path: root/external/unbound/pythonmod/doc
diff options
authorRiccardo Spagni <ric@spagni.net>2018-03-18 18:50:21 +0200
committerRiccardo Spagni <ric@spagni.net>2018-03-18 18:50:21 +0200
commit1f6e6001ed37b48788ef071f3297b7e9d67586a5 (patch)
tree7ff391303a4b5643294bc4f91d1c493791f98879 /external/unbound/pythonmod/doc
parentMerge pull request #3426 (diff)
parentUnbound: add git submodule for unbound (diff)
Merge pull request #2133
efe70a15 Unbound: add git submodule for unbound (anonimal) 84c5a9ba Unbound: remove unbound from in-tree source (anonimal)
Diffstat (limited to '')
19 files changed, 0 insertions, 2841 deletions
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-this directory exists to pacify sphinx-build.
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Unbound scripting interface documentation build configuration file
-# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir.
-# The contents of this file are pickled, so don't put values in the namespace
-# that aren't pickleable (module imports are okay, they're removed automatically).
-# All configuration values have a default value; values that are commented out
-# serve to show the default value.
-import sys, os
-# If your extensions are in another directory, add it here. If the directory
-# is relative to the documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it
-# absolute, like shown here.
-#print sys.path
-# General configuration
-# ---------------------
-# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions
-# coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones.
-extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.doctest']
-# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
-templates_path = ['_templates']
-# The suffix of source filenames.
-source_suffix = '.rst'
-# The master toctree document.
-master_doc = 'index'
-# General substitutions.
-project = 'Unbound scriptable interface'
-copyright = '2009, Zdenek Vasicek, Marek Vavrusa'
-# The default replacements for |version| and |release|, also used in various
-# other places throughout the built documents.
-# The short X.Y version.
-version = '1.0'
-# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
-release = '1.0.0'
-# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
-# non-false value, then it is used:
-#today = ''
-# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
-today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
-# List of documents that shouldn't be included in the build.
-#unused_docs = []
-# List of directories, relative to source directories, that shouldn't be searched
-# for source files.
-#exclude_dirs = []
-# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents.
-#default_role = None
-# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
-#add_function_parentheses = True
-# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description
-# unit titles (such as .. function::).
-#add_module_names = True
-# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the
-# output. They are ignored by default.
-#show_authors = False
-# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
-pygments_style = 'sphinx'
-# Options for HTML output
-# -----------------------
-# The theme that the html output should use.
-html_theme = "classic"
-# The style sheet to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. A file of that name
-# must exist either in Sphinx' static/ path, or in one of the custom paths
-# given in html_static_path.
-#html_style = 'default.css'
-# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to
-# "<project> v<release> documentation".
-#html_title = None
-# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title.
-#html_short_title = None
-# The name of an image file (within the static path) to place at the top of
-# the sidebar.
-#html_logo = None
-# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the
-# docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
-# pixels large.
-#html_favicon = None
-# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
-# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
-# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
-html_static_path = ['_static']
-# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom,
-# using the given strftime format.
-html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y'
-# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to
-# typographically correct entities.
-#html_use_smartypants = True
-# Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names.
-#html_sidebars = {}
-# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to
-# template names.
-#html_additional_pages = {}
-# If false, no module index is generated.
-html_use_modindex = False
-# If false, no index is generated.
-html_use_index = True
-# If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter.
-#html_split_index = False
-# If true, the reST sources are included in the HTML build as _sources/<name>.
-html_copy_source = False
-# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will
-# contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the
-# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
-#html_use_opensearch = ''
-# If nonempty, this is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml").
-#html_file_suffix = ''
-# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
-htmlhelp_basename = 'unbound_interface'
-# Options for LaTeX output
-# ------------------------
-# The paper size ('letter' or 'a4').
-#latex_paper_size = 'letter'
-# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
-#latex_font_size = '10pt'
-# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
-# (source start file, target name, title, author, document class [howto/manual]).
-latex_documents = [
- ('index', 'Unbound_interface.tex', 'Unbound scriptable interface',
- 'Zdenek Vasicek, Marek Vavrusa', 'manual'),
-# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
-# the title page.
-#latex_logo = None
-# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts,
-# not chapters.
-#latex_use_parts = False
-# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
-#latex_preamble = ''
-# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
-#latex_appendices = []
-# If false, no module index is generated.
-#latex_use_modindex = True
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-def init(id, cfg):
- log_info("pythonmod: init called, module id is %d port: %d script: %s" % (id, cfg.port, cfg.python_script))
- return True
-def deinit(id):
- log_info("pythonmod: deinit called, module id is %d" % id)
- return True
-def inform_super(id, qstate, superqstate, qdata):
- return True
-def operate(id, event, qstate, qdata):
- log_info("pythonmod: operate called, id: %d, event:%s" % (id, strmodulevent(event)))
- if event == MODULE_EVENT_NEW:
- qstate.ext_state[id] = MODULE_WAIT_MODULE
- return True
- log_info("pythonmod: module we are waiting for is done")
- qstate.ext_state[id] = MODULE_FINISHED
- return True
- if event == MODULE_EVENT_PASS:
- log_info("pythonmod: event_pass")
- qstate.ext_state[id] = MODULE_ERROR
- return True
- log_err("pythonmod: BAD event")
- qstate.ext_state[id] = MODULE_ERROR
- return True
-log_info("pythonmod: script loaded.")
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-.. _example_handler:
-This basic example shows how to create simple python module which will pass on the requests to the iterator.
-How to enable python module
-If you look into unbound configuration file, you can find the option `module-config` which specifies the names and the order of modules to be used.
-Example configuration::
- module-config: "validator python iterator"
-As soon as the DNS query arrives, Unbound calls modules starting from leftmost - the validator *(it is the first module on the list)*.
-The validator does not know the answer *(it can only validate)*, thus it will pass on the event to the next module.
-Next module is python which can
- a) generate answer *(response)*
- When python module generates the response unbound calls validator. Validator grabs the answer and determines the security flag.
- b) pass on the event to the iterator.
- When iterator resolves the query, Unbound informs python module (event :data:`module_event_moddone`). In the end, when the python module is done, validator is called.
-Note that the python module is called with :data:`module_event_pass` event, because new DNS event was already handled by validator.
-Another situation occurs when we use the following configuration::
- module-config: "python validator iterator"
-Python module is the first module here, so it's invoked with :data:`module_event_new` event *(new query)*.
-On Python module initialization, module loads script from `python-script` option::
- python-script: "/unbound/test/ubmodule.py"
-Simple python module step by step
-Script file must contain four compulsory functions:
-.. function:: init(id, cfg)
- Initialize module internals, like database etc.
- Called just once on module load.
- :param id: module identifier (integer)
- :param cfg: :class:`config_file` configuration structure
- def init(id, cfg):
- log_info("pythonmod: init called, module id is %d port: %d script: %s" % (id, cfg.port, cfg.python_script))
- return True
-.. function:: deinit(id)
- Deinitialize module internals.
- Called just once on module unload.
- :param id: module identifier (integer)
- def deinit(id):
- log_info("pythonmod: deinit called, module id is %d" % id)
- return True
-.. function:: inform_super(id, qstate, superqstate, qdata)
- Inform super querystate about the results from this subquerystate.
- Is called when the querystate is finished.
- :param id: module identifier (integer)
- :param qstate: :class:`module_qstate` Query state
- :param superqstate: :class:`pythonmod_qstate` Mesh state
- :param qdata: :class:`query_info` Query data
- def inform_super(id, qstate, superqstate, qdata):
- return True
-.. function:: operate(id, event, qstate, qdata)
- Perform action on pending query. Accepts a new query, or work on pending query.
- You have to set qstate.ext_state on exit.
- The state informs unbound about result and controls the following states.
