaration/contract
+ *
+ * This class provides a uniform interface for using BlockchainDB to store
+ * a blockchain. Any implementation of this class will also implement all
+ * functions exposed here, so one can use this class without knowing what
+ * implementation is being used. Refer to each pure virtual function's
+ * documentation here when implementing a BlockchainDB subclass.
+ *
+ * A subclass which encounters an issue should report that issue by throwing
+ * a DB_EXCEPTION which adequately conveys the issue.
+ */
class BlockchainDB
@@ -279,7 +268,22 @@ private:
* private virtual members
- // tells the subclass to add the block and metadata to storage
+ /**
+ * @brief add the block and metadata to the db
+ *
+ * The subclass implementing this will add the specified block and
+ * block metadata to its backing store. This does not include its
+ * transactions, those are added in a separate step.
+ *
+ * If any of this cannot be done, the subclass should throw the corresponding
+ * subclass of DB_EXCEPTION
+ *
+ * @param blk the block to be added
+ * @param block_size the size of the block (transactions and all)
+ * @param cumulative_difficulty the accumulated difficulty after this block
+ * @param coins_generated the number of coins generated total after this block
+ * @param blk_hash the hash of the block
+ */
virtual void add_block( const block& blk
, const size_t& block_size
, const difficulty_type& cumulative_difficulty
@@ -287,84 +291,274 @@ private:
, const crypto::hash& blk_hash
) = 0;
- // tells the subclass to remove data about the top block
+ /**
+ * @brief remove data about the top block
+ *
+ * The subclass implementing this will remove the block data from the top
+ * block in the chain. The data to be removed is that which was added in
+ * BlockchainDB::add_block(const block& blk, const size_t& block_size, const difficulty_type& cumulative_difficulty, const uint64_t& coins_generated, const crypto::hash& blk_hash)
+ *
+ * If any of this cannot be done, the subclass should throw the corresponding
+ * subclass of DB_EXCEPTION
+ */
virtual void remove_block() = 0;
- // tells the subclass to store the transaction and its metadata
+ /**
+ * @brief store the transaction and its metadata
+ *
+ * The subclass implementing this will add the specified transaction data
+ * to its backing store. This includes only the transaction blob itself
+ * and the other data passed here, not the separate outputs of the
+ * transaction.
+ *
+ * If any of this cannot be done, the subclass should throw the corresponding
+ * subclass of DB_EXCEPTION
+ *
+ * @param blk_hash the hash of the block containing the transaction
+ * @param tx the transaction to be added
+ * @param tx_hash the hash of the transaction
+ */
virtual void add_transaction_data(const crypto::hash& blk_hash, const transaction& tx, const crypto::hash& tx_hash) = 0;
- // tells the subclass to remove data about a transaction
+ /**
+ * @brief remove data about a transaction
+ *
+ * The subclass implementing this will remove the transaction data
+ * for the passed transaction. The data to be removed was added in
+ * add_transaction_data(). Additionally, current subclasses have behavior
+ * which requires the transaction itself as a parameter here. Future
+ * implementations should note that this parameter is subject to be removed
+ * at a later time.
+ *
+ * If any of this cannot be done, the subclass should throw the corresponding
+ * subclass of DB_EXCEPTION
+ *
+ * @param tx_hash the hash of the transaction to be removed
+ * @param tx the transaction
+ */
virtual void remove_transaction_data(const crypto::hash& tx_hash, const transaction& tx) = 0;
- // tells the subclass to store an output
+ /**
+ * @brief store an output
+ *
+ * The subclass implementing this will add the output data passed to its
+ * backing store in a suitable manner. In addition, the subclass is responsible
+ * for keeping track of the global output count in some manner, so that
+ * outputs may be indexed by the order in which they were created. In the
+ * future, this tracking (of the number, at least) should be moved to
+ * this class, as it is necessary and the same among all BlockchainDB.
+ *
+ * This data should be stored in such a manner that the only thing needed to
+ * reverse the process is the tx_out.
+ *
+ * If any of this cannot be done, the subclass should throw the corresponding
+ * subclass of DB_EXCEPTION
+ *
+ * @param tx_hash hash of the transaction the output was created by
+ * @param tx_output the output
+ * @param local_index index of the output in its transaction
+ * @param unlock_time unlock time/height of the output
+ */
virtual void add_output(const crypto::hash& tx_hash, const tx_out& tx_output, const uint64_t& local_index, const uint64_t unlock_time) = 0;
- // tells the subclass to remove an output
+ /**
+ * @brief remove an output
+ *
+ * The subclass implementing this will remove all output data it stored
+ * in add_output().
