diff options
authormoneromooo-monero <moneromooo-monero@users.noreply.github.com>2016-07-24 17:53:34 +0100
committermoneromooo-monero <moneromooo-monero@users.noreply.github.com>2016-08-28 21:29:46 +0100
commit9b70856ccb97943249f6e76b19f8abce5cd7aabe (patch)
parentrct: do not serialize public keys in outPk (diff)
rct: make the amount key derivable by a third party with the tx key
Scheme design from luigi1114.
12 files changed, 140 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/src/cryptonote_core/cryptonote_format_utils.cpp b/src/cryptonote_core/cryptonote_format_utils.cpp
index e0d8d9d08..ee9a00803 100644
--- a/src/cryptonote_core/cryptonote_format_utils.cpp
+++ b/src/cryptonote_core/cryptonote_format_utils.cpp
@@ -681,6 +681,7 @@ namespace cryptonote
amount_out += tx.vout[i].amount;
+ amount_keys.push_back(rct::rct2sk(rct::hash_to_scalar(rct::scalarmultKey(rct::pk2rct(shuffled_dsts[i].addr.m_view_public_key), rct::sk2rct(txkey.sec)))));
if (use_simple_rct)
@@ -724,16 +725,11 @@ namespace cryptonote
get_transaction_prefix_hash(tx, tx_prefix_hash);
rct::ctkeyV outSk;
if (use_simple_rct)
- tx.rct_signatures = rct::genRctSimple(rct::hash2rct(tx_prefix_hash), inSk, destinations, inamounts, outamounts, amount_in - amount_out, mixRing, index, outSk);
+ tx.rct_signatures = rct::genRctSimple(rct::hash2rct(tx_prefix_hash), inSk, destinations, inamounts, outamounts, amount_in - amount_out, mixRing, (const rct::keyV&)amount_keys, index, outSk);
- tx.rct_signatures = rct::genRct(rct::hash2rct(tx_prefix_hash), inSk, destinations, outamounts, mixRing, sources[0].real_output, outSk); // same index assumption
+ tx.rct_signatures = rct::genRct(rct::hash2rct(tx_prefix_hash), inSk, destinations, outamounts, mixRing, (const rct::keyV&)amount_keys, sources[0].real_output, outSk); // same index assumption
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(tx.vout.size() == outSk.size(), false, "outSk size does not match vout");
- for (size_t i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i)
- {
- amount_keys.push_back(rct::rct2sk(rct::d2h(shuffled_dsts[i].amount)));
- amount_keys.push_back(rct::rct2sk(outSk[i].mask));
- }
LOG_PRINT2("construct_tx.log", "transaction_created: " << get_transaction_hash(tx) << ENDL << obj_to_json_str(tx) << ENDL, LOG_LEVEL_3);
diff --git a/src/ringct/rctOps.cpp b/src/ringct/rctOps.cpp
index 06267fd8e..b8a0d26ad 100644
--- a/src/ringct/rctOps.cpp
+++ b/src/ringct/rctOps.cpp
@@ -741,22 +741,28 @@ void fe_mul(fe h,const fe f,const fe g)
//Elliptic Curve Diffie Helman: encodes and decodes the amount b and mask a
// where C= aG + bH
+ void ecdhEncodeFromSharedSecret(ecdhTuple & unmasked, const key & sharedSec1) {
+ key sharedSec2 = hash_to_scalar(sharedSec1);
+ //encode
+ sc_add(unmasked.mask.bytes, unmasked.mask.bytes, sharedSec1.bytes);
+ sc_add(unmasked.amount.bytes, unmasked.amount.bytes, sharedSec2.bytes);
+ }
void ecdhEncode(ecdhTuple & unmasked, const key & receiverPk) {
key esk;
//compute shared secret
skpkGen(esk, unmasked.senderPk);
key sharedSec1 = hash_to_scalar(scalarmultKey(receiverPk, esk));
+ ecdhEncodeFromSharedSecret(unmasked, sharedSec1);
+ }
+ void ecdhDecodeFromSharedSecret(ecdhTuple & masked, const key & sharedSec1) {
key sharedSec2 = hash_to_scalar(sharedSec1);
- //encode
- sc_add(unmasked.mask.bytes, unmasked.mask.bytes, sharedSec1.bytes);
- sc_add(unmasked.amount.bytes, unmasked.amount.bytes, sharedSec2.bytes);
+ //decode
+ sc_sub(masked.mask.bytes, masked.mask.bytes, sharedSec1.bytes);
+ sc_sub(masked.amount.bytes, masked.amount.bytes, sharedSec2.bytes);
void ecdhDecode(ecdhTuple & masked, const key & receiverSk) {
//compute shared secret
