path: root/external/rapidjson/internal/regex.h
diff options
authorRiccardo Spagni <ric@spagni.net>2016-09-17 17:39:06 +0200
committerRiccardo Spagni <ric@spagni.net>2016-09-17 17:39:06 +0200
commit77224bbf4842f3c7fb53ad7685f45cf768f5ec38 (patch)
tree18da9d2a85b71038268b80333f3c27a116b6a3a3 /external/rapidjson/internal/regex.h
parentMerge pull request #1083 (diff)
parentremove errant target_link_libraries (diff)
Merge pull request #1084
5850122 remove errant target_link_libraries (Riccardo Spagni) 58abc09 don't build any miniupnpc executables (Riccardo Spagni) 114e368 don't build miniupnpc test executables (Riccardo Spagni) bb69371 updated miniupnp (Riccardo Spagni) f62ebc5 update rapidjson (Riccardo Spagni)
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 731 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/external/rapidjson/internal/regex.h b/external/rapidjson/internal/regex.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8530cd771
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external/rapidjson/internal/regex.h
@@ -0,0 +1,731 @@
+// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
+// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
+// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
+// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+#include "../allocators.h"
+#include "../stream.h"
+#include "stack.h"
+#ifdef __clang__
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(4512) // assignment operator could not be generated
+namespace internal {
+// DecodedStream
+template <typename SourceStream, typename Encoding>
+class DecodedStream {
+ DecodedStream(SourceStream& ss) : ss_(ss), codepoint_() { Decode(); }
+ unsigned Peek() { return codepoint_; }
+ unsigned Take() {
+ unsigned c = codepoint_;
+ if (c) // No further decoding when '\0'
+ Decode();
+ return c;
+ }
+ void Decode() {
+ if (!Encoding::Decode(ss_, &codepoint_))
+ codepoint_ = 0;
+ }
+ SourceStream& ss_;
+ unsigned codepoint_;
+// GenericRegex
+static const SizeType kRegexInvalidState = ~SizeType(0); //!< Represents an invalid index in GenericRegex::State::out, out1
+static const SizeType kRegexInvalidRange = ~SizeType(0);
+template <typename Encoding, typename Allocator>
+class GenericRegexSearch;
+//! Regular expression engine with subset of ECMAscript grammar.
+ Supported regular expression syntax:
+ - \c ab Concatenation
+ - \c a|b Alternation
+ - \c a? Zero or one
+ - \c a* Zero or more
+ - \c a+ One or more
+ - \c a{3} Exactly 3 times
+ - \c a{3,} At least 3 times
+ - \c a{3,5} 3 to 5 times
+ - \c (ab) Grouping
+ - \c ^a At the beginning
+ - \c a$ At the end
+ - \c . Any character
+ - \c [abc] Character classes
+ - \c [a-c] Character class range
+ - \c [a-z0-9_] Character class combination
+ - \c [^abc] Negated character classes
+ - \c [^a-c] Negated character class range
+ - \c [\b] Backspace (U+0008)
+ - \c \\| \\\\ ... Escape characters
+ - \c \\f Form feed (U+000C)
+ - \c \\n Line feed (U+000A)
+ - \c \\r Carriage return (U+000D)
+ - \c \\t Tab (U+0009)
+ - \c \\v Vertical tab (U+000B)
+ \note This is a Thompson NFA engine, implemented with reference to
+ Cox, Russ. "Regular Expression Matching Can Be Simple And Fast (but is slow in Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby,...).",
+ https://swtch.com/~rsc/regexp/regexp1.html
+template <typename Encoding, typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
+class GenericRegex {
+ typedef Encoding EncodingType;
+ typedef typename Encoding::Ch Ch;
+ template <typename, typename> friend class GenericRegexSearch;
+ GenericRegex(const Ch* source, Allocator* allocator = 0) :
+ states_(allocator, 256), ranges_(allocator, 256), root_(kRegexInvalidState), stateCount_(), rangeCount_(),
+ anchorBegin_(), anchorEnd_()
+ {
+ GenericStringStream<Encoding> ss(source);
+ DecodedStream<GenericStringStream<Encoding>, Encoding> ds(ss);
+ Parse(ds);
+ }
+ ~GenericRegex() {}
+ bool IsValid() const {
+ return root_ != kRegexInvalidState;
+ }
+ enum Operator {
+ kZeroOrOne,
+ kZeroOrMore,
+ kOneOrMore,
+ kConcatenation,
+ kAlternation,
+ kLeftParenthesis
+ };
+ static const unsigned kAnyCharacterClass = 0xFFFFFFFF; //!< For '.'