+ *
+ * In addition, the subclass is responsible for correctly decrementing
+ * its global output counter (this may be automatic for some, such as using
+ * a database backend "count" feature).
+ *
+ * If any of this cannot be done, the subclass should throw the corresponding
+ * subclass of DB_EXCEPTION
+ *
+ * @param tx_output the output to be removed
+ */
virtual void remove_output(const tx_out& tx_output) = 0;
- // tells the subclass to store a spent key
+ /**
+ * @brief store a spent key
+ *
+ * The subclass implementing this will store the spent key image.
+ *
+ * If any of this cannot be done, the subclass should throw the corresponding
+ * subclass of DB_EXCEPTION
+ *
+ * @param k_image the spent key image to store
+ */
virtual void add_spent_key(const crypto::key_image& k_image) = 0;
- // tells the subclass to remove a spent key
+ /**
+ * @brief remove a spent key
+ *
+ * The subclass implementing this will remove the key image.
+ *
+ * If any of this cannot be done, the subclass should throw the corresponding
+ * subclass of DB_EXCEPTION
+ *
+ * @param k_image the spent key image to remove
+ */
virtual void remove_spent_key(const crypto::key_image& k_image) = 0;
* private concrete members
- // private version of pop_block, for undoing if an add_block goes tits up
+ /**
+ * @brief private version of pop_block, for undoing if an add_block fails
+ *
+ * This function simply calls pop_block(block& blk, std::vector<transaction>& txs)
+ * with dummy parameters, as the returns-by-reference can be discarded.
+ */
void pop_block();
- // helper function for add_transactions, to add each individual tx
+ /**
+ * @brief helper function for add_transactions, to add each individual transaction
+ *
+ * This function is called by add_transactions() for each transaction to be
+ * added.
+ *
+ * @param blk_hash hash of the block which has the transaction
+ * @param tx the transaction to add
+ * @param tx_hash_ptr the hash of the transaction, if already calculated
+ */
void add_transaction(const crypto::hash& blk_hash, const transaction& tx, const crypto::hash* tx_hash_ptr = NULL);
// helper function to remove transaction from blockchain
+ /**
+ * @brief helper function to remove transaction from the blockchain
+ *
+ * This function encapsulates aspects of removing a transaction.
+ *
+ * @param tx_hash the hash of the transaction to be removed
+ */
void remove_transaction(const crypto::hash& tx_hash);
- uint64_t num_calls = 0;
- uint64_t time_blk_hash = 0;
- uint64_t time_add_block1 = 0;
- uint64_t time_add_transaction = 0;
+ uint64_t num_calls = 0; //!< a performance metric
+ uint64_t time_blk_hash = 0; //!< a performance metric
+ uint64_t time_add_block1 = 0; //!< a performance metric
+ uint64_t time_add_transaction = 0; //!< a performance metric
- mutable uint64_t time_tx_exists = 0;
- uint64_t time_commit1 = 0;
- bool m_auto_remove_logs = true;
+ mutable uint64_t time_tx_exists = 0; //!< a performance metric
+ uint64_t time_commit1 = 0; //!< a performance metric
+ bool m_auto_remove_logs = true; //!< whether or not to automatically remove old logs
HardFork* m_hardfork;
- // virtual dtor
+ /**
+ * @brief An empty destructor.
+ */
virtual ~BlockchainDB() { };
- // reset profiling stats
+ /**
+ * @brief reset profiling stats
+ */
void reset_stats();
- // show profiling stats
+ /**
+ * @brief show profiling stats
+ *
+ * This function prints current performance/profiling data to whichever
+ * log file(s) are set up (possibly including stdout or stderr)
+ */
void show_stats();
- // open the db at location <filename>, or create it if there isn't one.
+ /**
+ * @brief open a db, or create it if necessary.
+ *
+ * This function opens an existing database or creates it if it
+ * does not exist.
+ *
+ * The subclass implementing this will handle all file opening/creation,
+ * and is responsible for maintaining its state.
+ *
+ * The parameter <filename> may not refer to a file name, necessarily, but
+ * could be an IP:PORT for a database which needs it, and so on. Calling it
+ * <filename> is convenient and should be descriptive enough, however.
+ *
+ * For now, db_flags are
+ * specific to the subclass being instantiated. This is subject to change,
+ * and the db_flags parameter may be deprecated.
