path: root/external/unbound/doc/README
diff options
authorRiccardo Spagni <ric@spagni.net>2018-03-18 18:50:21 +0200
committerRiccardo Spagni <ric@spagni.net>2018-03-18 18:50:21 +0200
commit1f6e6001ed37b48788ef071f3297b7e9d67586a5 (patch)
tree7ff391303a4b5643294bc4f91d1c493791f98879 /external/unbound/doc/README
parentMerge pull request #3426 (diff)
parentUnbound: add git submodule for unbound (diff)
Merge pull request #2133
efe70a15 Unbound: add git submodule for unbound (anonimal) 84c5a9ba Unbound: remove unbound from in-tree source (anonimal)
Diffstat (limited to '')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 220 deletions
diff --git a/external/unbound/doc/README b/external/unbound/doc/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 558a48071..000000000
--- a/external/unbound/doc/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-README for Unbound 1.6.3
-Copyright 2007 NLnet Labs
-This software is under BSD license, see LICENSE for details.
-The DNS64 module has BSD license in dns64/dns64.c.
-The DNSTAP code has BSD license in dnstap/dnstap.c.
-* Download the latest release version of this software from
- http://unbound.net
- or get a beta version from the svn repository at
- http://unbound.net/svn/
-* Uses the following libraries;
- * libevent http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/ (BSD license)
- (optional) can use builtin alternative instead.
- * libexpat (for the unbound-anchor helper program) (MIT license)
-* Make and install: ./configure; make; make install
- * --with-libevent=/path/to/libevent
- Can be set to either the system install or the build directory.
- --with-libevent=no (default) gives a builtin alternative
- implementation. libevent is useful when having many (thousands)
- of outgoing ports. This improves randomization and spoof
- resistance. For the default of 16 ports the builtin alternative
- works well and is a little faster.
- * --with-libexpat=/path/to/libexpat
- Can be set to the install directory of libexpat.
- * --without-pthreads
- This disables pthreads. Without this option the pthreads library
- is detected automatically. Use this option to disable threading
- altogether, or, on Solaris, also use --with(out)-solaris-threads.
- * --enable-checking
- This enables assertions in the code that guard against a variety of
- programming errors, among which buffer overflows. The program exits
- with an error if an assertion fails (but the buffer did not overflow).
- * --enable-static-exe
- This enables a debug option to statically link against the
- libevent library.
- * --enable-lock-checks
- This enables a debug option to check lock and unlock calls. It needs
- a recent pthreads library to work.
- * --enable-alloc-checks
- This enables a debug option to check malloc (calloc, realloc, free).
- The server periodically checks if the amount of memory used fits with
- the amount of memory it thinks it should be using, and reports
- memory usage in detail.
- * --with-conf-file=filename
- Set default location of config file,
- the default is /usr/local/etc/unbound/unbound.conf.
- * --with-pidfile=filename
- Set default location of pidfile,
- the default is /usr/local/etc/unbound/unbound.pid.
- * --with-run-dir=path
- Set default working directory,
- the default is /usr/local/etc/unbound.
- * --with-chroot-dir=path
- Set default chroot directory,
- the default is /usr/local/etc/unbound.
- * --with-rootkey-file=path
- Set the default root.key path. This file is read and written.
- the default is /usr/local/etc/unbound/root.key
- * --with-rootcert-file=path
- Set the default root update certificate path. A builtin certificate
- is used if this file is empty or does not exist.
- the default is /usr/local/etc/unbound/icannbundle.pem
- * --with-username=user
- Set default user name to change to,
- the default is the "unbound" user.
- * --with-pyunbound
- Create libunbound wrapper usable from python.
- Needs python-devel and swig development tools.
- * --with-pythonmodule
- Compile the python module that processes responses in the server.
- * --disable-sha2
- Disable support for RSASHA256 and RSASHA512 crypto.
- * --disable-gost
- Disable support for GOST crypto, RFC 5933.
-* 'make test' runs a series of self checks.
-Known issues
-o If there are no replies for a forward or stub zone, for a reverse zone,
- you may need to add a local-zone: name transparent or nodefault to the
- server: section of the config file to unblock the reverse zone.
- Only happens for (sub)zones that are blocked by default; e.g. 10.in-addr.arpa
-o If libevent is older (before 1.3c), unbound will exit instead of reload
- on sighup. On a restart 'did not exit gracefully last time' warning is
- printed. Perform ./configure --with-libevent=no or update libevent, rerun
- configure and recompile unbound to make sighup work correctly.
- It is strongly suggested to use a recent version of libevent.
-o If you are not receiving the correct source IP address on replies (e.g.
- you are running a multihomed, anycast server), the interface-automatic
- option can be enabled to set socket options to achieve the correct
- source IP address on UDP replies. Listing all IP addresses explicitly in
- the config file is an alternative. The interface-automatic option uses
- non portable socket options, Linux and FreeBSD should work fine.
-o The warning 'openssl has no entropy, seeding with time', with chroot
- enabled, may be solved with a symbolic link to /dev/random from <chrootdir>.
-o On Solaris 5.10 some libtool packages from repositories do not work with
- gcc, showing errors gcc: unrecognized option `-KPIC'
- To solve this do ./configure libtool=./libtool [your options...].