+ static const unsigned kRangeCharacterClass = 0xFFFFFFFE;
+ static const unsigned kRangeNegationFlag = 0x80000000;
+ struct Range {
+ unsigned start; //
+ unsigned end;
+ SizeType next;
+ };
+ struct State {
+ SizeType out; //!< Equals to kInvalid for matching state
+ SizeType out1; //!< Equals to non-kInvalid for split
+ SizeType rangeStart;
+ unsigned codepoint;
+ };
+ struct Frag {
+ Frag(SizeType s, SizeType o, SizeType m) : start(s), out(o), minIndex(m) {}
+ SizeType start;
+ SizeType out; //!< link-list of all output states
+ SizeType minIndex;
+ };
+ State& GetState(SizeType index) {
+ RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(index < stateCount_);
+ return states_.template Bottom<State>()[index];
+ }
+ const State& GetState(SizeType index) const {
+ RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(index < stateCount_);
+ return states_.template Bottom<State>()[index];
+ }
+ Range& GetRange(SizeType index) {
+ RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(index < rangeCount_);
+ return ranges_.template Bottom<Range>()[index];
+ }
+ const Range& GetRange(SizeType index) const {
+ RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(index < rangeCount_);
+ return ranges_.template Bottom<Range>()[index];
+ }
+ template <typename InputStream>
+ void Parse(DecodedStream<InputStream, Encoding>& ds) {
+ Allocator allocator;
+ Stack<Allocator> operandStack(&allocator, 256); // Frag
+ Stack<Allocator> operatorStack(&allocator, 256); // Operator
+ Stack<Allocator> atomCountStack(&allocator, 256); // unsigned (Atom per parenthesis)
+ *atomCountStack.template Push<unsigned>() = 0;
+ unsigned codepoint;
+ while (ds.Peek() != 0) {
+ switch (codepoint = ds.Take()) {
+ case '^':
+ anchorBegin_ = true;
+ break;
+ case '$':
+ anchorEnd_ = true;
+ break;
+ case '|':
+ while (!operatorStack.Empty() && *operatorStack.template Top<Operator>() < kAlternation)
+ if (!Eval(operandStack, *operatorStack.template Pop<Operator>(1)))
+ return;
+ *operatorStack.template Push<Operator>() = kAlternation;
+ *atomCountStack.template Top<unsigned>() = 0;
+ break;
+ case '(':
+ *operatorStack.template Push<Operator>() = kLeftParenthesis;
+ *atomCountStack.template Push<unsigned>() = 0;
+ break;
+ case ')':
+ while (!operatorStack.Empty() && *operatorStack.template Top<Operator>() != kLeftParenthesis)
+ if (!Eval(operandStack, *operatorStack.template Pop<Operator>(1)))
+ return;
+ if (operatorStack.Empty())
+ return;
+ operatorStack.template Pop<Operator>(1);
+ atomCountStack.template Pop<unsigned>(1);
+ ImplicitConcatenation(atomCountStack, operatorStack);
+ break;
+ case '?':
+ if (!Eval(operandStack, kZeroOrOne))
+ return;
+ break;
+ case '*':
+ if (!Eval(operandStack, kZeroOrMore))
+ return;
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ if (!Eval(operandStack, kOneOrMore))
+ return;
+ break;
+ case '{':
+ {
+ unsigned n, m;
+ if (!ParseUnsigned(ds, &n))
+ return;
+ if (ds.Peek() == ',') {
+ ds.Take();
+ if (ds.Peek() == '}')
+ m = kInfinityQuantifier;
+ else if (!ParseUnsigned(ds, &m) || m < n)
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ m = n;
+ if (!EvalQuantifier(operandStack, n, m) || ds.Peek() != '}')
+ return;
+ ds.Take();
+ }
+ break;
+ case '.':
+ PushOperand(operandStack, kAnyCharacterClass);