key sharedSec1 = hash_to_scalar(scalarmultKey(masked.senderPk, receiverSk));
- key sharedSec2 = hash_to_scalar(sharedSec1);
- //encode
- sc_sub(masked.mask.bytes, masked.mask.bytes, sharedSec1.bytes);
- sc_sub(masked.amount.bytes, masked.amount.bytes, sharedSec2.bytes);
+ ecdhDecodeFromSharedSecret(masked, sharedSec1);
diff --git a/src/ringct/rctOps.h b/src/ringct/rctOps.h
index 6438a1f03..225c5abb9 100644
--- a/src/ringct/rctOps.h
+++ b/src/ringct/rctOps.h
@@ -165,7 +165,9 @@ namespace rct {
//Elliptic Curve Diffie Helman: encodes and decodes the amount b and mask a
// where C= aG + bH
+ void ecdhEncodeFromSharedSecret(ecdhTuple & unmasked, const key & sharedSec1);
void ecdhEncode(ecdhTuple & unmasked, const key & receiverPk);
+ void ecdhDecodeFromSharedSecret(ecdhTuple & masked, const key & sharedSec1);
void ecdhDecode(ecdhTuple & masked, const key & receiverSk);
#endif /* RCTOPS_H */
diff --git a/src/ringct/rctSigs.cpp b/src/ringct/rctSigs.cpp
index fa9c833dd..0d4fbee1a 100644
--- a/src/ringct/rctSigs.cpp
+++ b/src/ringct/rctSigs.cpp
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ namespace rct {
// must know the destination private key to find the correct amount, else will return a random number
// Note: For txn fees, the last index in the amounts vector should contain that
// Thus the amounts vector will be "one" longer than the destinations vectort
- rctSig genRct(const key &message, const ctkeyV & inSk, const keyV & destinations, const vector<xmr_amount> & amounts, const ctkeyM &mixRing, unsigned int index, ctkeyV &outSk) {
+ rctSig genRct(const key &message, const ctkeyV & inSk, const keyV & destinations, const vector<xmr_amount> & amounts, const ctkeyM &mixRing, const keyV &amount_keys, unsigned int index, ctkeyV &outSk) {
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(amounts.size() == destinations.size() || amounts.size() == destinations.size() + 1, "Different number of amounts/destinations");
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(index < mixRing.size(), "Bad index into mixRing");
for (size_t n = 0; n < mixRing.size(); ++n) {
@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ namespace rct {
//mask amount and mask
rv.ecdhInfo[i].mask = copy(outSk[i].mask);
rv.ecdhInfo[i].amount = d2h(amounts[i]);
- ecdhEncode(rv.ecdhInfo[i], destinations[i]);
+ ecdhEncodeFromSharedSecret(rv.ecdhInfo[i], amount_keys[i]);
@@ -584,17 +584,17 @@ namespace rct {
return rv;
- rctSig genRct(const key &message, const ctkeyV & inSk, const ctkeyV & inPk, const keyV & destinations, const vector<xmr_amount> & amounts, const int mixin) {
+ rctSig genRct(const key &message, const ctkeyV & inSk, const ctkeyV & inPk, const keyV & destinations, const vector<xmr_amount> & amounts, const keyV &amount_keys, const int mixin) {
unsigned int index;
ctkeyM mixRing;
ctkeyV outSk;
tie(mixRing, index) = populateFromBlockchain(inPk, mixin);
- return genRct(message, inSk, destinations, amounts, mixRing, index, outSk);
+ return genRct(message, inSk, destinations, amounts, mixRing, amount_keys, index, outSk);
//RCT simple
//for post-rct only
- rctSig genRctSimple(const key &message, const ctkeyV & inSk, const keyV & destinations, const vector<xmr_amount> &inamounts, const vector<xmr_amount> &outamounts, xmr_amount txnFee, const ctkeyM & mixRing, const std::vector<unsigned int> & index, ctkeyV &outSk) {
+ rctSig genRctSimple(const key &message, const ctkeyV & inSk, const keyV & destinations, const vector<xmr_amount> &inamounts, const vector<xmr_amount> &outamounts, xmr_amount txnFee, const ctkeyM & mixRing, const keyV &amount_keys, const std::vector<unsigned int> & index, ctkeyV &outSk) {
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(inamounts.size() > 0, "Empty inamounts");