- :param id: module identifier (integer)
- :param qstate: :class:`module_qstate` query state structure
- :param qdata: :class:`query_info` per query data, here you can store your own data
- def operate(id, event, qstate, qdata):
- log_info("pythonmod: operate called, id: %d, event:%s" % (id, strmodulevent(event)))
- if event == MODULE_EVENT_NEW:
- qstate.ext_state[id] = MODULE_WAIT_MODULE
- return True
- qstate.ext_state[id] = MODULE_FINISHED
- return True
- if event == MODULE_EVENT_PASS:
- qstate.ext_state[id] = MODULE_ERROR
- return True
- log_err("pythonmod: BAD event")
- qstate.ext_state[id] = MODULE_ERROR
- return True
-Complete source code
-.. literalinclude:: example0-1.py
- :language: python
-As you can see, the source code is much more flexible in contrast to C modules.
-Moreover, compulsory functions called on appropriate module events allows to handle almost
-anything from web control to query analysis.
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-.. _log_handler:
-Packet logger
-This example shows how to log and print details about query and response.
-As soon as the ``iterator`` has finished (event is
-:data:`module_event_moddone`), ``qstate.return_msg`` contains response packet
-or ``None``.
-This packet will be send to a client that asked for it.
-Complete source code
-.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/log.py
- :language: python
-Run the unbound server:
-``root@localhost>unbound -dv -c ./test-log.conf``
-In case you use own configuration file, don't forget to enable python module:
-``module-config: "validator python iterator"`` and use valid script path:
-``python-script: "./examples/log.py"``.
-Example of output::
- [1231790168] unbound[7941:0] info: response for <f.gtld-servers.NET. AAAA IN>
- [1231790168] unbound[7941:0] info: reply from <gtld-servers.NET.>
- [1231790168] unbound[7941:0] info: query response was ANSWER
- [1231790168] unbound[7941:0] info: pythonmod: operate called, id: 1, event:module_event_moddone
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Query: f.gtld-servers.NET., type: AAAA (28), class: IN (1)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Return reply :: flags: 8080, QDcount: 1, Security:0, TTL=86400
- qinfo :: qname: ['f', 'gtld-servers', 'NET', ''] f.gtld-servers.NET., qtype: AAAA, qclass: IN
- Reply:
- 0 : ['gtld-servers', 'NET', ''] gtld-servers.NET. flags: 0000 type: SOA (6) class: IN (1)
- 0 : TTL= 86400
- 0x00 | 00 3A 02 41 32 05 4E 53 54 4C 44 03 43 4F 4D 00 05 | . : . A 2 . N S T L D . C O M . .
- 0x10 | 05 6E 73 74 6C 64 0C 76 65 72 69 73 69 67 6E 2D 67 | . n s t l d . v e r i s i g n - g
- 0x20 | 67 72 73 03 43 4F 4D 00 77 74 2D 64 00 00 0E 10 00 | g r s . C O M . w t - d . . . . .
- 0x30 | 00 00 03 84 00 12 75 00 00 01 51 80 | . . . . . . u . . . Q .
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-Response generation
-This example shows how to handle queries and generate response packet.
-.. note::
- If the python module is the first module and validator module is enabled
- (``module-config: "python validator iterator"``), a return_msg security flag
- has to be set at least to 2. Leaving security flag untouched causes that the
- response will be refused by unbound worker as unbound will consider it as
- non-valid response.
-Complete source code
-.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/resgen.py
- :language: python
-Run the unbound server:
-``root@localhost>unbound -dv -c ./test-resgen.conf``
-Query for a A record ending with .localdomain
-``dig A test.xxx.localdomain @``
-Dig produces the following output::
- ;; global options: printcmd
- ;; Got answer:
- ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 48426
- ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
- ;test.xxx.localdomain. IN A
- test.xxx.localdomain. 10 IN A
- ;; Query time: 2 msec
- ;; SERVER:
- ;; WHEN: Mon Jan 01 12:46:02 2009
- ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 54
-As we handle (override) in the python module only queries ending with
-``localdomain.``, unboud can still resolve host names.
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-Response modification
-This example shows how to modify the response produced by the ``iterator`` module.
-As soon as the iterator module returns the response, we :
-1. invalidate the data in cache
-2. modify the response *TTL*
-3. rewrite the data in cache
-4. return modified packet
-Note that the steps 1 and 3 are neccessary only in case, the python module is the first module in the processing chain.
-In other cases, the validator module guarantees updating data which are produced by iterator module.
-Complete source code
-.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/resmod.py
- :language: python
-Run Unbound server:
-``root@localhost>unbound -dv -c ./test-resmod.conf``
-Issue a query for name ending with "nic.cz."
-``>>>dig A @ www.nic.cz``
- ;; global options: printcmd
- ;; Got answer:
- ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 48831
- ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 3, ADDITIONAL: 5
- ;www.nic.cz. IN A
- www.nic.cz. 10 IN A
- nic.cz. 10 IN NS e.ns.nic.cz.
- nic.cz. 10 IN NS a.ns.nic.cz.
- nic.cz. 10 IN NS c.ns.nic.cz.
- a.ns.nic.cz. 10 IN A
- a.ns.nic.cz. 10 IN AAAA 2001:1488:dada:176::180
- c.ns.nic.cz. 10 IN A
- c.ns.nic.cz. 10 IN AAAA 2a01:40:1000::2
- e.ns.nic.cz. 10 IN A
- ;; Query time: 166 msec
- ;; SERVER:
- ;; WHEN: Mon Jan 02 13:39:43 2009
- ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 199
-As you can see, TTL of all the records is set to 10.
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-DNS-based language dictionary
-This example shows how to create a simple language dictionary based on **DNS**
-service within 15 minutes. The translation will be performed using TXT resource
-Key parts
-On **init()** module loads dictionary from a text file containing records in
-``word [tab] translation`` format.
- def init(id, cfg):
- log_info("pythonmod: dict init")
- f = open("examples/dict_data.txt", "r")
- ...
-The suitable file can be found at http://slovnik.zcu.cz
-DNS query and word lookup
-Let's define the following format od DNS queries:
-``word1[.]word2[.] ... wordN[.]{en,cs}[._dict_.cz.]``.
-Word lookup is done by simple ``dict`` lookup from broken DNS request.
-Query name is divided into a list of labels. This list is accessible as
-``qname_list`` attribute.
- aword = ' '.join(qstate.qinfo.qname_list[0:-4]) #skip last four labels
- adict = qstate.qinfo.qname_list[-4] #get 4th label from the end
- words = [] #list of words
- if (adict == "en") and (aword in en_dict):
- words = en_dict[aword]
- if (adict == "cs") and (aword in cz_dict):
- words = cz_dict[aword] # CS -> EN
-In the first step, we get a string in the form:
-In the second assignment, fourth label from the end is obtained. This label
-should contains *"cs"* or *"en"*. This label determines the direction of
-Forming of a DNS reply
-DNS reply is formed only on valid match and added as TXT answer.
- msg = DNSMessage(qstate.qinfo.qname_str, RR_TYPE_TXT, RR_CLASS_IN, PKT_AA)
- for w in words:
- msg.answer.append("%s 300 IN TXT \"%s\"" % (qstate.qinfo.qname_str, w.replace("\"", "\\\"")))
- if not msg.set_return_msg(qstate):
- qstate.ext_state[id] = MODULE_ERROR
- return True
- qstate.return_rcode = RCODE_NOERROR
- qstate.ext_state[id] = MODULE_FINISHED
- return True
-In the first step, a :class:`DNSMessage` instance is created for a given query
-*(type TXT)*.
-The fourth argument specifies the flags *(authoritative answer)*.
-In the second step, we append TXT records containing the translation *(on the
-right side of RR)*.
-Then, the response is finished and ``qstate.return_msg`` contains new response.