+ *
+ * If any of this cannot be done, the subclass should throw the corresponding
+ * subclass of DB_EXCEPTION
+ *
+ * @param filename a string referring to the BlockchainDB to open
+ * @param db_flags flags relevant to how to open/use the BlockchainDB
+ */
virtual void open(const std::string& filename, const int db_flags = 0) = 0;
- // returns true of the db is open/ready, else false
+ /**
+ * @brief Gets the current open/ready state of the BlockchainDB
+ *
+ * @return true if open/ready, otherwise false
+ */
bool is_open() const;
- // close and sync the db
+ /**
+ * @brief close the BlockchainDB
+ *
+ * At minimum, this call ensures that further use of the BlockchainDB
+ * instance will not have effect. In any case where it is necessary
+ * to do so, a subclass implementing this will sync with disk.
+ *
+ * If any of this cannot be done, the subclass should throw the corresponding
+ * subclass of DB_EXCEPTION
+ */
virtual void close() = 0;
- // sync the db
+ /**
+ * @brief sync the BlockchainDB with disk
+ *
+ * This function should write any changes to whatever permanent backing
+ * store the subclass uses. Example: a BlockchainDB instance which
+ * keeps the whole blockchain in RAM won't need to regularly access a
+ * disk, but should write out its state when this is called.
+ *
+ * If any of this cannot be done, the subclass should throw the corresponding
+ * subclass of DB_EXCEPTION
+ */
virtual void sync() = 0;
- // reset the db -- USE WITH CARE
+ /**
+ * @brief Remove everything from the BlockchainDB
+ *
+ * This function should completely remove all data from a BlockchainDB.
+ *
+ * Use with caution!
+ *
+ * If any of this cannot be done, the subclass should throw the corresponding
+ * subclass of DB_EXCEPTION
+ */
virtual void reset() = 0;
- // get all files used by this db (if any)
+ /**
+ * @brief get all files used by the BlockchainDB (if any)
+ *
+ * This function is largely for ease of automation, namely for unit tests.
+ *
+ * The subclass implementation should return all filenames it uses.
+ *
+ * @return a list of filenames
+ */
virtual std::vector<std::string> get_filenames() const = 0;
// return the name of the folder the db's file(s) should reside in
+ /**
+ * @brief gets the name of the folder the BlockchainDB's file(s) should be in
+ *
+ * The subclass implementation should return the name of the folder in which
+ * it stores files, or an empty string if there is none.
+ *
+ * @return the name of the folder with the BlockchainDB's files, if any.
+ */
virtual std::string get_db_name() const = 0;
@@ -372,13 +566,86 @@ public:
// RAII-friendly and multi-read one-write friendly locking mechanism
// acquire db lock
+ /**
+ * @brief acquires the BlockchainDB lock
+ *
+ * This function is a stub until such a time as locking is implemented at
+ * this level.
+ *
+ * The subclass implementation should return true unless implementing a
+ * locking scheme of some sort, in which case it should return true upon
+ * acquisition of the lock and block until then.
+ *
+ * If any of this cannot be done, the subclass should throw the corresponding
+ * subclass of DB_EXCEPTION
+ *
+ * @return true, unless at a future time false makes sense (timeout, etc)
+ */
virtual bool lock() = 0;
// release db lock
+ /**
+ * @brief This function releases the BlockchainDB lock
+ *
+ * The subclass, should it have implemented lock(), will release any lock
+ * held by the calling thread. In the case of recursive locking, it should
+ * release one instance of a lock.
+ *
+ * If any of this cannot be done, the subclass should throw the corresponding
+ * subclass of DB_EXCEPTION
+ */
virtual void unlock() = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief tells the BlockchainDB to start a new "batch" of blocks
+ *
+ * If the subclass implements a batching method of caching blocks in RAM to
+ * be added to a backing store in groups, it should start a batch which will
+ * end either when <batch_num_blocks> has been added or batch_stop() has
+ * been called. In either case, it should end the batch and write to its
+ * backing store.
+ *
+ * If a batch is already in-progress, this function should throw a DB_ERROR.
+ * This exception may change in the future if it is deemed necessary to
+ * have a more granular exception type for this scenario.
+ *
+ * If any of this cannot be done, the subclass should throw the corresponding
+ * subclass of DB_EXCEPTION
+ *
+ * @param batch_num_blocks number of blocks to batch together
+ */
virtual void batch_start(uint64_t batch_num_blocks=0) = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief ends a batch transaction
+ *
+ * If the subclass implements batching, this function should store the
+ * batch it is currently on and mark it finished.
+ *
+ * If no batch is in-progress, this function should throw a DB_ERROR.
+ * This exception may change in the future if it is deemed necessary to
+ * have a more granular exception type for this scenario.