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(inamounts.size() == inSk.size(), "Different number of inamounts/inSk");
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(outamounts.size() == destinations.size(), "Different number of amounts/destinations");
@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ namespace rct {
//mask amount and mask
rv.ecdhInfo[i].mask = copy(outSk[i].mask);
rv.ecdhInfo[i].amount = d2h(outamounts[i]);
- ecdhEncode(rv.ecdhInfo[i], destinations[i]);
+ ecdhEncodeFromSharedSecret(rv.ecdhInfo[i], amount_keys[i]);
//set txn fee
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ namespace rct {
return rv;
- rctSig genRctSimple(const key &message, const ctkeyV & inSk, const ctkeyV & inPk, const keyV & destinations, const vector<xmr_amount> &inamounts, const vector<xmr_amount> &outamounts, xmr_amount txnFee, unsigned int mixin) {
+ rctSig genRctSimple(const key &message, const ctkeyV & inSk, const ctkeyV & inPk, const keyV & destinations, const vector<xmr_amount> &inamounts, const vector<xmr_amount> &outamounts, const keyV &amount_keys, xmr_amount txnFee, unsigned int mixin) {
std::vector<unsigned int> index;
ctkeyM mixRing;
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ namespace rct {
index[i] = populateFromBlockchainSimple(mixRing[i], inPk[i], mixin);
- return genRctSimple(message, inSk, destinations, inamounts, outamounts, txnFee, mixRing, index, outSk);
+ return genRctSimple(message, inSk, destinations, inamounts, outamounts, txnFee, mixRing, amount_keys, index, outSk);
//RingCT protocol
@@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ namespace rct {
//decodeRct: (c.f. http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1098 section 5.1.1)
// uses the attached ecdh info to find the amounts represented by each output commitment
// must know the destination private key to find the correct amount, else will return a random number
- xmr_amount decodeRct(const rctSig & rv, const key & sk, unsigned int i, key & mask) {
+ static xmr_amount decodeRctMain(const rctSig & rv, const key & sk, unsigned int i, key & mask, void (*decode)(ecdhTuple&, const key&)) {
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(!rv.simple, false, "decodeRct called on simple rctSig");
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(rv.rangeSigs.size() > 0, "Empty rv.rangeSigs");
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(rv.outPk.size() == rv.rangeSigs.size(), "Mismatched sizes of rv.outPk and rv.rangeSigs");
@@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ namespace rct {
//mask amount and mask
ecdhTuple ecdh_info = rv.ecdhInfo[i];
- ecdhDecode(ecdh_info, sk);
+ (*decode)(ecdh_info, sk);
mask = ecdh_info.mask;
key amount = ecdh_info.amount;
key C = rv.outPk[i].mask;
@@ -806,12 +806,20 @@ namespace rct {
return h2d(amount);
+ xmr_amount decodeRct(const rctSig & rv, const key & sk, unsigned int i, key & mask) {
+ return decodeRctMain(rv, sk, i, mask, &ecdhDecode);
+ }
+ xmr_amount decodeRctFromSharedSecret(const rctSig & rv, const key & sk, unsigned int i, key & mask) {
+ return decodeRctMain(rv, sk, i, mask, &ecdhDecodeFromSharedSecret);
+ }
xmr_amount decodeRct(const rctSig & rv, const key & sk, unsigned int i) {
key mask;
return decodeRct(rv, sk, i, mask);
- xmr_amount decodeRctSimple(const rctSig & rv, const key & sk, unsigned int i, key &mask) {
+ static xmr_amount decodeRctSimpleMain(const rctSig & rv, const key & sk, unsigned int i, key &mask, void (*decode)(ecdhTuple &ecdh, const key&)) {
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(rv.simple, false, "decodeRct called on non simple rctSig");