-If no error, the module sets :attr:`module_qstate.return_rcode` and
-1. create :class:`DNSMessage` instance
-2. append TXT records containing the translation
-3. set response to ``qstate.return_msg``
-Run the Unbound server:
-``root@localhost>unbound -dv -c ./test-dict.conf``
-In case you use own configuration file, don't forget to enable Python module::
- module-config: "validator python iterator"
-and use valid script path::
- python-script: "./examples/dict.py"
-The translation from english word *"a bar fly"* to Czech can be done by doing:
-``>>>dig TXT @ a.bar.fly.en._dict_.cz``
- ; (1 server found)
- ;; global options: printcmd
- ;; Got answer:
- ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 48691
- ;; flags: aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
- ;a.bar.fly.en._dict_.cz. IN TXT
- a.bar.fly.en._dict_.cz. 300 IN TXT "barov\253 povale\232"
- ;; Query time: 5 msec
- ;; SERVER:
- ;; WHEN: Mon Jan 01 17:44:18 2009
- ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 67
-``>>>dig TXT @ nic.cs._dict_.cz``
- ; <<>> DiG 9.5.0-P2 <<>> TXT @ nic.cs._dict_.cz
- ; (1 server found)
- ;; global options: printcmd
- ;; Got answer:
- ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 58710
- ;; flags: aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 6, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
- ;nic.cs._dict_.cz. IN TXT
- nic.cs._dict_.cz. 300 IN TXT "aught"
- nic.cs._dict_.cz. 300 IN TXT "naught"
- nic.cs._dict_.cz. 300 IN TXT "nihil"
- nic.cs._dict_.cz. 300 IN TXT "nix"
- nic.cs._dict_.cz. 300 IN TXT "nothing"
- nic.cs._dict_.cz. 300 IN TXT "zilch"
- ;; Query time: 0 msec
- ;; SERVER:
- ;; WHEN: Mon Jan 01 17:45:39 2009
- ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 143
- Proof that the unbound still works as resolver.
-``>>>dig A @ www.nic.cz``
- ; (1 server found)
- ;; global options: printcmd
- ;; Got answer:
- ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 19996
- ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 3, ADDITIONAL: 5
- ;www.nic.cz. IN A
- www.nic.cz. 1662 IN A
- ...
-Complete source code
-.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/dict.py
- :language: python
diff --git a/external/unbound/pythonmod/doc/examples/example5.rst b/external/unbound/pythonmod/doc/examples/example5.rst
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-EDNS options
-This example shows how to interact with EDNS options.
-When quering unbound with the EDNS option ``65001`` and data ``0xc001`` we
-expect an answer with the same EDNS option code and data ``0xdeadbeef``.
-Key parts
-This example relies on the following functionalities:
-Registering EDNS options
-By registering EDNS options we can tune unbound's behavior when encountering a
-query with a known EDNS option. The two available options are:
-- ``bypass_cache_stage``: If set to ``True`` unbound will not try to answer
- from cache. Instead execution is passed to the modules
-- ``no_aggregation``: If set to ``True`` unbound will consider this query
- unique and will not aggregate it with similar queries
-Both values default to ``False``.
-.. code-block:: python
- if not register_edns_option(env, 65001, bypass_cache_stage=True,
- no_aggregation=True):
- log_info("python: Could not register EDNS option {}".format(65001))
-EDNS option lists
-EDNS option lists can be found in the :class:`module_qstate` class. There are
-four available lists in total:
-- :class:`module_qstate.edns_opts_front_in`: options that came from the client
- side. **Should not** be changed
-- :class:`module_qstate.edns_opts_back_out`: options that will be sent to the
- server side. Can be populated by edns literate modules
-- :class:`module_qstate.edns_opts_back_in`: options that came from the server
- side. **Should not** be changed
-- :class:`module_qstate.edns_opts_front_out`: options that will be sent to the
- client side. Can be populated by edns literate modules
-Each list element has the following members:
-- ``code``: the EDNS option code;
-- ``data``: the EDNS option data.
-Reading an EDNS option list
-The lists' contents can be accessed in python by their ``_iter`` counterpart as
-an iterator:
-.. code-block:: python
- if not edns_opt_list_is_empty(qstate.edns_opts_front_in):
- for o in qstate.edns_opts_front_in_iter:
- log_info("python: Code: {}, Data: '{}'".format(o.code,
- "".join('{:02x}'.format(x) for x in o.data)))
-Writing to an EDNS option list
-By appending to an EDNS option list we can add new EDNS options. The new
-element is going to be allocated in :class:`module_qstate.region`. The data
-**must** be represented with a python ``bytearray``:
-.. code-block:: python
- b = bytearray.fromhex("deadbeef")
- if not edns_opt_list_append(qstate.edns_opts_front_out,
- o.code, b, qstate.region):
- log_info("python: Could not append EDNS option {}".format(o.code))
-We can also remove an EDNS option code from an EDNS option list.
-.. code-block:: python
- if not edns_opt_list_remove(edns_opt_list, code):
- log_info("python: Option code {} was not found in the "
- "list.".format(code))
-.. note:: All occurences of the EDNS option code will be removed from the list:
-Controlling other modules' cache behavior
-During the modules' operation, some modules may interact with the cache
-(e.g., iterator). This behavior can be controlled by using the following
-:class:`module_qstate` flags:
-- :class:`module_qstate.no_cache_lookup`: Modules *operating after* this module
- will not lookup the cache for an answer
-- :class:`module_qstate.no_cache_store`: Modules *operating after* this module
- will not store the response in the cache
-Both values default to ``0``.
-.. code-block:: python
- def operate(id, event, qstate, qdata):
- if (event == MODULE_EVENT_NEW) or (event == MODULE_EVENT_PASS):
- # Detect if edns option code 56001 is present from the client side. If
- # so turn on the flags for cache management.
- if not edns_opt_list_is_empty(qstate.edns_opts_front_in):
- log_info("python: searching for edns option code 65001 during NEW "
- "or PASS event ")
- for o in qstate.edns_opts_front_in_iter:
- if o.code == 65001:
- log_info("python: found edns option code 65001")
- # Instruct other modules to not lookup for an
- # answer in the cache.
- qstate.no_cache_lookup = 1
- log_info("python: enabled no_cache_lookup")
- # Instruct other modules to not store the answer in
- # the cache.
- qstate.no_cache_store = 1
- log_info("python: enabled no_cache_store")
-Run the Unbound server: ::
- root@localhost$ unbound -dv -c ./test-edns.conf
-In case you use your own configuration file, don't forget to enable the Python
- module-config: "validator python iterator"
-and use a valid script path::
- python-script: "./examples/edns.py"
-Quering with EDNS option ``65001:0xc001``:
- root@localhost$ dig @localhost nlnetlabs.nl +ednsopt=65001:c001
- ; <<>> DiG 9.10.3-P4-Ubuntu <<>> @localhost nlnetlabs.nl +ednsopt=65001:c001
- ; (1 server found)
- ;; global options: +cmd
- ;; Got answer:
- ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 33450
- ;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 4, ADDITIONAL: 3
- ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
- ; OPT=65001: de ad be ef ("....")
- ;nlnetlabs.nl. IN A
- nlnetlabs.nl. 10200 IN A
- nlnetlabs.nl. 10200 IN NS anyns.pch.net.
- nlnetlabs.nl. 10200 IN NS ns.nlnetlabs.nl.
- nlnetlabs.nl. 10200 IN NS ns-ext1.sidn.nl.
- nlnetlabs.nl. 10200 IN NS sec2.authdns.ripe.net.
- ns.nlnetlabs.nl. 10200 IN AAAA 2a04:b900::8:0:0:60
- ns.nlnetlabs.nl. 10200 IN A
- ;; Query time: 10 msec
- ;; SERVER:
- ;; WHEN: Mon Dec 05 14:50:56 CET 2016
- ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 212
-Complete source code
-.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/edns.py
- :language: python
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-Inplace callbacks
-This example shows how to register and use inplace callback functions. These
-functions are going to be called just before unbound replies back to a client.
-They can perform certain actions without interrupting unbound's execution flow
-(e.g. add/remove EDNS options, manipulate the reply).
-Two different scenarios will be shown:
-- If answering from cache and the client used EDNS option code ``65002`` we
- will answer with the same code but with data ``0xdeadbeef``;
-- When answering with a SERVFAIL we also add an empty EDNS option code
- ``65003``.
-Key parts
-This example relies on the following functionalities:
-Registering inplace callback functions
-There are four types of inplace callback functions:
-- `inplace callback reply functions`_
-- `inplace callback reply_cache functions`_
-- `inplace callback reply_local functions`_
-- `inplace callback reply_servfail functions`_
-Inplace callback reply functions
-Called when answering with a *resolved* query.
-The callback function's prototype is the following:
-.. code-block:: python
- def inplace_reply_callback(qinfo, qstate, rep, rcode, edns, opt_list_out, region):
- """Function that will be registered as an inplace callback function.
- It will be called when answering with a resolved query.