+ ImplicitConcatenation(atomCountStack, operatorStack);
+ break;
+ case '[':
+ {
+ SizeType range;
+ if (!ParseRange(ds, &range))
+ return;
+ SizeType s = NewState(kRegexInvalidState, kRegexInvalidState, kRangeCharacterClass);
+ GetState(s).rangeStart = range;
+ *operandStack.template Push<Frag>() = Frag(s, s, s);
+ }
+ ImplicitConcatenation(atomCountStack, operatorStack);
+ break;
+ case '\\': // Escape character
+ if (!CharacterEscape(ds, &codepoint))
+ return; // Unsupported escape character
+ // fall through to default
+ default: // Pattern character
+ PushOperand(operandStack, codepoint);
+ ImplicitConcatenation(atomCountStack, operatorStack);
+ }
+ }
+ while (!operatorStack.Empty())
+ if (!Eval(operandStack, *operatorStack.template Pop<Operator>(1)))
+ return;
+ // Link the operand to matching state.
+ if (operandStack.GetSize() == sizeof(Frag)) {
+ Frag* e = operandStack.template Pop<Frag>(1);
+ Patch(e->out, NewState(kRegexInvalidState, kRegexInvalidState, 0));
+ root_ = e->start;
+ printf("root: %d\n", root_);
+ for (SizeType i = 0; i < stateCount_ ; i++) {
+ State& s = GetState(i);
+ printf("[%2d] out: %2d out1: %2d c: '%c'\n", i, s.out, s.out1, (char)s.codepoint);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ SizeType NewState(SizeType out, SizeType out1, unsigned codepoint) {
+ State* s = states_.template Push<State>();
+ s->out = out;
+ s->out1 = out1;
+ s->codepoint = codepoint;
+ s->rangeStart = kRegexInvalidRange;
+ return stateCount_++;
+ }
+ void PushOperand(Stack<Allocator>& operandStack, unsigned codepoint) {
+ SizeType s = NewState(kRegexInvalidState, kRegexInvalidState, codepoint);
+ *operandStack.template Push<Frag>() = Frag(s, s, s);
+ }
+ void ImplicitConcatenation(Stack<Allocator>& atomCountStack, Stack<Allocator>& operatorStack) {
+ if (*atomCountStack.template Top<unsigned>())
+ *operatorStack.template Push<Operator>() = kConcatenation;
+ (*atomCountStack.template Top<unsigned>())++;
+ }
+ SizeType Append(SizeType l1, SizeType l2) {
+ SizeType old = l1;
+ while (GetState(l1).out != kRegexInvalidState)
+ l1 = GetState(l1).out;
+ GetState(l1).out = l2;
+ return old;
+ }
+ void Patch(SizeType l, SizeType s) {
+ for (SizeType next; l != kRegexInvalidState; l = next) {
+ next = GetState(l).out;
+ GetState(l).out = s;
+ }
+ }
+ bool Eval(Stack<Allocator>& operandStack, Operator op) {
+ switch (op) {
+ case kConcatenation:
+ RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(operandStack.GetSize() >= sizeof(Frag) * 2);
+ {
+ Frag e2 = *operandStack.template Pop<Frag>(1);
+ Frag e1 = *operandStack.template Pop<Frag>(1);
+ Patch(e1.out, e2.start);
+ *operandStack.template Push<Frag>() = Frag(e1.start, e2.out, Min(e1.minIndex, e2.minIndex));
+ }
+ return true;
+ case kAlternation:
+ if (operandStack.GetSize() >= sizeof(Frag) * 2) {
+ Frag e2 = *operandStack.template Pop<Frag>(1);
+ Frag e1 = *operandStack.template Pop<Frag>(1);
+ SizeType s = NewState(e1.start, e2.start, 0);
+ *operandStack.template Push<Frag>() = Frag(s, Append(e1.out, e2.out), Min(e1.minIndex, e2.minIndex));
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ case kZeroOrOne:
+ if (operandStack.GetSize() >= sizeof(Frag)) {
+ Frag e = *operandStack.template Pop<Frag>(1);
+ SizeType s = NewState(kRegexInvalidState, e.start, 0);