+ *
+ * If any of this cannot be done, the subclass should throw the corresponding
+ * subclass of DB_EXCEPTION
+ */
virtual void batch_stop() = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief sets whether or not to batch transactions
+ *
+ * If the subclass implements batching, this function tells it to begin
+ * batching automatically.
+ *
+ * If the subclass implements batching and has a batch in-progress, a
+ * parameter of false should disable batching and call batch_stop() to
+ * store the current batch.
+ *
+ * If any of this cannot be done, the subclass should throw the corresponding
+ * subclass of DB_EXCEPTION
+ *
+ * @param bool batch whether or not to use batch transactions.
+ */
virtual void set_batch_transactions(bool) = 0;
virtual void block_txn_start(bool readonly=false) = 0;
@@ -388,8 +655,26 @@ public:
virtual void set_hard_fork(HardFork* hf);
// adds a block with the given metadata to the top of the blockchain, returns the new height
- // NOTE: subclass implementations of this (or the functions it calls) need
- // to handle undoing any partially-added blocks in the event of a failure.
+ /**
+ * @brief handles the addition of a new block to BlockchainDB
+ *
+ * This function organizes block addition and calls various functions as
+ * necessary.
+ *
+ * NOTE: subclass implementations of this (or the functions it calls) need
+ * to handle undoing any partially-added blocks in the event of a failure.
+ *
+ * If any of this cannot be done, the subclass should throw the corresponding
+ * subclass of DB_EXCEPTION
+ *
+ * @param blk the block to be added
+ * @param block_size the size of the block (transactions and all)
+ * @param cumulative_difficulty the accumulated difficulty after this block
+ * @param coins_generated the number of coins generated total after this block
+ * @param txs the transactions in the block
+ *
+ * @return the height of the chain post-addition
+ */
virtual uint64_t add_block( const block& blk
, const size_t& block_size
, const difficulty_type& cumulative_difficulty
@@ -397,142 +682,639 @@ public:
, const std::vector<transaction>& txs
- // return true if a block with hash <h> exists in the blockchain
+ /**
+ * @brief checks if a block exists
+ *
+ * @param h the hash of the requested block
+ *
+ * @return true of the block exists, otherwise false
+ */
virtual bool block_exists(const crypto::hash& h) const = 0;
- // return block with hash <h>
+ /**
+ * @brief fetches the block with the given hash
+ *
+ * The subclass should return the requested block.
+ *
+ * If the block does not exist, the subclass should throw BLOCK_DNE
+ *
+ * @param h the hash to look for
+ *
+ * @return the block requested
+ */
virtual block get_block(const crypto::hash& h) const = 0;
- // return the height of the block with hash <h> on the blockchain,
- // throw if it doesn't exist
+ /**
+ * @brief gets the height of the block with a given hash
+ *
+ * The subclass should return the requested height.
+ *
+ * If the block does not exist, the subclass should throw BLOCK_DNE
+ *
+ * @param h the hash to look for
+ *
+ * @return the height
+ */
virtual uint64_t get_block_height(const crypto::hash& h) const = 0;
- // return header for block with hash <h>
+ /**
+ * @brief fetch a block header
+ *
+ * The subclass should return the block header from the block with
+ * the given hash.
+ *
+ * If the block does not exist, the subclass should throw BLOCK_DNE
+ *
+ * @param h the hash to look for
+ *
+ * @return the block header
+ */
virtual block_header get_block_header(const crypto::hash& h) const = 0;
- // return block at height <height>
+ /**
+ * @brief fetch a block by height
+ *
+ * The subclass should return the block at the given height.
+ *
+ * If the block does not exist, that is to say if the blockchain is not
+ * that high, then the subclass should throw BLOCK_DNE
+ *
+ * @param height the height to look for
+ *
+ * @return the block
+ */
virtual block get_block_from_height(const uint64_t& height) const = 0;
- // return timestamp of block at height <height>
+ /**
+ * @brief fetch a block's timestamp
+ *
+ * The subclass should return the timestamp of the block with the
+ * given height.
+ *
+ * If the block does not exist, the subclass should throw BLOCK_DNE
+ *
+ * @param height the height requested
+ *
+ * @return the timestamp
+ */
virtual uint64_t get_block_timestamp(const uint64_t& height) const = 0;
- // return timestamp of most recent block
+ /**
+ * @brief fetch the top block's timestamp
+ *
+ * The subclass should return the timestamp of the most recent block.
+ *
+ * @return the top block's timestamp
+ */
virtual uint64_t get_top_block_timestamp() const = 0;
- // return block size of block at height <height>
+ /**
+ * @brief fetch a block's size
+ *
+ * The subclass should return the size of the block with the
+ * given height.