- :param qinfo: query_info struct;
- :param qstate: module qstate. It contains the available opt_lists; It
- SHOULD NOT be altered;
- :param rep: reply_info struct;
- :param rcode: return code for the query;
- :param edns: edns_data to be sent to the client side. It SHOULD NOT be
- altered;
- :param opt_list_out: the list with the EDNS options that will be sent as a
- reply. It can be populated with EDNS options;
- :param region: region to allocate temporary data. Needs to be used when we
- want to append a new option to opt_list_out.
- :return: True on success, False on failure.
- """
-.. note:: The function's name is irrelevant.
-We can register such function as:
-.. code-block:: python
- if not register_inplace_cb_reply(inplace_reply_callback, env, id):
- log_info("python: Could not register inplace callback function.")
-Inplace callback reply_cache functions
-Called when answering *from cache*.
-The callback function's prototype is the following:
-.. code-block:: python
- def inplace_cache_callback(qinfo, qstate, rep, rcode, edns, opt_list_out, region):
- """Function that will be registered as an inplace callback function.
- It will be called when answering from the cache.
- :param qinfo: query_info struct;
- :param qstate: module qstate. None;
- :param rep: reply_info struct;
- :param rcode: return code for the query;
- :param edns: edns_data sent from the client side. The list with the EDNS
- options is accesible through edns.opt_list. It SHOULD NOT be
- altered;
- :param opt_list_out: the list with the EDNS options that will be sent as a
- reply. It can be populated with EDNS options;
- :param region: region to allocate temporary data. Needs to be used when we
- want to append a new option to opt_list_out.
- :return: True on success, False on failure.
- """
-.. note:: The function's name is irrelevant.
-We can register such function as:
-.. code-block:: python
- if not register_inplace_cb_reply_cache(inplace_cache_callback, env, id):
- log_info("python: Could not register inplace callback function.")
-Inplace callback reply_local functions
-Called when answering with *local data* or a *Chaos(CH) reply*.
-The callback function's prototype is the following:
-.. code-block:: python
- def inplace_local_callback(qinfo, qstate, rep, rcode, edns, opt_list_out, region):
- """Function that will be registered as an inplace callback function.
- It will be called when answering from local data.
- :param qinfo: query_info struct;
- :param qstate: module qstate. None;
- :param rep: reply_info struct;
- :param rcode: return code for the query;
- :param edns: edns_data sent from the client side. The list with the
- EDNS options is accesible through edns.opt_list. It
- SHOULD NOT be altered;
- :param opt_list_out: the list with the EDNS options that will be sent as a
- reply. It can be populated with EDNS options;
- :param region: region to allocate temporary data. Needs to be used when we
- want to append a new option to opt_list_out.
- :return: True on success, False on failure.
- """
-.. note:: The function's name is irrelevant.
-We can register such function as:
-.. code-block:: python
- if not register_inplace_cb_reply_local(inplace_local_callback, env, id):
- log_info("python: Could not register inplace callback function.")
-Inplace callback reply_servfail functions
-Called when answering with *SERVFAIL*.
-The callback function's prototype is the following:
-.. code-block:: python
- def inplace_servfail_callback(qinfo, qstate, rep, rcode, edns, opt_list_out, region):
- """Function that will be registered as an inplace callback function.
- It will be called when answering with SERVFAIL.
- :param qinfo: query_info struct;
- :param qstate: module qstate. If not None the relevant opt_lists are
- available here;
- :param rep: reply_info struct. None;
- :param rcode: return code for the query. LDNS_RCODE_SERVFAIL;
- :param edns: edns_data to be sent to the client side. If qstate is None
- edns.opt_list contains the EDNS options sent from the client
- side. It SHOULD NOT be altered;
- :param opt_list_out: the list with the EDNS options that will be sent as a
- reply. It can be populated with EDNS options;
- :param region: region to allocate temporary data. Needs to be used when we
- want to append a new option to opt_list_out.
- :return: True on success, False on failure.
- """
-.. note:: The function's name is irrelevant.
-We can register such function as:
-.. code-block:: python
- if not register_inplace_cb_reply_servfail(inplace_servfail_callback, env, id):
- log_info("python: Could not register inplace callback function.")
-Run the Unbound server: ::
- root@localhost$ unbound -dv -c ./test-inplace_callbacks.conf
-In case you use your own configuration file, don't forget to enable the Python
- module-config: "validator python iterator"
-and use a valid script path ::
- python-script: "./examples/inplace_callbacks.py"
-On the first query for the nlnetlabs.nl A record we get no EDNS option back:
- root@localhost$ dig @localhost nlnetlabs.nl +ednsopt=65002
- ; <<>> DiG 9.10.3-P4-Ubuntu <<>> @localhost nlnetlabs.nl +ednsopt=65002
- ; (1 server found)
- ;; global options: +cmd
- ;; Got answer:
- ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 48057
- ;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 4, ADDITIONAL: 3
- ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
- ;nlnetlabs.nl. IN A
- nlnetlabs.nl. 10200 IN A
- nlnetlabs.nl. 10200 IN NS ns.nlnetlabs.nl.
- nlnetlabs.nl. 10200 IN NS sec2.authdns.ripe.net.
- nlnetlabs.nl. 10200 IN NS anyns.pch.net.
- nlnetlabs.nl. 10200 IN NS ns-ext1.sidn.nl.
- ns.nlnetlabs.nl. 10200 IN A
- ns.nlnetlabs.nl. 10200 IN AAAA 2a04:b900::8:0:0:60
- ;; Query time: 813 msec
- ;; SERVER:
- ;; WHEN: Mon Dec 05 16:15:32 CET 2016
- ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 204
-When we issue the same query again we get a cached response and the expected
-``65002: 0xdeadbeef`` EDNS option:
- root@localhost$ dig @localhost nlnetlabs.nl +ednsopt=65002
- ; <<>> DiG 9.10.3-P4-Ubuntu <<>> @localhost nlnetlabs.nl +ednsopt=65002
- ; (1 server found)
- ;; global options: +cmd
- ;; Got answer:
- ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 26489
- ;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 4, ADDITIONAL: 3
- ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
- ; OPT=65002: de ad be ef ("....")
- ;nlnetlabs.nl. IN A
- nlnetlabs.nl. 10197 IN A
- nlnetlabs.nl. 10197 IN NS ns.nlnetlabs.nl.
- nlnetlabs.nl. 10197 IN NS sec2.authdns.ripe.net.
- nlnetlabs.nl. 10197 IN NS anyns.pch.net.
- nlnetlabs.nl. 10197 IN NS ns-ext1.sidn.nl.
- ns.nlnetlabs.nl. 10197 IN AAAA 2a04:b900::8:0:0:60
- ns.nlnetlabs.nl. 10197 IN A
- ;; Query time: 0 msec
- ;; SERVER:
- ;; WHEN: Mon Dec 05 16:50:04 CET 2016
- ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 212
-By issuing a query for a bogus domain unbound replies with SERVFAIL and an
-empty EDNS option code ``65003``. *For this example to work unbound needs to be
- root@localhost$ dig @localhost bogus.nlnetlabs.nl txt
- ; <<>> DiG 9.10.3-P4-Ubuntu <<>> @localhost bogus.nlnetlabs.nl txt
- ; (1 server found)
- ;; global options: +cmd
- ;; Got answer:
- ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 19865
- ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
- ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
- ; OPT=65003
- ;bogus.nlnetlabs.nl. IN TXT
- ;; Query time: 11 msec
- ;; SERVER:
- ;; WHEN: Mon Dec 05 17:06:01 CET 2016
- ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 51
-Complete source code
-.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/inplace_callbacks.py
- :language: python
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-.. _Tutorials:
-Here you can find several tutorials which clarify the usage and capabilities of
-the Unbound scriptable interface.
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- :glob:
- example*
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-Unbound scriptable interface
-Python module for **Unbound** provides easy-to-use flexible solution,
-for scripting query events and much more!
-Along with extensible **SWIG** interface, it turns **Unbound** into dynamic *DNS* service
-designed for rapid development of *DNS* based applications, like detailed *(per query/domain)* statistics,
-monitoring with anything Python can offer *(database backend, http server)*.