+ *operandStack.template Push<Frag>() = Frag(s, Append(e.out, s), e.minIndex);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ case kZeroOrMore:
+ if (operandStack.GetSize() >= sizeof(Frag)) {
+ Frag e = *operandStack.template Pop<Frag>(1);
+ SizeType s = NewState(kRegexInvalidState, e.start, 0);
+ Patch(e.out, s);
+ *operandStack.template Push<Frag>() = Frag(s, s, e.minIndex);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ default:
+ RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(op == kOneOrMore);
+ if (operandStack.GetSize() >= sizeof(Frag)) {
+ Frag e = *operandStack.template Pop<Frag>(1);
+ SizeType s = NewState(kRegexInvalidState, e.start, 0);
+ Patch(e.out, s);
+ *operandStack.template Push<Frag>() = Frag(e.start, s, e.minIndex);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ bool EvalQuantifier(Stack<Allocator>& operandStack, unsigned n, unsigned m) {
+ RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(operandStack.GetSize() >= sizeof(Frag));
+ if (n == 0) {
+ if (m == 0) // a{0} not support
+ return false;
+ else if (m == kInfinityQuantifier)
+ Eval(operandStack, kZeroOrMore); // a{0,} -> a*
+ else {
+ Eval(operandStack, kZeroOrOne); // a{0,5} -> a?
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < m - 1; i++)
+ CloneTopOperand(operandStack); // a{0,5} -> a? a? a? a? a?
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < m - 1; i++)
+ Eval(operandStack, kConcatenation); // a{0,5} -> a?a?a?a?a?
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) // a{3} -> a a a
+ CloneTopOperand(operandStack);
+ if (m == kInfinityQuantifier)
+ Eval(operandStack, kOneOrMore); // a{3,} -> a a a+
+ else if (m > n) {
+ CloneTopOperand(operandStack); // a{3,5} -> a a a a
+ Eval(operandStack, kZeroOrOne); // a{3,5} -> a a a a?
+ for (unsigned i = n; i < m - 1; i++)
+ CloneTopOperand(operandStack); // a{3,5} -> a a a a? a?
+ for (unsigned i = n; i < m; i++)
+ Eval(operandStack, kConcatenation); // a{3,5} -> a a aa?a?
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
+ Eval(operandStack, kConcatenation); // a{3} -> aaa, a{3,} -> aaa+, a{3.5} -> aaaa?a?
+ return true;
+ }
+ static SizeType Min(SizeType a, SizeType b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
+ void CloneTopOperand(Stack<Allocator>& operandStack) {
+ const Frag src = *operandStack.template Top<Frag>(); // Copy constructor to prevent invalidation
+ SizeType count = stateCount_ - src.minIndex; // Assumes top operand contains states in [src->minIndex, stateCount_)
+ State* s = states_.template Push<State>(count);
+ memcpy(s, &GetState(src.minIndex), count * sizeof(State));
+ for (SizeType j = 0; j < count; j++) {
+ if (s[j].out != kRegexInvalidState)
+ s[j].out += count;
+ if (s[j].out1 != kRegexInvalidState)
+ s[j].out1 += count;
+ }
+ *operandStack.template Push<Frag>() = Frag(src.start + count, src.out + count, src.minIndex + count);
+ stateCount_ += count;
+ }
+ template <typename InputStream>
+ bool ParseUnsigned(DecodedStream<InputStream, Encoding>& ds, unsigned* u) {
+ unsigned r = 0;
+ if (ds.Peek() < '0' || ds.Peek() > '9')
+ return false;
+ while (ds.Peek() >= '0' && ds.Peek() <= '9') {
+ if (r >= 429496729 && ds.Peek() > '5') // 2^32 - 1 = 4294967295
+ return false; // overflow
+ r = r * 10 + (ds.Take() - '0');
+ }
+ *u = r;
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename InputStream>