+ *
+ * If the block does not exist, the subclass should throw BLOCK_DNE
+ *
+ * @param height the height requested
+ *
+ * @return the size
+ */
virtual size_t get_block_size(const uint64_t& height) const = 0;
- // return cumulative difficulty up to and including block at height <height>
+ /**
+ * @brief fetch a block's cumulative difficulty
+ *
+ * The subclass should return the cumulative difficulty of the block with the
+ * given height.
+ *
+ * If the block does not exist, the subclass should throw BLOCK_DNE
+ *
+ * @param height the height requested
+ *
+ * @return the cumulative difficulty
+ */
virtual difficulty_type get_block_cumulative_difficulty(const uint64_t& height) const = 0;
- // return difficulty of block at height <height>
+ /**
+ * @brief fetch a block's difficulty
+ *
+ * The subclass should return the difficulty of the block with the
+ * given height.
+ *
+ * If the block does not exist, the subclass should throw BLOCK_DNE
+ *
+ * @param height the height requested
+ *
+ * @return the difficulty
+ */
virtual difficulty_type get_block_difficulty(const uint64_t& height) const = 0;
- // return number of coins generated up to and including block at height <height>
+ /**
+ * @brief fetch a block's already generated coins
+ *
+ * The subclass should return the total coins generated as of the block
+ * with the given height.
+ *
+ * If the block does not exist, the subclass should throw BLOCK_DNE
+ *
+ * @param height the height requested
+ *
+ * @return the already generated coins
+ */
virtual uint64_t get_block_already_generated_coins(const uint64_t& height) const = 0;
- // return hash of block at height <height>
+ /**
+ * @brief fetch a block's hash
+ *
+ * The subclass should return hash of the block with the
+ * given height.
+ *
+ * If the block does not exist, the subclass should throw BLOCK_DNE
+ *
+ * @param height the height requested
+ *
+ * @return the hash
+ */
virtual crypto::hash get_block_hash_from_height(const uint64_t& height) const = 0;
- // return vector of blocks in range <h1,h2> of height (inclusively)
+ /**
+ * @brief fetch a list of blocks
+ *
+ * The subclass should return a vector of blocks with heights starting at
+ * h1 and ending at h2, inclusively.
+ *
+ * If the height range requested goes past the end of the blockchain,
+ * the subclass should throw BLOCK_DNE. (current implementations simply
+ * don't catch this exception as thrown by methods called within)
+ *
+ * @param h1 the start height
+ * @param h2 the end height
+ *
+ * @return a vector of blocks
+ */
virtual std::vector<block> get_blocks_range(const uint64_t& h1, const uint64_t& h2) const = 0;
- // return vector of block hashes in range <h1, h2> of height (inclusively)
+ /**
+ * @brief fetch a list of block hashes
+ *
+ * The subclass should return a vector of block hashes from blocks with
+ * heights starting at h1 and ending at h2, inclusively.
+ *
+ * If the height range requested goes past the end of the blockchain,
+ * the subclass should throw BLOCK_DNE. (current implementations simply
+ * don't catch this exception as thrown by methods called within)
+ *
+ * @param h1 the start height
+ * @param h2 the end height
+ *
+ * @return a vector of block hashes
+ */
virtual std::vector<crypto::hash> get_hashes_range(const uint64_t& h1, const uint64_t& h2) const = 0;
- // return the hash of the top block on the chain
+ /**
+ * @brief fetch the top block's hash
+ *
+ * The subclass should return the hash of the most recent block
+ *
+ * @return the top block's hash
+ */
virtual crypto::hash top_block_hash() const = 0;
- // return the block at the top of the blockchain
+ /**
+ * @brief fetch the top block
+ *
+ * The subclass should return most recent block
+ *
+ * @return the top block
+ */
virtual block get_top_block() const = 0;
- // return the height of the chain
+ /**
+ * @brief fetch the current blockchain height
+ *
+ * The subclass should return the current blockchain height
+ *
+ * @return the current blockchain height
+ */
virtual uint64_t height() const = 0;
- // pops the top block off the blockchain.
- // Returns by reference the popped block and its associated transactions
- //
- // When a block is popped, the transactions associated with it need to be
- // removed, as well as outputs and spent key images associated with
- // those transactions.
+ /**
+ * <!--
+ * TODO: Rewrite (if necessary) such that all calls to remove_* are
+ * done in concrete members of this base class.
+ * -->
+ *
+ * @brief pops the top block off the blockchain
+ *
+ * The subclass should remove the most recent block from the blockchain,
+ * along with all transactions, outputs, and other metadata created as
+ * a result of its addition to the blockchain. Most of this is handled
+ * by the concrete members of the base class provided the subclass correctly
+ * implements remove_* functions.