-**Key features**
- * Rapid dynamic DNS-based application development in **Python**
- * Extensible interface with **SWIG**
- * Easy to use debugging and analysis tool
- * Capable to produce authoritative answers
- * Support for logging or doing detailed statistics
- * Allows to manipulate with content of cache memory
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- install
- examples/index
- usecase
- modules/index
-Indices and tables
-* :ref:`genindex`
-* :ref:`search`
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-Python 2.4 or higher, SWIG 1.3 or higher, GNU make
-You can download the source codes `here`_.
-The latest release is 1.1.1, Jan 15, 2009.
-.. _here: unbound-1.1.1-py.tar.gz
-After downloading, you can compile the Unbound library by doing::
- > tar -xzf unbound-1.1.1-py.tar.gz
- > cd unbound-1.1.1
- > ./configure --with-pythonmodule
- > make
-You need GNU make to compile sources.
-SWIG and Python devel libraries to compile extension module.
-If the compilation is successful, you can test the extension module by::
- > cd pythonmod
- > make sudo # or "make test" or "make suexec"
-This will start unbound server with language dictionary service
-(see :ref:`Tutorials`).
-In order to test this service, type::
- > dig TXT @ aught.en._dict_.cz
-Dig should print this message (czech equivalent of aught)::
- ; <<>> DiG 9.5.0-P2 <<>> TXT @ aught.en._dict_.cz
- ; (1 server found)
- ;; global options: printcmd
- ;; Got answer:
- ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 30085
- ;; flags: aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
- ;aught.en._dict_.cz. IN TXT
- aught.en._dict_.cz. 300 IN TXT "nic"
- ;; Query time: 11 msec
- ;; SERVER:
- ;; WHEN: Thu Jan 10 16:45:58 2009
- ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 52
-The ``pythonmod/examples`` directory contains simple applications written in
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-Configuration interface
-Currently passed to Python module in init(module_id, cfg).
-.. class:: config_file
- This class provides these data attributes:
- .. attribute:: verbosity
- Verbosity level as specified in the config file.
- .. attribute:: stat_interval
- Statistics interval (in seconds).
- .. attribute:: stat_cumulative
- If false, statistics values are reset after printing them.
- .. attribute:: stat_extended
- If true, the statistics are kept in greater detail.
- .. attribute:: num_threads
- Number of threads to create.
- .. attribute:: port
- Port on which queries are answered.
- .. attribute:: do_ip4
- Do ip4 query support.
- .. attribute:: do_ip6
- Do ip6 query support.
- .. attribute:: do_udp
- Do udp query support.
- .. attribute:: do_tcp
- Do tcp query support.
- .. attribute:: outgoing_num_ports
- Outgoing port range number of ports (per thread).
- .. attribute:: outgoing_num_tcp
- Number of outgoing tcp buffers per (per thread).
- .. attribute:: incoming_num_tcp
- Number of incoming tcp buffers per (per thread).
- .. attribute:: outgoing_avail_ports
- Allowed udp port numbers, array with 0 if not allowed.
- .. attribute:: msg_buffer_size
- Number of bytes buffer size for DNS messages.
- .. attribute:: msg_cache_size
- Size of the message cache.
- .. attribute:: msg_cache_slabs
- Slabs in the message cache.
- .. attribute:: num_queries_per_thread
- Number of queries every thread can service.
- .. attribute:: jostle_time
- Number of msec to wait before items can be jostled out.
- .. attribute:: rrset_cache_size
- Size of the rrset cache.
- .. attribute:: rrset_cache_slabs
- Slabs in the rrset cache.
- .. attribute:: host_ttl
- Host cache ttl in seconds.
- .. attribute:: lame_ttl
- Host is lame for a zone ttl, in seconds.
- .. attribute:: infra_cache_slabs
- Number of slabs in the infra host cache.
- .. attribute:: infra_cache_numhosts
- Max number of hosts in the infra cache.
- .. attribute:: infra_cache_lame_size
- Max size of lame zones per host in the infra cache.
- .. attribute:: target_fetch_policy
- The target fetch policy for the iterator.
- .. attribute:: if_automatic
- Automatic interface for incoming messages. Uses ipv6 remapping,
- and recvmsg/sendmsg ancillary data to detect interfaces, boolean.
- .. attribute:: num_ifs
- Number of interfaces to open. If 0 default all interfaces.
- .. attribute:: ifs
- Interface description strings (IP addresses).
- .. attribute:: num_out_ifs
- Number of outgoing interfaces to open.
- If 0 default all interfaces.
- .. attribute:: out_ifs
- Outgoing interface description strings (IP addresses).
- .. attribute:: root_hints
- The root hints.
- .. attribute:: stubs
- The stub definitions, linked list.
- .. attribute:: forwards
- The forward zone definitions, linked list.
- .. attribute:: donotqueryaddrs
- List of donotquery addresses, linked list.
- .. attribute:: acls
- List of access control entries, linked list.
- .. attribute:: donotquery_localhost
- Use default localhost donotqueryaddr entries.
- .. attribute:: harden_short_bufsize
- Harden against very small edns buffer sizes.
- .. attribute:: harden_large_queries
- Harden against very large query sizes.
- .. attribute:: harden_glue
- Harden against spoofed glue (out of zone data).
- .. attribute:: harden_dnssec_stripped
- Harden against receiving no DNSSEC data for trust anchor.
- .. attribute:: harden_referral_path
- Harden the referral path, query for NS,A,AAAA and validate.
- .. attribute:: use_caps_bits_for_id
- Use 0x20 bits in query as random ID bits.
- .. attribute:: private_address
- Strip away these private addrs from answers, no DNS Rebinding.
- .. attribute:: private_domain
- Allow domain (and subdomains) to use private address space.
- .. attribute:: unwanted_threshold
- What threshold for unwanted action.
- .. attribute:: chrootdir
- Chrootdir, if not "" or chroot will be done.
- .. attribute:: username
- Username to change to, if not "".
- .. attribute:: directory
- Working directory.
- .. attribute:: logfile
- Filename to log to.
- .. attribute:: pidfile
- Pidfile to write pid to.
- .. attribute:: use_syslog
- Should log messages be sent to syslogd.
- .. attribute:: hide_identity
- Do not report identity (id.server, hostname.bind).
- .. attribute:: hide_version
- Do not report version (version.server, version.bind).
- .. attribute:: identity
- Identity, hostname is returned if "".
- .. attribute:: version
- Version, package version returned if "".
- .. attribute:: module_conf
- The module configuration string.
- .. attribute:: trust_anchor_file_list
- Files with trusted DS and DNSKEYs in zonefile format, list.
- .. attribute:: trust_anchor_list
- List of trustanchor keys, linked list.
- .. attribute:: trusted_keys_file_list
- Files with trusted DNSKEYs in named.conf format, list.
- .. attribute:: dlv_anchor_file
- DLV anchor file.
- .. attribute:: dlv_anchor_list
- DLV anchor inline.
- .. attribute:: max_ttl
- The number of seconds maximal TTL used for RRsets and messages.
- .. attribute:: val_date_override
- If not 0, this value is the validation date for RRSIGs.
- .. attribute:: bogus_ttl
- This value sets the number of seconds before revalidating bogus.
- .. attribute:: val_clean_additional
- Should validator clean additional section for secure msgs.
- .. attribute:: val_permissive_mode
- Should validator allow bogus messages to go through.
- .. attribute:: val_nsec3_key_iterations
- Nsec3 maximum iterations per key size, string.
- .. attribute:: key_cache_size
- Size of the key cache.
- .. attribute:: key_cache_slabs
- Slabs in the key cache.
- .. attribute:: neg_cache_size
- Size of the neg cache.
- .. attribute:: local_zones
- Local zones config.
- .. attribute:: local_zones_nodefault
- Local zones nodefault list.
- .. attribute:: local_data
- Local data RRs configured.
- .. attribute:: remote_control_enable
- Remote control section. enable toggle.
- .. attribute:: control_ifs
- The interfaces the remote control should listen on.
- .. attribute:: control_port
- Port number for the control port.
- .. attribute:: server_key_file
- Private key file for server.
- .. attribute:: server_cert_file
- Certificate file for server.
- .. attribute:: control_key_file
- Private key file for unbound-control.