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(rv.rangeSigs.size() > 0, "Empty rv.rangeSigs");
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(rv.outPk.size() == rv.rangeSigs.size(), "Mismatched sizes of rv.outPk and rv.rangeSigs");
@@ -819,7 +827,7 @@ namespace rct {
//mask amount and mask
ecdhTuple ecdh_info = rv.ecdhInfo[i];
- ecdhDecode(ecdh_info, sk);
+ (*decode)(ecdh_info, sk);
mask = ecdh_info.mask;
key amount = ecdh_info.amount;
key C = rv.outPk[i].mask;
@@ -835,6 +843,14 @@ namespace rct {
return h2d(amount);
+ xmr_amount decodeRctSimple(const rctSig & rv, const key & sk, unsigned int i, key &mask) {
+ return decodeRctSimpleMain(rv, sk, i, mask, &ecdhDecode);
+ }
+ xmr_amount decodeRctSimpleFromSharedSecret(const rctSig & rv, const key & sk, unsigned int i, key &mask) {
+ return decodeRctSimpleMain(rv, sk, i, mask, &ecdhDecodeFromSharedSecret);
+ }
xmr_amount decodeRctSimple(const rctSig & rv, const key & sk, unsigned int i) {
key mask;
return decodeRctSimple(rv, sk, i, mask);
diff --git a/src/ringct/rctSigs.h b/src/ringct/rctSigs.h
index 2064962c3..d150e7180 100644
--- a/src/ringct/rctSigs.h
+++ b/src/ringct/rctSigs.h
@@ -135,18 +135,20 @@ namespace rct {
//decodeRct: (c.f. http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1098 section 5.1.1)
// uses the attached ecdh info to find the amounts represented by each output commitment
// must know the destination private key to find the correct amount, else will return a random number
- rctSig genRct(const key &message, const ctkeyV & inSk, const keyV & destinations, const vector<xmr_amount> & amounts, const ctkeyM &mixRing, unsigned int index, ctkeyV &outSk);
- rctSig genRct(const key &message, const ctkeyV & inSk, const ctkeyV & inPk, const keyV & destinations, const vector<xmr_amount> & amounts, const int mixin);
- rctSig genRctSimple(const key & message, const ctkeyV & inSk, const ctkeyV & inPk, const keyV & destinations, const vector<xmr_amount> & inamounts, const vector<xmr_amount> & outamounts, xmr_amount txnFee, unsigned int mixin);
- rctSig genRctSimple(const key & message, const ctkeyV & inSk, const keyV & destinations, const vector<xmr_amount> & inamounts, const vector<xmr_amount> & outamounts, xmr_amount txnFee, const ctkeyM & mixRing, const std::vector<unsigned int> & index, ctkeyV &outSk);
+ rctSig genRct(const key &message, const ctkeyV & inSk, const keyV & destinations, const vector<xmr_amount> & amounts, const ctkeyM &mixRing, const keyV &amount_keys, unsigned int index, ctkeyV &outSk);
+ rctSig genRct(const key &message, const ctkeyV & inSk, const ctkeyV & inPk, const keyV & destinations, const vector<xmr_amount> & amounts, const keyV &amount_keys, const int mixin);
+ rctSig genRctSimple(const key & message, const ctkeyV & inSk, const ctkeyV & inPk, const keyV & destinations, const vector<xmr_amount> & inamounts, const vector<xmr_amount> & outamounts, const keyV &amount_keys, xmr_amount txnFee, unsigned int mixin);
+ rctSig genRctSimple(const key & message, const ctkeyV & inSk, const keyV & destinations, const vector<xmr_amount> & inamounts, const vector<xmr_amount> & outamounts, xmr_amount txnFee, const ctkeyM & mixRing, const keyV &amount_keys, const std::vector<unsigned int> & index, ctkeyV &outSk);
bool verRct(const rctSig & rv);
bool verRct(const rctSig & rv, const ctkeyM &mixRing, const keyV &II, const ctkeyV &outPk, const key &message);
bool verRctSimple(const rctSig & rv);
bool verRctSimple(const rctSig & rv, const ctkeyM &mixRing, const std::vector<keyV> *II, const ctkeyV &outPk, const key &message);
xmr_amount decodeRct(const rctSig & rv, const key & sk, unsigned int i, key & mask);
+ xmr_amount decodeRctFromSharedSecret(const rctSig & rv, const key & sk, unsigned int i, key & mask);