+ bool ParseRange(DecodedStream<InputStream, Encoding>& ds, SizeType* range) {
+ bool isBegin = true;
+ bool negate = false;
+ int step = 0;
+ SizeType start = kRegexInvalidRange;
+ SizeType current = kRegexInvalidRange;
+ unsigned codepoint;
+ while ((codepoint = ds.Take()) != 0) {
+ if (isBegin) {
+ isBegin = false;
+ if (codepoint == '^') {
+ negate = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (codepoint) {
+ case ']':
+ if (start == kRegexInvalidRange)
+ return false; // Error: nothing inside []
+ if (step == 2) { // Add trailing '-'
+ SizeType r = NewRange('-');
+ RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(current != kRegexInvalidRange);
+ GetRange(current).next = r;
+ }
+ if (negate)
+ GetRange(start).start |= kRangeNegationFlag;
+ *range = start;
+ return true;
+ case '\\':
+ if (ds.Peek() == 'b') {
+ ds.Take();
+ codepoint = 0x0008; // Escape backspace character
+ }
+ else if (!CharacterEscape(ds, &codepoint))
+ return false;
+ // fall through to default
+ default:
+ switch (step) {
+ case 1:
+ if (codepoint == '-') {
+ step++;
+ break;
+ }
+ // fall through to step 0 for other characters
+ case 0:
+ {
+ SizeType r = NewRange(codepoint);
+ if (current != kRegexInvalidRange)
+ GetRange(current).next = r;
+ if (start == kRegexInvalidRange)
+ start = r;
+ current = r;
+ }
+ step = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(step == 2);
+ GetRange(current).end = codepoint;
+ step = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ SizeType NewRange(unsigned codepoint) {
+ Range* r = ranges_.template Push<Range>();
+ r->start = r->end = codepoint;
+ r->next = kRegexInvalidRange;
+ return rangeCount_++;
+ }
+ template <typename InputStream>
+ bool CharacterEscape(DecodedStream<InputStream, Encoding>& ds, unsigned* escapedCodepoint) {
+ unsigned codepoint;
+ switch (codepoint = ds.Take()) {
+ case '^':
+ case '$':
+ case '|':
+ case '(':
+ case ')':
+ case '?':
+ case '*':
+ case '+':
+ case '.':
+ case '[':
+ case ']':
+ case '{':
+ case '}':
+ case '\\':
+ *escapedCodepoint = codepoint; return true;
+ case 'f': *escapedCodepoint = 0x000C; return true;
+ case 'n': *escapedCodepoint = 0x000A; return true;
+ case 'r': *escapedCodepoint = 0x000D; return true;
+ case 't': *escapedCodepoint = 0x0009; return true;
+ case 'v': *escapedCodepoint = 0x000B; return true;
+ default:
+ return false; // Unsupported escape character
+ }
+ }
+ Stack<Allocator> states_;
+ Stack<Allocator> ranges_;
+ SizeType root_;
+ SizeType stateCount_;
+ SizeType rangeCount_;
+ static const unsigned kInfinityQuantifier = ~0u;
+ // For SearchWithAnchoring()
+ bool anchorBegin_;
+ bool anchorEnd_;
+template <typename RegexType, typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
+class GenericRegexSearch {
+ typedef typename RegexType::EncodingType Encoding;
+ typedef typename Encoding::Ch Ch;
+ GenericRegexSearch(const RegexType& regex, Allocator* allocator = 0) :
+ regex_(regex), allocator_(allocator), ownAllocator_(0),
+ state0_(allocator, 0), state1_(allocator, 0), stateSet_()
+ {
+ RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(regex_.IsValid());
+ if (!allocator_)
+ ownAllocator_ = allocator_ = RAPIDJSON_NEW(Allocator());
+ stateSet_ = static_cast<unsigned*>(allocator_->Malloc(GetStateSetSize()));