- .. attribute:: control_cert_file
- Certificate file for unbound-control.
- .. attribute:: do_daemonize
- Daemonize, i.e. fork into the background.
- .. attribute:: python_script
- Python script file.
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-Global environment
-Global variables
-.. envvar:: mod_env
- Module environment, contains data pointer for module-specific data.
- See :class:`pythonmod_env`.
-Predefined constants
-Module extended state
-.. data:: module_state_initial
- Initial state - new DNS query.
-.. data:: module_wait_reply
- Waiting for reply to outgoing network query.
-.. data:: module_wait_module
- Module is waiting for another module.
-.. data:: module_wait_subquery
- Module is waiting for sub-query.
-.. data:: module_error
- Module could not finish the query.
-.. data:: module_finished
- Module is finished with query.
-Module event
-.. data:: module_event_new
- New DNS query.
-.. data:: module_event_pass
- Query passed by other module.
-.. data:: module_event_reply
- Reply inbound from server.
-.. data:: module_event_noreply
- No reply, timeout or other error.
-.. data:: module_event_capsfail
- Reply is there, but capitalisation check failed.
-.. data:: module_event_moddone
- Next module is done, and its reply is awaiting you.
-.. data:: module_event_error
- Error occurred.
-Security status
-.. data:: sec_status_unchecked
- Means that object has yet to be validated.
-.. data:: sec_status_bogus
- Means that the object *(RRset or message)* failed to validate
- *(according to local policy)*, but should have validated.
-.. data:: sec_status_indeterminate
- Means that the object is insecure, but not
- authoritatively so. Generally this means that the RRset is not
- below a configured trust anchor.
-.. data:: sec_status_insecure
- Means that the object is authoritatively known to be
- insecure. Generally this means that this RRset is below a trust
- anchor, but also below a verified, insecure delegation.
-.. data:: sec_status_secure
- Means that the object (RRset or message) validated according to local policy.
-Resource records (RR sets)
-The different RR classes.
- .. data:: RR_CLASS_IN
- Internet.
- .. data:: RR_CLASS_CH
- Chaos.
- .. data:: RR_CLASS_HS
- Hesiod (Dyer 87)
- .. data:: RR_CLASS_NONE
- None class, dynamic update.
- .. data:: RR_CLASS_ANY
- Any class.
-The different RR types.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_A
- A host address.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_NS
- An authoritative name server.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_MD
- A mail destination (Obsolete - use MX).
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_MF
- A mail forwarder (Obsolete - use MX).
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_CNAME
- The canonical name for an alias.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_SOA
- Marks the start of a zone of authority.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_MB
- A mailbox domain name (EXPERIMENTAL).
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_MG
- A mail group member (EXPERIMENTAL).
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_MR
- A mail rename domain name (EXPERIMENTAL).
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_NULL
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_WKS
- A well known service description.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_PTR
- A domain name pointer.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_HINFO
- Host information.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_MINFO
- Mailbox or mail list information.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_MX
- Mail exchange.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_TXT
- Text strings.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_RP
- RFC1183.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_AFSDB
- RFC1183.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_X25
- RFC1183.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_ISDN
- RFC1183.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_RT
- RFC1183.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_NSAP
- RFC1706.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_NSAP_PTR
- RFC1348.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_SIG
- 2535typecode.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_KEY
- 2535typecode.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_PX
- RFC2163.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_GPOS
- RFC1712.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_AAAA
- IPv6 address.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_LOC
- LOC record RFC1876.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_NXT
- 2535typecode.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_EID
- draft-ietf-nimrod-dns-01.txt.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_NIMLOC
- draft-ietf-nimrod-dns-01.txt.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_SRV
- SRV record RFC2782.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_ATMA
- http://www.jhsoft.com/rfc/af-saa-0069.000.rtf.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_NAPTR
- RFC2915.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_KX
- RFC2230.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_CERT
- RFC2538.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_A6
- RFC2874.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_DNAME
- RFC2672.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_SINK
- dnsind-kitchen-sink-02.txt.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_OPT
- Pseudo OPT record.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_APL
- RFC3123.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_DS
- draft-ietf-dnsext-delegation.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_SSHFP
- SSH Key Fingerprint.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_IPSECKEY
- draft-richardson-ipseckey-rr-11.txt.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_RRSIG
- draft-ietf-dnsext-dnssec-25.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_NSEC
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_DNSKEY
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_DHCID
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_NSEC3
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_UINFO
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_UID
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_GID
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_UNSPEC
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_TSIG
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_IXFR
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_AXFR
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_MAILB
- A request for mailbox-related records (MB, MG or MR).
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_MAILA
- A request for mail agent RRs (Obsolete - see MX).
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_ANY
- Any type *(wildcard)*.
- .. data:: RR_TYPE_DLV
- RFC 4431, 5074, DNSSEC Lookaside Validation.
-Return codes
-Return codes for packets.
-.. data:: RCODE_NOERROR
-.. data:: RCODE_FORMERR
-.. data:: RCODE_NOTIMPL
-.. data:: RCODE_REFUSED
-.. data:: RCODE_YXRRSET
-.. data:: RCODE_NXRRSET
-.. data:: RCODE_NOTAUTH
-.. data:: RCODE_NOTZONE
-Packet data
-.. data:: PKT_QR
- Query - query flag.
-.. data:: PKT_AA
- Authoritative Answer - server flag.
-.. data:: PKT_TC
- Truncated - server flag.
-.. data:: PKT_RD
- Recursion desired - query flag.
-.. data:: PKT_CD
- Checking disabled - query flag.
-.. data:: PKT_RA
- Recursion available - server flag.
-.. data:: PKT_AD
- Authenticated data - server flag.
-Verbosity value
-.. data:: NO_VERBOSE
- No verbose messages.
-.. data:: VERB_OPS
- Operational information.
-.. data:: VERB_DETAIL
- Detailed information.
-.. data:: VERB_QUERY
- Query level information.
-.. data:: VERB_ALGO
- Algorithm level information.
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-Scriptable functions
-.. function:: ntohs(netshort)
- This subroutine converts values between the host and network byte order.
- Specifically, **ntohs()** converts 16-bit quantities from network byte order
- to host byte order.
- :param netshort: 16-bit short addr
- :rtype: converted addr
-.. function:: storeQueryInCache(qstate, qinfo, msgrep, is_referral)
- Store pending query in local cache.
- :param qstate: :class:`module_qstate`
- :param qinfo: :class:`query_info`
- :param msgrep: :class:`reply_info`
- :param is_referal: integer
- :rtype: boolean
-.. function:: invalidateQueryInCache(qstate, qinfo)
- Invalidate record in local cache.
- :param qstate: :class:`module_qstate`
- :param qinfo: :class:`query_info`
-EDNS options
-.. function:: register_edns_option(env, code, bypass_cache_stage=False, no_aggregation=False)
- Register EDNS option code.
- :param env: :class:`module_env`
- :param code: option code(integer)
- :param bypass_cache_stage: whether to bypass the cache response stage
- :param no_aggregation: whether this query should be unique
- :return: ``1`` if successful, ``0`` otherwise
- :rtype: integer
-.. function:: edns_opt_list_find(list, code)
- Find the EDNS option code in the EDNS option list.
- :param list: linked list of :class:`edns_option`
- :param code: option code (integer)
- :return: the edns option if found or None
- :rtype: :class:`edns_option` or None
-.. function:: edns_opt_list_remove(list, code);
- Remove an ENDS option code from the list.
- .. note:: All :class:`edns_option` with the code will be removed
- :param list: linked list of :class:`edns_option`
- :param code: option code (integer)
- :return: ``1`` if at least one :class:`edns_option` was removed, ``0`` otherwise
- :rtype: integer
-.. function:: edns_opt_list_append(list, code, data, region)
- Append given EDNS option code with data to the list.
- :param list: linked list of :class:`edns_option`
- :param code: option code (integer)
- :param data: EDNS data. **Must** be a :class:`bytearray`
- :param region: :class:`regional`
-.. function:: edns_opt_list_is_empty(list)
- Check if an EDNS option list is empty.