- On Solaris you may pass CFLAGS="-xO4 -xtarget=generic" if you use sun-cc.
-o If unbound-control (or munin graphs) do not work, this can often be because
- the unbound-control-setup script creates the keys with restricted
- permissions, and the files need to be made readable or ownered by both the
- unbound daemon and unbound-control.
-o Crosscompile seems to hang. You tried to install unbound under wine.
- wine regedit and remove all the unbound entries from the registry or
- delete .wine/drive_c.
-o Unbound was written in portable C by Wouter Wijngaards (NLnet Labs).
-o Thanks to David Blacka and Matt Larson (Verisign) for the unbound-java
- prototype. Design and code from that prototype has been used to create
- this program. Such as the iterator state machine and the cache design.
-o Other code origins are from the NSD (NLnet Labs) and LDNS (NLnet Labs)
- projects. Such as buffer, region-allocator and red-black tree code.
-o See Credits file for contributors.
-Your Support
-NLnet Labs offers all of its software products as open source, most are
-published under a BSD license. You can download them, not only from the
-NLnet Labs website but also through the various OS distributions for
-which NSD, ldns, and Unbound are packaged. We therefore have little idea
-who uses our software in production environments and have no direct ties
-with 'our customers'.
-Therefore, we ask you to contact us at users@NLnetLabs.nl and tell us
-whether you use one of our products in your production environment,
-what that environment looks like, and maybe even share some praise.
-We would like to refer to the fact that your organization is using our
-products. We will only do that if you explicitly allow us. In all other
-cases we will keep the information you share with us to ourselves.
-In addition to the moral support you can also support us
-financially. NLnet Labs is a recognized not-for-profit charity foundation
-that is chartered to develop open-source software and open-standards
-for the Internet. If you use our software to satisfaction please express
-that by giving us a donation. For small donations PayPal can be used. For
-larger and regular donations please contact us at users@NLnetLabs.nl. Also
-see http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/labs/contributors/.
-* mailto:unbound-bugs@nlnetlabs.nl
diff --git a/external/unbound/doc/README.DNS64 b/external/unbound/doc/README.DNS64
deleted file mode 100644
index 49446ac57..000000000
--- a/external/unbound/doc/README.DNS64
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-The DNS64 code was written by Viagenie, 2009, by Simon Perrault as part
-of the Ecdysis project. The code is copyright by them, and has the BSD
-license (see the dns64/dns64.c file).
-To enable DNS64 functionality in Unbound, two directives in unbound.conf must
-be edited:
-1. The "module-config" directive must start with "dns64". For example:
- module-config: "dns64 validator iterator"
-If you're not using DNSSEC then you may remove "validator".
-2. The "dns64-prefix" directive indicates your DNS64 prefix. For example:
- dns64-prefix: 64:FF9B::/96
-The prefix must be a /96 or shorter.
-To test that things are working right, perform a query against Unbound for a
-domain name for which no AAAA record exists. You should see a AAAA record in
-the answer section. The corresponding IPv6 address will be inside the DNS64
-prefix. For example:
- $ unbound -c unbound.conf
- $ dig @localhost jazz-v4.viagenie.ca aaaa
- [...]
- jazz-v4.viagenie.ca. 86400 IN AAAA 64:ff9b::ce7b:1f02
diff --git a/external/unbound/doc/README.svn b/external/unbound/doc/README.svn
deleted file mode 100644
index b887e308c..000000000
--- a/external/unbound/doc/README.svn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-For a svn checkout:
-* configure script, aclocal.m4, as well as yacc/lex output files are
- committed to the repository.
-* use --enable-debug flag for configure to enable dependency tracking and
- assertions, otherwise, use make clean; make after svn update.
-* Note changes in the Changelog.
-* Every check-in a postcommit hook is run
- (the postcommit hook is in the svn/unbound/hooks directory).
- * generates commit email with your changes and comment.
- * compiles and runs the tests (with testcode/do-tests.sh).
- * If build errors or test errors happen
- * Please fix your errors and commit again.
-* Use gnu make to compile, make or 'gmake'.
diff --git a/external/unbound/doc/README.tests b/external/unbound/doc/README.tests
deleted file mode 100644
index 5385e2b22..000000000
--- a/external/unbound/doc/README.tests
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-README unbound tests
-For a quick test that runs unit tests and state machine tests, use
- make test
-There is a long test setup for unbound that needs tools installed. Use
- make longtest
-To make and run the long tests. The results are summarized at the end.
-You need to have the following programs installed and in your PATH.
-* dig - from the bind-tools package. Used to send DNS queries.
-* splint (optional) - for lint test
-* doxygen (optional) - for doc completeness test
-* ldns-testns - from ldns examples. Used as DNS auth server.
-* xxd and nc (optional) - for (malformed) packet transmission.
-The optional programs are detected and can be omitted.
-testdata/ contains the data for tests.
-testcode/ contains scripts and c code for the tests.
-do-tests.sh : runs all the tests in the testdata directory.
-testbed.sh : compiles on a set of (user specific) hosts and runs do-tests.
-Tests are run using testcode/mini_tpkg.sh.