+ *
+ * The subclass should return by reference the popped block and
+ * its associated transactions
+ *
+ * @param blk return-by-reference the block which was popped
+ * @param txs return-by-reference the transactions from the popped block
+ */
virtual void pop_block(block& blk, std::vector<transaction>& txs);
- // return true if a transaction with hash <h> exists
+ /**
+ * @brief check if a transaction with a given hash exists
+ *
+ * The subclass should check if a transaction is stored which has the
+ * given hash and return true if so, false otherwise.
+ *
+ * @param h the hash to check against
+ *
+ * @return true if the transaction exists, otherwise false
+ */
virtual bool tx_exists(const crypto::hash& h) const = 0;
// return unlock time of tx with hash <h>
+ /**
+ * @brief fetch a transaction's unlock time/height
+ *
+ * The subclass should return the stored unlock time for the transaction
+ * with the given hash.
+ *
+ * If no such transaction exists, the subclass should throw TX_DNE.
+ *
+ * @param h the hash of the requested transaction
+ *
+ * @return the unlock time/height
+ */
virtual uint64_t get_tx_unlock_time(const crypto::hash& h) const = 0;
// return tx with hash <h>
// throw if no such tx exists
+ /**
+ * @brief fetches the transaction with the given hash
+ *
+ * The subclass should return the transaction stored which has the given
+ * hash.
+ *
+ * If the transaction does not exist, the subclass should throw TX_DNE.
+ *
+ * @param h the hash to look for
+ *
+ * @return the transaction with the given hash
+ */
virtual transaction get_tx(const crypto::hash& h) const = 0;
- // returns the total number of transactions in all blocks
+ /**
+ * @brief fetches the total number of transactions ever
+ *
+ * The subclass should return a count of all the transactions from
+ * all blocks.
+ *
+ * @return the number of transactions in the blockchain
+ */
virtual uint64_t get_tx_count() const = 0;
- // return list of tx with hashes <hlist>.
- // TODO: decide if a missing hash means return empty list
- // or just skip that hash
+ /**
+ * @brief fetches a list of transactions based on their hashes
+ *
+ * The subclass should attempt to fetch each transaction referred to by
+ * the hashes passed.
+ *
+ * Currently, if any of the transactions is not in BlockchainDB, the call
+ * to get_tx in the implementation will throw TX_DNE.
+ *
+ * <!-- TODO: decide if this behavior is correct for missing transactions -->
+ *
+ * @param hlist a list of hashes
+ *
+ * @return the list of transactions
+ */
virtual std::vector<transaction> get_tx_list(const std::vector<crypto::hash>& hlist) const = 0;
// returns height of block that contains transaction with hash <h>
+ /**
+ * @brief fetches the height of a transaction's block
+ *
+ * The subclass should attempt to return the height of the block containing
+ * the transaction with the given hash.
+ *
+ * If the transaction cannot be found, the subclass should throw TX_DNE.
+ *
+ * @param h the hash of the transaction
+ *
+ * @return the height of the transaction's block
+ */
virtual uint64_t get_tx_block_height(const crypto::hash& h) const = 0;
// returns the total number of outputs of amount <amount>
+ /**
+ * @brief fetches the number of outputs of a given amount
+ *
+ * The subclass should return a count of outputs of the given amount,
+ * or zero if there are none.
+ *
+ * <!-- TODO: should outputs spent with a low mixin (especially 0) be
+ * excluded from the count? -->
+ *
+ * @param amount the output amount being looked up
+ *
+ * @return the number of outputs of the given amount
+ */
virtual uint64_t get_num_outputs(const uint64_t& amount) const = 0;
- // return index of the first element (should be hidden, but isn't)
+ /**
+ * @brief return index of the first element (should be hidden, but isn't)
+ *
+ * @return the index
+ */
virtual uint64_t get_indexing_base() const { return 0; }
- // return public key for output with global output amount <amount> and index <index>
+ /**
+ * @brief get some of an output's data
+ *
+ * The subclass should return the public key, unlock time, and block height
+ * for the output with the given amount and index, collected in a struct.
+ *
+ * If the output cannot be found, the subclass should throw OUTPUT_DNE.
+ *
+ * If any of these parts cannot be found, but some are, the subclass
+ * should throw DB_ERROR with a message stating as much.
+ *
+ * @param amount the output amount
+ * @param index the output's index (indexed by amount)
+ *
+ * @return the requested output data
+ */
virtual output_data_t get_output_key(const uint64_t& amount, const uint64_t& index) = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief get some of an output's data
+ *
+ * The subclass should return the public key, unlock time, and block height
+ * for the output with the given global index, collected in a struct.