- :param list: linked list of :class:`edns_option`
- :return: ``1`` if list is empty, ``0`` otherwise
- :rtype: integer
-Inplace callbacks
-.. function:: inplace_cb_reply(qinfo, qstate, rep, rcode, edns, opt_list_out, region)
- Function prototype for callback functions used in
- `register_inplace_cb_reply`_, `register_inplace_cb_reply_cache`_,
- `register_inplace_cb_reply_local` and `register_inplace_cb_reply_servfail`.
- :param qinfo: :class:`query_info`
- :param qstate: :class:`module_qstate`
- :param rep: :class:`reply_info`
- :param rcode: return code (integer), check ``RCODE_`` constants.
- :param edns: :class:`edns_data`
- :param opt_list_out: :class:`edns_option`. EDNS option list to append options to.
- :param region: :class:`regional`
-.. function:: register_inplace_cb_reply(py_cb, env)
- Register py_cb as an inplace reply callback function.
- :param py_cb: Python function that follows `inplace_cb_reply`_'s prototype. **Must** be callable.
- :param env: :class:`module_env`
- :return: True on success, False otherwise
- :rtype: boolean
-.. function:: register_inplace_cb_reply_cache(py_cb, env)
- Register py_cb as an inplace reply_cache callback function.
- :param py_cb: Python function that follows `inplace_cb_reply`_'s prototype. **Must** be callable.
- :param env: :class:`module_env`
- :return: True on success, False otherwise
- :rtype: boolean
-.. function:: register_inplace_cb_reply_local(py_cb, env)
- Register py_cb as an inplace reply_local callback function.
- :param py_cb: Python function that follows `inplace_cb_reply`_'s prototype. **Must** be callable.
- :param env: :class:`module_env`
- :return: True on success, False otherwise
- :rtype: boolean
-.. function:: register_inplace_cb_reply_servfail(py_cb, env)
- Register py_cb as an inplace reply_servfail callback function.
- :param py_cb: Python function that follows `inplace_cb_reply`_'s prototype. **Must** be callable.
- :param env: :class:`module_env`
- :return: True on success, False otherwise
- :rtype: boolean
-.. function:: verbose(level, msg)
- Log a verbose message, pass the level for this message.
- No trailing newline is needed.
- :param level: verbosity level for this message, compared to global verbosity setting.
- :param msg: string message
-.. function:: log_info(msg)
- Log informational message. No trailing newline is needed.
- :param msg: string message
-.. function:: log_err(msg)
- Log error message. No trailing newline is needed.
- :param msg: string message
-.. function:: log_warn(msg)
- Log warning message. No trailing newline is needed.
- :param msg: string message
-.. function:: log_hex(msg, data, length)
- Log a hex-string to the log. Can be any length.
- performs mallocs to do so, slow. But debug useful.
- :param msg: string desc to accompany the hexdump.
- :param data: data to dump in hex format.
- :param length: length of data.
-.. function:: log_dns_msg(str, qinfo, reply)
- Log DNS message.
- :param str: string message
- :param qinfo: :class:`query_info`
- :param reply: :class:`reply_info`
-.. function:: log_query_info(verbosity_value, str, qinf)
- Log query information.
- :param verbosity_value: see constants
- :param str: string message
- :param qinf: :class:`query_info`
-.. function:: regional_log_stats(r)
- Log regional statistics.
- :param r: :class:`regional`
-.. function:: strextstate(module_ext_state)
- Debug utility, module external qstate to string.
- :param module_ext_state: the state value.
- :rtype: descriptive string.
-.. function:: strmodulevent(module_event)
- Debug utility, module event to string.
- :param module_event: the module event value.
- :rtype: descriptive string.
-.. function:: ldns_rr_type2str(atype)
- Convert RR type to string.
-.. function:: ldns_rr_class2str(aclass)
- Convert RR class to string.
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-Unbound module documentation
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- env
- struct
- functions
- config
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-Scriptable structures
-.. class:: module_qstate
- Module state, per query.
- This class provides these data attributes:
- .. attribute:: qinfo
- (:class:`query_info`) Informations about query being answered. Name, RR type, RR class.
- .. attribute:: query_flags
- (uint16) Flags for query. See QF_BIT\_ predefined constants.
- .. attribute:: is_priming
- If this is a (stub or root) priming query (with hints).
- .. attribute:: reply
- comm_reply contains server replies.
- .. attribute:: return_msg
- (:class:`dns_msg`) The reply message, with message for client and calling module (read-only attribute).
- Note that if you want to create of modify return_msg you should use :class:`DNSMessage`.
- .. attribute:: return_rcode
- The rcode, in case of error, instead of a reply message. Determines whether the return_msg contains reply.
- .. attribute:: region
- Region for this query. Cleared when query process finishes.
- .. attribute:: curmod
- Which module is executing.
- .. attribute:: ext_state[]
- Module states.
- .. attribute:: env
- Environment for this query.
- .. attribute:: mesh_info
- Mesh related information for this query.
- .. attribute:: edns_opts_front_in
- Incoming EDNS options from the front end.
- .. attribute:: edns_opts_front_in_iter
- Iterator for `edns_opts_front_in`.
- .. attribute:: edns_opts_back_out
- Outgoing EDNS options to the back end.
- .. attribute:: edns_opts_back_out_iter
- Iterator for `edns_opts_back_out`.
- .. attribute:: edns_opts_back_in
- Incoming EDNS options from the back end.
- .. attribute:: edns_opts_back_in_iter
- Iterator for `ends_opts_back_in`.
- .. attribute:: edns_opts_front_out
- Outgoing EDNS options to the front end.
- .. attribute:: edns_opts_front_out_iter
- Iterator for `edns_opts_front_out`.
- .. attribute:: no_cache_lookup
- Flag to indicate whether modules should answer from the cache.
- .. attribute:: no_cache_store
- Flag to indicate whether modules should store answer in the cache.
-.. class:: query_info
- This class provides these data attributes:
- .. attribute:: qname
- The original question in the wireformat format (e.g. \\x03www\\x03nic\\x02cz\\x00 for www.nic.cz)
- .. attribute:: qname_len
- Lenght of question name (number of bytes).
- .. attribute:: qname_list[]
- The question ``qname`` converted into list of labels (e.g. ['www','nic','cz',''] for www.nic.cz)
- .. attribute:: qname_str
- The question ``qname`` converted into string (e.g. www.nic.cz. for www.nic.cz)
- .. attribute:: qtype
- The class type asked for. See RR_TYPE\_ predefined constants.
- .. attribute:: qtype_str
- The ``qtype`` in display presentation format (string) (e.g 'A' for RR_TYPE_A)
- .. attribute:: qclass
- The question class. See RR_CLASS\_ predefined constants.
- .. attribute:: qclass_str
- The ``qclass`` in display presentation format (string).
-.. class:: edns_data
- This class represents the EDNS information parsed/encoded from/to a packet. It provides these data attributes:
- .. attribute:: edns_present
- If EDNS OPT record is present.
- .. attribute:: ext_rcode
- Extended RCODE.
- .. attribute:: edns_version
- The EDNS version number.
- .. attribute:: bits
- The EDNS bits field from ttl (host order): Z.
- .. attribute:: udp_size
- UDP reassembly size.
- .. attribute:: opt_list
- The EDNS option list.
- .. attribute:: opt_list_iter
- Iterator for `opt_list`.
-.. class:: edns_option
- This class represents an EDNS option (code, data) found in EDNS option lists. It provides these data attributes:
- .. attribute:: code
- The EDNS option code.
- .. attribute:: data
- The EDNS option data.
-.. class:: reply_info
- This class provides these data attributes:
- .. attribute:: flags
- The flags for the answer, host byte order.
- .. attribute:: qdcount
- Number of RRs in the query section.
- If qdcount is not 0, then it is 1, and the data that appears
- in the reply is the same as the query_info.
- Host byte order.
- .. attribute:: ttl
- TTL of the entire reply (for negative caching).
- only for use when there are 0 RRsets in this message.
- if there are RRsets, check those instead.
- .. attribute:: security
- The security status from DNSSEC validation of this message. See sec_status\_ predefined constants.
- .. attribute:: an_numrrsets
- Number of RRsets in each section.
- The answer section. Add up the RRs in every RRset to calculate
- the number of RRs, and the count for the dns packet.
