path: root/src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp
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authorRiccardo Spagni <ric@spagni.net>2015-10-30 09:58:40 +0200
committerRiccardo Spagni <ric@spagni.net>2015-10-30 09:58:41 +0200
commit6960b1e8a9b3424fce9ce1ee5d668a1270e196cd (patch)
tree1c257c5a7ba77d9466804d3a0db8d9a9618c39ae /src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp
parentMerge pull request #457 (diff)
parentRemove some old/obsolete/unused code (diff)
Merge pull request #460
4f873bc Remove some old/obsolete/unused code (moneromooo-monero)
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp b/src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp
index fc4f59cc3..9acb63364 100644
--- a/src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp
+++ b/src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp
@@ -195,8 +195,6 @@ const char* const LMDB_OUTPUT_TXS = "output_txs";
const char* const LMDB_OUTPUT_INDICES = "output_indices";
const char* const LMDB_OUTPUT_AMOUNTS = "output_amounts";
const char* const LMDB_OUTPUT_KEYS = "output_keys";
-const char* const LMDB_OUTPUTS = "outputs";
-const char* const LMDB_OUTPUT_GINDICES = "output_gindices";
const char* const LMDB_SPENT_KEYS = "spent_keys";
const char* const LMDB_HF_STARTING_HEIGHTS = "hf_starting_heights";
@@ -691,19 +689,6 @@ void BlockchainLMDB::add_output(const crypto::hash& tx_hash, const tx_out& tx_ou
throw0(DB_ERROR("Failed to add output pubkey to db transaction"));
-/****** Uncomment if ever outputs actually need to be stored in this manner
- *
- blobdata b = output_to_blob(tx_output);
- v.mv_size = b.size();
- v.mv_data = &b;
- if (mdb_put(*m_write_txn, m_outputs, &k, &v, 0))
- throw0(DB_ERROR("Failed to add output to db transaction"));
- if (mdb_put(*m_write_txn, m_output_gindices, &v, &k, 0))
- throw0(DB_ERROR("Failed to add output global index to db transaction"));
@@ -760,26 +745,6 @@ void BlockchainLMDB::remove_output(const uint64_t& out_index, const uint64_t amo
MDB_val_copy<uint64_t> k(out_index);
-/****** Uncomment if ever outputs actually need to be stored in this manner
- blobdata b;
- t_serializable_object_to_blob(tx_output, b);
- k.mv_size = b.size();
- k.mv_data = &b;
- if (mdb_get(*m_write_txn, m_output_gindices, &k, &v))
- throw1(OUTPUT_DNE("Attempting to remove output that does not exist"));
- uint64_t gindex = *(uint64_t*)v.mv_data;
- auto result = mdb_del(*m_write_txn, m_output_gindices, &k, NULL);
- if (result != 0 && result != MDB_NOTFOUND)
- throw1(OUTPUT_DNE("Error adding removal of output global index to db transaction"));
- result = mdb_del(*m_write_txn, m_outputs, &v, NULL);
- if (result != 0 && result != MDB_NOTFOUND)
- throw1(DB_ERROR("Error adding removal of output to db transaction"));
auto result = mdb_del(*m_write_txn, m_output_indices, &k, NULL);
if (result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
@@ -1053,11 +1018,6 @@ void BlockchainLMDB::open(const std::string& filename, const int mdb_flags)
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_OUTPUT_AMOUNTS, MDB_INTEGERKEY | MDB_DUPSORT | MDB_DUPFIXED | MDB_CREATE, m_output_amounts, "Failed to open db handle for m_output_amounts");
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_OUTPUT_KEYS, MDB_INTEGERKEY | MDB_CREATE, m_output_keys, "Failed to open db handle for m_output_keys");
-/*************** not used, but kept for posterity
- lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_OUTPUTS, MDB_INTEGERKEY | MDB_CREATE, m_outputs, "Failed to open db handle for m_outputs");
- lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_OUTPUT_GINDICES, MDB_CREATE, m_output_gindices, "Failed to open db handle for m_output_gindices");
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_SPENT_KEYS, MDB_CREATE, m_spent_keys, "Failed to open db handle for m_spent_keys");
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_HF_STARTING_HEIGHTS, MDB_CREATE, m_hf_starting_heights, "Failed to open db handle for m_hf_starting_heights");
@@ -1787,75 +1747,6 @@ output_data_t BlockchainLMDB::get_output_key(const uint64_t& amount, const uint6
return get_output_key(glob_index);
-tx_out BlockchainLMDB::get_output(const crypto::hash& h, const uint64_t& index) const
- LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
- check_open();
- mdb_txn_safe txn;
- if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
- throw0(DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db"));
- lmdb_cur cur(txn, m_tx_outputs);
- MDB_val_copy<crypto::hash> k(h);
- MDB_val v;
- auto result = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &k, &v, MDB_SET);
- if (result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
- throw1(OUTPUT_DNE("Attempting to get an output by tx hash and tx index, but output not found"));
- else if (result)
- throw0(DB_ERROR("DB error attempting to get an output"));
- size_t num_elems = 0;
- mdb_cursor_count(cur, &num_elems);
- if (num_elems <= index)
- throw1(OUTPUT_DNE("Attempting to get an output by tx hash and tx index, but output not found"));
- mdb_cursor_get(cur, &k, &v, MDB_FIRST_DUP);
- for (uint64_t i = 0; i < index; ++i)
- {
- mdb_cursor_get(cur, &k, &v, MDB_NEXT_DUP);
- }
- mdb_cursor_get(cur, &k, &v, MDB_GET_CURRENT);
- blobdata b;
- b = *(blobdata*)v.mv_data;
- cur.close();
- txn.commit();
- return output_from_blob(b);
-// As this is not used, its return is now a blank output.
-// This will save on space in the db.
-tx_out BlockchainLMDB::get_output(const uint64_t& index) const
- return tx_out();
- LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
- check_open();
- mdb_txn_safe txn;
- if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
- throw0(DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db"));
- MDB_val_copy<uint64_t> k(index);
- MDB_val v;
- auto get_result = mdb_get(txn, m_outputs, &k, &v);
- if (get_result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
- {
- throw OUTPUT_DNE("Attempting to get output by global index, but output does not exist");
- }
- else if (get_result)
- throw0(DB_ERROR("Error attempting to retrieve an output from the db"));
- blobdata b = *(blobdata*)v.mv_data;
- return output_from_blob(b);
tx_out_index BlockchainLMDB::get_output_tx_and_index_from_global(const uint64_t& index) const
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);