+ *
+ * If the output cannot be found, the subclass should throw OUTPUT_DNE.
+ *
+ * If any of these parts cannot be found, but some are, the subclass
+ * should throw DB_ERROR with a message stating as much.
+ *
+ * @param global_index the output's index (global)
+ *
+ * @return the requested output data
+ */
virtual output_data_t get_output_key(const uint64_t& global_index) const = 0;
- // returns the tx hash associated with an output, referenced by global output index
+ /**
+ * @brief gets an output's tx hash and index
+ *
+ * The subclass should return the hash of the transaction which created the
+ * output with the global index given, as well as its index in that transaction.
+ *
+ * @param index an output's global index
+ *
+ * @return the tx hash and output index
+ */
virtual tx_out_index get_output_tx_and_index_from_global(const uint64_t& index) const = 0;
- // returns the transaction-local reference for the output with <amount> at <index>
- // return type is pair of tx hash and index
+ /**
+ * @brief gets an output's tx hash and index
+ *
+ * The subclass should return the hash of the transaction which created the
+ * output with the amount and index given, as well as its index in that
+ * transaction.
+ *
+ * @param amount an output amount
+ * @param index an output's amount-specific index
+ *
+ * @return the tx hash and output index
+ */
virtual tx_out_index get_output_tx_and_index(const uint64_t& amount, const uint64_t& index) = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief gets some outputs' tx hashes and indices
+ *
+ * This function is a mirror of
+ * get_output_tx_and_index(const uint64_t& amount, const uint64_t& index),
+ * but for a list of outputs rather than just one.
+ *
+ * @param amount an output amount
+ * @param offsets a list of amount-specific output indices
+ * @param indices return-by-reference a list of tx hashes and output indices (as pairs)
+ */
virtual void get_output_tx_and_index(const uint64_t& amount, const std::vector<uint64_t> &offsets, std::vector<tx_out_index> &indices) = 0;
- virtual void get_output_key(const uint64_t &amount, const std::vector<uint64_t> &offsets, std::vector<output_data_t> &outputs) = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief gets outputs' data
+ *
+ * This function is a mirror of
+ * get_output_data(const uint64_t& amount, const uint64_t& index)
+ * but for a list of outputs rather than just one.
+ *
+ * @param amount an output amount
+ * @param offsets a list of amount-specific output indices
+ * @param outputs return-by-reference a list of outputs' metadata
+ */
+ virtual void get_output_key(const uint64_t &amount, const std::vector<uint64_t> &offsets, std::vector<output_data_t> &outputs) = 0;
+ /*
+ * FIXME: Need to check with git blame and ask what this does to
+ * document it
+ */
virtual bool can_thread_bulk_indices() const = 0;
- // return a vector of indices corresponding to the global output index for
- // each output in the transaction with hash <h>
+ /**
+ * @brief gets output indices (global) for a transaction's outputs
+ *
+ * The subclass should fetch the global output indices for each output
+ * in the transaction with the given hash.
+ *
+ * If the transaction does not exist, the subclass should throw TX_DNE.
+ *
+ * If an output cannot be found, the subclass should throw OUTPUT_DNE.
+ *
+ * @param h a transaction hash
+ *
+ * @return a list of global output indices
+ */
virtual std::vector<uint64_t> get_tx_output_indices(const crypto::hash& h) const = 0;
- // return a vector of indices corresponding to the amount output index for
- // each output in the transaction with hash <h>
+ /**
+ * @brief gets output indices (amount-specific) for a transaction's outputs
+ *
+ * The subclass should fetch the amount-specific output indices for each
+ * output in the transaction with the given hash.
+ *
+ * If the transaction does not exist, the subclass should throw TX_DNE.
+ *
+ * If an output cannot be found, the subclass should throw OUTPUT_DNE.
+ *
+ * @param h a transaction hash
+ *
+ * @return a list of amount-specific output indices
+ */
virtual std::vector<uint64_t> get_tx_amount_output_indices(const crypto::hash& h) const = 0;
- // returns true if key image <img> is present in spent key images storage
+ /**
+ * @brief check if a key image is stored as spent
+ *
+ * @param img the key image to check for
+ *
+ * @return true if the image is present, otherwise false
+ */
virtual bool has_key_image(const crypto::key_image& img) const = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief runs a function over all key images stored
+ *
+ * The subclass should run the passed function for each key image it has
+ * stored, passing the key image as its parameter.