- The number of RRs in RRsets can change due to RRset updates.
- .. attribute:: ns_numrrsets
- Count of authority section RRsets
- .. attribute:: ar_numrrsets
- Count of additional section RRsets
- .. attribute:: rrset_count
- Number of RRsets: an_numrrsets + ns_numrrsets + ar_numrrsets
- .. attribute:: rrsets[]
- (:class:`ub_packed_rrset_key`) List of RR sets in the order in which they appear in the reply message.
- Number of elements is ancount + nscount + arcount RRsets.
- .. attribute:: ref[]
- (:class:`rrset_ref`) Packed array of ids (see counts) and pointers to packed_rrset_key.
- The number equals ancount + nscount + arcount RRsets.
- These are sorted in ascending pointer, the locking order. So
- this list can be locked (and id, ttl checked), to see if
- all the data is available and recent enough.
-.. class:: dns_msg
- Region allocated message reply
- This class provides these data attributes:
- .. attribute:: qinfo
- (:class:`query_info`) Informations about query.
- .. attribute:: rep
- (:class:`reply_info`) This attribute points to the packed reply structure.
-.. class:: packed_rrset_key
- The identifying information for an RRset.
- This class provides these data attributes:
- .. attribute:: dname
- The domain name. If not empty (for ``id = None``) it is allocated, and
- contains the wireformat domain name. This dname is not canonicalized.
- E.g., the dname contains \\x03www\\x03nic\\x02cz\\x00 for www.nic.cz.
- .. attribute:: dname_len
- Length of the domain name, including last 0 root octet.
- .. attribute:: dname_list[]
- The domain name ``dname`` converted into list of labels (see :attr:`query_info.qname_list`).
- .. attribute:: dname_str
- The domain name ``dname`` converted into string (see :attr:`query_info.qname_str`).
- .. attribute:: flags
- Flags.
- .. attribute:: type
- The rrset type in network format.
- .. attribute:: type_str
- The rrset type in display presentation format.
- .. attribute:: rrset_class
- The rrset class in network format.
- .. attribute:: rrset_class_str
- The rrset class in display presentation format.
-.. class:: ub_packed_rrset_key
- This structure contains an RRset. A set of resource records that
- share the same domain name, type and class.
- Due to memory management and threading, the key structure cannot be
- deleted, although the data can be. The id can be set to 0 to store and the
- structure can be recycled with a new id.
- The :class:`ub_packed_rrset_key` provides these data attributes:
- .. attribute:: entry
- (:class:`lruhash_entry`) Entry into hashtable. Note the lock is never destroyed,
- even when this key is retired to the cache.
- the data pointer (if not None) points to a :class:`packed_rrset`.
- .. attribute:: id
- The ID of this rrset. unique, based on threadid + sequenceno.
- ids are not reused, except after flushing the cache.
- zero is an unused entry, and never a valid id.
- Check this value after getting entry.lock.
- The other values in this struct may only be altered after changing
- the id (which needs a writelock on entry.lock).
- .. attribute:: rk
- (:class:`packed_rrset_key`) RR set data.
-.. class:: lruhash_entry
- The :class:`ub_packed_rrset_key` provides these data attributes:
- .. attribute:: lock
- rwlock for access to the contents of the entry. Note that you cannot change hash and key, if so, you have to delete it to change hash or key.
- .. attribute:: data
- (:class:`packed_rrset_data`) entry data stored in wireformat (RRs and RRsigs).
-.. class:: packed_rrset_data
- Rdata is stored in wireformat. The dname is stored in wireformat.
- TTLs are stored as absolute values (and could be expired).
- RRSIGs are stored in the arrays after the regular rrs.
- You need the packed_rrset_key to know dname, type, class of the
- resource records in this RRset. (if signed the rrsig gives the type too).
- The :class:`packed_rrset_data` provides these data attributes:
- .. attribute:: ttl
- TTL (in seconds like time()) of the RRset.
- Same for all RRs see rfc2181(5.2).
- .. attribute:: count
- Number of RRs.
- .. attribute:: rrsig_count
- Number of rrsigs, if 0 no rrsigs.
- .. attribute:: trust
- The trustworthiness of the RRset data.
- .. attribute:: security
- Security status of the RRset data. See sec_status\_ predefined constants.
- .. attribute:: rr_len[]
- Length of every RR's rdata, rr_len[i] is size of rr_data[i].
- .. attribute:: rr_ttl[]
- TTL of every rr. rr_ttl[i] ttl of rr i.
- .. attribute:: rr_data[]
- Array of RR's rdata (list of strings). The rdata is stored in uncompressed wireformat.
- The first 16B of rr_data[i] is rdlength in network format.
-.. class:: DNSMessage
- Abstract representation of DNS message.
- **Usage**
- This example shows how to create an authoritative answer response
- ::
- msg = DNSMessage(qstate.qinfo.qname_str, RR_TYPE_A, RR_CLASS_IN, PKT_AA)
- #append RR
- if (qstate.qinfo.qtype == RR_TYPE_A) or (qstate.qinfo.qtype == RR_TYPE_ANY):
- msg.answer.append("%s 10 IN A" % qstate.qinfo.qname_str)
- #set qstate.return_msg
- if not msg.set_return_msg(qstate):
- raise Exception("Can't create response")
- The :class:`DNSMessage` provides these methods and data attributes:
- .. method:: __init__(self, rr_name, rr_type, rr_class = RR_CLASS_IN, query_flags = 0, default_ttl = 0)
- Prepares an answer (DNS packet) from given information. Query flags are combination of PKT_xx constants.
- .. method:: set_return_msg(self, qstate)
- This method fills qstate return message according to the given informations.
- It takes lists of RRs in each section of answer, created necessary RRsets in wire format and store the result in :attr:`qstate.return_msg`.
- Returns 1 if OK.
- .. attribute:: rr_name
- RR name of question.
- .. attribute:: rr_type
- RR type of question.
- .. attribute:: rr_class
- RR class of question.
- .. attribute:: default_ttl
- Default time-to-live.
- .. attribute:: query_flags
- Query flags. See PKT\_ predefined constants.
- .. attribute:: question[]
- List of resource records that should appear (in the same order) in question section of answer.
- .. attribute:: answer[]
- List of resource records that should appear (in the same order) in answer section of answer.
- .. attribute:: authority[]
- List of resource records that should appear (in the same order) in authority section of answer.
- .. attribute:: additional[]
- List of resource records that should appear (in the same order) in additional section of answer.
-.. class:: pythonmod_env
- Global state for the module.
- This class provides these data attributes:
- .. attribute:: data
- Here you can keep your own data shared across each thread.
- .. attribute:: fname
- Python script filename.
- .. attribute:: qstate
- Module query state.
-.. class:: pythonmod_qstate
- Per query state for the iterator module.
- This class provides these data attributes:
- .. attribute:: data
- Here you can keep your own private data (each thread has own data object).
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-Use cases (examples)
-Dynamic DNS Service discovery (DNS-SD_)
-Synchronized with database engine, for example *MySQL*.
-.. _DNS-SD: http://www.dns-sd.org/
-Firewall control
-Control firewall (e.g. enable incoming SSH connection) with DNS query signed with private key.
-So firewall can blocks every service during normal operation.
-Scriptable DNS-based blacklist (DNS-BL_)
-Scripted in Python with already provided features, takes advantage of DNS reply, because
-almost every mail server supports DNS based blacklisting.
-.. _DNS-BL: http://www.dnsbl.org
-DNS based Wake-On-Lan
-Controled by secured queries secured with private key.
-Dynamic translation service
-DNS request can be translated to virtualy any answer, that's easy to implement in client side
-because of many DNS libraries available.
-Examples :
- * **Dictionary** - using *IDN* for non-ascii strings transfer, ``dig TXT slovo.en._dict_.nic.cz`` returns translation of "slovo" to EN.
- * **Translation** - Extends *DNS-SD*, for example DNS to Jabber to find out people logged in.
- * **Exchange rate calculator** - ``dig TXT 1000.99.czk.eur._rates_.nic.cz`` returns the given sum (1000.99 CZK) in EURs.
-Dynamic ENUM service
-Support for redirection, synchronization, etc.