xmr_amount decodeRct(const rctSig & rv, const key & sk, unsigned int i);
- xmr_amount decodeRctSimple(const rctSig & rv, const key & sk, unsigned int i);
+ xmr_amount decodeRctSimpleFromSharedSecret(const rctSig & rv, const key & sk, unsigned int i, key & mask);
xmr_amount decodeRctSimple(const rctSig & rv, const key & sk, unsigned int i, key & mask);
+ xmr_amount decodeRctSimple(const rctSig & rv, const key & sk, unsigned int i);
#endif /* RCTSIGS_H */
diff --git a/src/ringct/rctTypes.h b/src/ringct/rctTypes.h
index 7e31f679d..d36d3f1b1 100644
--- a/src/ringct/rctTypes.h
+++ b/src/ringct/rctTypes.h
@@ -341,6 +341,8 @@ namespace rct {
namespace cryptonote {
static inline bool operator==(const crypto::public_key &k0, const rct::key &k1) { return !memcmp(&k0, &k1, 32); }
static inline bool operator!=(const crypto::public_key &k0, const rct::key &k1) { return memcmp(&k0, &k1, 32); }
+ static inline bool operator==(const crypto::secret_key &k0, const rct::key &k1) { return !memcmp(&k0, &k1, 32); }
+ static inline bool operator!=(const crypto::secret_key &k0, const rct::key &k1) { return memcmp(&k0, &k1, 32); }
template<typename T> std::ostream &print256(std::ostream &o, const T &v);
diff --git a/src/simplewallet/simplewallet.cpp b/src/simplewallet/simplewallet.cpp
index c8fae6edd..709990c7c 100644
--- a/src/simplewallet/simplewallet.cpp
+++ b/src/simplewallet/simplewallet.cpp
@@ -2959,12 +2959,9 @@ bool simple_wallet::get_tx_key(const std::vector<std::string> &args_)
crypto::secret_key tx_key;
std::vector<crypto::secret_key> amount_keys;
- if (m_wallet->get_tx_keys(txid, tx_key, amount_keys))
+ if (m_wallet->get_tx_key(txid, tx_key))
- std::string s = epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(tx_key);
- for (const auto &k: amount_keys)
- s += epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(k);
- success_msg_writer() << tr("Tx key: ") << s;
+ success_msg_writer() << tr("Tx key: ") << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(tx_key);
return true;
@@ -3001,17 +2998,14 @@ bool simple_wallet::check_tx_key(const std::vector<std::string> &args_)
fail_msg_writer() << tr("failed to parse tx key");
return true;
- std::vector<crypto::secret_key> tx_keys;
- for (size_t start = 0; start < local_args[1].size(); start += 64)
+ crypto::secret_key tx_key;
+ cryptonote::blobdata tx_key_data;
+ if(!epee::string_tools::parse_hexstr_to_binbuff(local_args[1], tx_key_data))
- cryptonote::blobdata tx_key_data;
- if(!epee::string_tools::parse_hexstr_to_binbuff(std::string(&local_args[1][start], 64), tx_key_data))
- {
- fail_msg_writer() << tr("failed to parse tx key");
- return true;
- }
- tx_keys.push_back(*reinterpret_cast<const crypto::secret_key*>(tx_key_data.data()));
+ fail_msg_writer() << tr("failed to parse tx key");
+ return true;
+ tx_key = *reinterpret_cast<const crypto::secret_key*>(tx_key_data.data());
cryptonote::account_public_address address;
bool has_payment_id;
@@ -3056,18 +3050,12 @@ bool simple_wallet::check_tx_key(const std::vector<std::string> &args_)
crypto::key_derivation derivation;
- if (!crypto::generate_key_derivation(address.m_view_public_key, tx_keys[0], derivation))
+ if (!crypto::generate_key_derivation(address.m_view_public_key, tx_key, derivation))
fail_msg_writer() << tr("failed to generate key derivation from supplied parameters");
return true;
- if (tx_keys.size() != tx.vout.size() * 2 + 1)
- {
- fail_msg_writer() << tr("tx keys don't match tx vout");
- return true;
- }
uint64_t received = 0;
try {
for (size_t n = 0; n < tx.vout.size(); ++n)
@@ -3089,9 +3077,13 @@ bool simple_wallet::check_tx_key(const std::vector<std::string> &args_)
rct::key Ctmp;