+ *
+ * If any call to the function returns false, the subclass should return
+ * false. Otherwise, the subclass returns true.
+ *
+ * @param std::function fn the function to run
+ *
+ * @return false if the function returns false for any key image, otherwise true
+ */
virtual bool for_all_key_images(std::function<bool(const crypto::key_image&)>) const = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief runs a function over all blocks stored
+ *
+ * The subclass should run the passed function for each block it has
+ * stored, passing (block_height, block_hash, block) as its parameters.
+ *
+ * If any call to the function returns false, the subclass should return
+ * false. Otherwise, the subclass returns true.
+ *
+ * The subclass should throw DB_ERROR if any of the expected values are
+ * not found. Current implementations simply return false.
+ *
+ * @param std::function fn the function to run
+ *
+ * @return false if the function returns false for any block, otherwise true
+ */
virtual bool for_all_blocks(std::function<bool(uint64_t, const crypto::hash&, const cryptonote::block&)>) const = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief runs a function over all transactions stored
+ *
+ * The subclass should run the passed function for each transaction it has
+ * stored, passing (transaction_hash, transaction) as its parameters.
+ *
+ * If any call to the function returns false, the subclass should return
+ * false. Otherwise, the subclass returns true.
+ *
+ * The subclass should throw DB_ERROR if any of the expected values are
+ * not found. Current implementations simply return false.
+ *
+ * @param std::function fn the function to run
+ *
+ * @return false if the function returns false for any transaction, otherwise true
+ */
virtual bool for_all_transactions(std::function<bool(const crypto::hash&, const cryptonote::transaction&)>) const = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief runs a function over all outputs stored
+ *
+ * The subclass should run the passed function for each output it has
+ * stored, passing (amount, transaction_hash, tx_local_output_index)
+ * as its parameters.
+ *
+ * If any call to the function returns false, the subclass should return
+ * false. Otherwise, the subclass returns true.
+ *
+ * The subclass should throw DB_ERROR if any of the expected values are
+ * not found. Current implementations simply return false.
+ *
+ * @param std::function f the function to run
+ *
+ * @return false if the function returns false for any output, otherwise true
+ */
virtual bool for_all_outputs(std::function<bool(uint64_t amount, const crypto::hash &tx_hash, size_t tx_idx)> f) const = 0;
+ //
// Hard fork related storage
+ //
+ // FIXME: verify that this is all correct
+ // - TW
+ /**
+ * @brief sets the height at which a hard fork has been voted to happen
+ *
+ *
+ * @param version the version voted to fork to
+ * @param height the height of the first block on the new fork
+ */
virtual void set_hard_fork_starting_height(uint8_t version, uint64_t height) = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief gets the height at which a hard fork has been voted to happen
+ *
+ * @param version the version to check
+ *
+ * @return the height at which the hard fork was accepted, if it has been,
+ * otherwise max(uint64_t)
+ */
virtual uint64_t get_hard_fork_starting_height(uint8_t version) const = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief sets which hardfork version a height is on
+ *
+ * @param height the height
+ * @param version the version
+ */
virtual void set_hard_fork_version(uint64_t height, uint8_t version) = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief checks which hardfork version a height is on
+ *
+ * @param height the height
+ *
+ * @return the version
+ */
virtual uint8_t get_hard_fork_version(uint64_t height) const = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief verify hard fork info in database
+ */
virtual void check_hard_fork_info() = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief delete hard fork info from database
+ */
virtual void drop_hard_fork_info() = 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief is BlockchainDB in read-only mode?
+ *
+ * @return true if in read-only mode, otherwise false
+ */
virtual bool is_read_only() const = 0;
- // fix up anything that may be wrong due to past bugs
+ // TODO: this should perhaps be (or call) a series of functions which
+ // progressively update through version updates
+ /**
+ * @brief fix up anything that may be wrong due to past bugs
+ */
virtual void fixup();
+ /**
+ * @brief set whether or not to automatically remove logs
+ *
+ * This function is only relevant for one implementation (BlockchainBDB), but
+ * is here to keep BlockchainDB users implementation-agnostic.
+ *
+ * @param auto_remove whether or not to auto-remove logs
+ */
void set_auto_remove_logs(bool auto_remove) { m_auto_remove_logs = auto_remove; }
- bool m_open;
- mutable epee::critical_section m_synchronization_lock;
+ bool m_open; //!< Whether or not the BlockchainDB is open/ready for use
+ mutable epee::critical_section m_synchronization_lock; //!< A lock, currently for when BlockchainLMDB needs to resize the backing db file
}; // class BlockchainDB