+ state0_.template Reserve<SizeType>(regex_.stateCount_);
+ state1_.template Reserve<SizeType>(regex_.stateCount_);
+ }
+ ~GenericRegexSearch() {
+ Allocator::Free(stateSet_);
+ RAPIDJSON_DELETE(ownAllocator_);
+ }
+ template <typename InputStream>
+ bool Match(InputStream& is) {
+ return SearchWithAnchoring(is, true, true);
+ }
+ bool Match(const Ch* s) {
+ GenericStringStream<Encoding> is(s);
+ return Match(is);
+ }
+ template <typename InputStream>
+ bool Search(InputStream& is) {
+ return SearchWithAnchoring(is, regex_.anchorBegin_, regex_.anchorEnd_);
+ }
+ bool Search(const Ch* s) {
+ GenericStringStream<Encoding> is(s);
+ return Search(is);
+ }
+ typedef typename RegexType::State State;
+ typedef typename RegexType::Range Range;
+ template <typename InputStream>
+ bool SearchWithAnchoring(InputStream& is, bool anchorBegin, bool anchorEnd) {
+ DecodedStream<InputStream, Encoding> ds(is);
+ state0_.Clear();
+ Stack<Allocator> *current = &state0_, *next = &state1_;
+ const size_t stateSetSize = GetStateSetSize();
+ std::memset(stateSet_, 0, stateSetSize);
+ bool matched = AddState(*current, regex_.root_);
+ unsigned codepoint;
+ while (!current->Empty() && (codepoint = ds.Take()) != 0) {
+ std::memset(stateSet_, 0, stateSetSize);
+ next->Clear();
+ matched = false;
+ for (const SizeType* s = current->template Bottom<SizeType>(); s != current->template End<SizeType>(); ++s) {
+ const State& sr = regex_.GetState(*s);
+ if (sr.codepoint == codepoint ||
+ sr.codepoint == RegexType::kAnyCharacterClass ||
+ (sr.codepoint == RegexType::kRangeCharacterClass && MatchRange(sr.rangeStart, codepoint)))
+ {
+ matched = AddState(*next, sr.out) || matched;
+ if (!anchorEnd && matched)
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!anchorBegin)
+ AddState(*next, regex_.root_);
+ }
+ internal::Swap(current, next);
+ }
+ return matched;
+ }
+ size_t GetStateSetSize() const {
+ return (regex_.stateCount_ + 31) / 32 * 4;
+ }
+ // Return whether the added states is a match state
+ bool AddState(Stack<Allocator>& l, SizeType index) {
+ RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(index != kRegexInvalidState);
+ const State& s = regex_.GetState(index);
+ if (s.out1 != kRegexInvalidState) { // Split
+ bool matched = AddState(l, s.out);
+ return AddState(l, s.out1) || matched;
+ }
+ else if (!(stateSet_[index >> 5] & (1 << (index & 31)))) {
+ stateSet_[index >> 5] |= (1 << (index & 31));
+ *l.template PushUnsafe<SizeType>() = index;
+ }
+ return s.out == kRegexInvalidState; // by using PushUnsafe() above, we can ensure s is not validated due to reallocation.
+ }
+ bool MatchRange(SizeType rangeIndex, unsigned codepoint) const {
+ bool yes = (regex_.GetRange(rangeIndex).start & RegexType::kRangeNegationFlag) == 0;
+ while (rangeIndex != kRegexInvalidRange) {
+ const Range& r = regex_.GetRange(rangeIndex);
+ if (codepoint >= (r.start & ~RegexType::kRangeNegationFlag) && codepoint <= r.end)
+ return yes;
+ rangeIndex = r.next;
+ }
+ return !yes;
+ }
+ const RegexType& regex_;
+ Allocator* allocator_;
+ Allocator* ownAllocator_;
+ Stack<Allocator> state0_;
+ Stack<Allocator> state1_;
+ uint32_t* stateSet_;
+typedef GenericRegex<UTF8<> > Regex;
+typedef GenericRegexSearch<Regex> RegexSearch;
+} // namespace internal
+#ifdef __clang__
+#ifdef _MSC_VER