- rct::addKeys2(Ctmp, rct::sk2rct(tx_keys[n * 2 + 2]), rct::sk2rct(tx_keys[n * 2 + 1]), rct::H);
- if (rct::equalKeys(tx.rct_signatures.outPk[n].mask, Ctmp))
- amount = rct::h2d(rct::sk2rct(tx_keys[n * 2 + 1]));
+ rct::key amount_key = rct::hash_to_scalar(rct::scalarmultKey(rct::pk2rct(address.m_view_public_key), rct::sk2rct(tx_key)));
+ rct::ecdhTuple ecdh_info = tx.rct_signatures.ecdhInfo[n];
+ rct::ecdhDecodeFromSharedSecret(ecdh_info, amount_key);
+ rct::key C = tx.rct_signatures.outPk[n].mask;
+ rct::addKeys2(Ctmp, ecdh_info.mask, ecdh_info.amount, rct::H);
+ if (rct::equalKeys(C, Ctmp))
+ amount = rct::h2d(ecdh_info.amount);
amount = 0;
diff --git a/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp b/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp
index 70f9043f0..69063e780 100644
--- a/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp
@@ -195,10 +195,18 @@ void wallet2::check_acc_out(const account_keys &acc, const tx_out &o, const cryp
static uint64_t decodeRct(const rct::rctSig & rv, const rct::key & sk, unsigned int i, rct::key & mask)
- if (rv.simple)
- return rct::decodeRctSimple(rv, sk, i, mask);
- else
- return rct::decodeRct(rv, sk, i, mask);
+ try
+ {
+ if (rv.simple)
+ return rct::decodeRctSimpleFromSharedSecret(rv, sk, i, mask);
+ else
+ return rct::decodeRctFromSharedSecret(rv, sk, i, mask);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e)
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR("Failed to decode input " << i);
+ return 0;
+ }
void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const std::vector<uint64_t> &o_indices, uint64_t height, uint64_t ts, bool miner_tx, bool pool)
@@ -260,7 +268,11 @@ void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const s
if (money_transfered == 0)
- money_transfered = tools::decodeRct(tx.rct_signatures, rct::sk2rct(in_ephemeral[0].sec), 0, mask[0]);
+ {
+ const cryptonote::account_keys& keys = m_account.get_keys();
+ rct::key amount_key = rct::hash_to_scalar(rct::scalarmultKey(rct::pk2rct(pub_key_field.pub_key), rct::sk2rct(keys.m_view_secret_key)));
+ money_transfered = tools::decodeRct(tx.rct_signatures, amount_key, 0, mask[0]);
+ }
amount[0] = money_transfered;
tx_money_got_in_outs = money_transfered;
@@ -300,7 +312,11 @@ void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const s
if (money_transfered[i] == 0)
- money_transfered[i] = tools::decodeRct(tx.rct_signatures, rct::sk2rct(in_ephemeral[i].sec), i, mask[i]);
+ {
+ const cryptonote::account_keys& keys = m_account.get_keys();
+ rct::key amount_key = rct::hash_to_scalar(rct::scalarmultKey(rct::pk2rct(pub_key_field.pub_key), rct::sk2rct(keys.m_view_secret_key)));
+ money_transfered[i] = tools::decodeRct(tx.rct_signatures, amount_key, i, mask[i]);
+ }
tx_money_got_in_outs += money_transfered[i];
amount[i] = money_transfered[i];
@@ -345,7 +361,11 @@ void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const s
if (money_transfered[i] == 0)
- money_transfered[i] = tools::decodeRct(tx.rct_signatures, rct::sk2rct(in_ephemeral[i].sec), i, mask[i]);
+ {
+ const cryptonote::account_keys& keys = m_account.get_keys();
+ rct::key amount_key = rct::hash_to_scalar(rct::scalarmultKey(rct::pk2rct(pub_key_field.pub_key), rct::sk2rct(keys.m_view_secret_key)));
+ money_transfered[i] = tools::decodeRct(tx.rct_signatures, amount_key, i, mask[i]);
+ }
tx_money_got_in_outs += money_transfered[i];
amount[i] = money_transfered[i];
@@ -374,7 +394,11 @@ void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const s
if (money_transfered == 0)
- money_transfered = tools::decodeRct(tx.rct_signatures, rct::sk2rct(in_ephemeral[i].sec), i, mask[i]);
+ {
+ const cryptonote::account_keys& keys = m_account.get_keys();
+ rct::key amount_key = rct::hash_to_scalar(rct::scalarmultKey(rct::pk2rct(pub_key_field.pub_key), rct::sk2rct(keys.m_view_secret_key)));
+ money_transfered = tools::decodeRct(tx.rct_signatures, amount_key, i, mask[i]);
+ }
amount[i] = money_transfered;
tx_money_got_in_outs += money_transfered;
@@ -1270,7 +1294,6 @@ bool wallet2::clear()
- m_amount_keys.clear();
m_local_bc_height = 1;
return true;
@@ -2429,7 +2452,6 @@ void wallet2::commit_tx(pending_tx& ptx)
if (store_tx_info())
m_tx_keys.insert(std::make_pair(txid, ptx.tx_key));
- m_amount_keys.insert(std::make_pair(txid, ptx.amount_keys));
LOG_PRINT_L2("transaction " << txid << " generated ok and sent to daemon, key_images: [" << ptx.key_images << "]");
@@ -3974,15 +3996,12 @@ std::vector<wallet2::pending_tx> wallet2::create_unmixable_sweep_transactions(bo
-bool wallet2::get_tx_keys(const crypto::hash &txid, crypto::secret_key &tx_key, std::vector<crypto::secret_key> &amount_keys) const
+bool wallet2::get_tx_key(const crypto::hash &txid, crypto::secret_key &tx_key) const
const std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, crypto::secret_key>::const_iterator i = m_tx_keys.find(txid);
if (i == m_tx_keys.end())
return false;
tx_key = i->second;
- const std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, std::vector<crypto::secret_key>>::const_iterator j = m_amount_keys.find(txid);
- if (j != m_amount_keys.end())
- amount_keys = j->second;
return true;
diff --git a/src/wallet/wallet2.h b/src/wallet/wallet2.h
index 2631f630b..3be46882a 100644
--- a/src/wallet/wallet2.h
+++ b/src/wallet/wallet2.h
@@ -354,7 +354,6 @@ namespace tools
a & m_unconfirmed_payments;
if(ver < 14)
- a & m_amount_keys;
@@ -390,7 +389,7 @@ namespace tools
bool auto_refresh() const { return m_auto_refresh; }
void auto_refresh(bool r) { m_auto_refresh = r; }
- bool get_tx_keys(const crypto::hash &txid, crypto::secret_key &tx_key, std::vector<crypto::secret_key> &amount_keys) const;
+ bool get_tx_key(const crypto::hash &txid, crypto::secret_key &tx_key) const;
bool use_fork_rules(uint8_t version);
@@ -471,7 +470,6 @@ namespace tools
std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, confirmed_transfer_details> m_confirmed_txs;
std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, payment_details> m_unconfirmed_payments;
std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, crypto::secret_key> m_tx_keys;
- std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, std::vector<crypto::secret_key>> m_amount_keys;
transfer_container m_transfers;
payment_container m_payments;
diff --git a/tests/core_tests/rct.cpp b/tests/core_tests/rct.cpp
index a07c72049..8dbf8b272 100644
--- a/tests/core_tests/rct.cpp
+++ b/tests/core_tests/rct.cpp
@@ -125,13 +125,11 @@ bool gen_rct_tx_validation_base::generate_with(std::vector<test_event_entry>& ev
crypto::public_key tx_pub_key = get_tx_pub_key_from_extra(rct_txes[n]);
for (size_t o = 0; o < 4; ++o)
- cryptonote::keypair in_ephemeral;
- crypto::key_image ki;
- cryptonote::generate_key_image_helper(miner_accounts[n].get_keys(), tx_pub_key, o, in_ephemeral, ki);
+ rct::key amount_key = rct::hash_to_scalar(rct::scalarmultKey(rct::pk2rct(tx_pub_key), rct::sk2rct(miner_accounts[n].get_keys().m_view_secret_key)));
if (rct_txes[n].rct_signatures.simple)
- rct::decodeRctSimple(rct_txes[n].rct_signatures, rct::sk2rct(in_ephemeral.sec), o, rct_tx_masks[o+n*4]);
+ rct::decodeRctSimpleFromSharedSecret(rct_txes[n].rct_signatures, amount_key, o, rct_tx_masks[o+n*4]);
- rct::decodeRct(rct_txes[n].rct_signatures, rct::sk2rct(in_ephemeral.sec), o, rct_tx_masks[o+n*4]);
+ rct::decodeRctFromSharedSecret(rct_txes[n].rct_signatures, amount_key, o, rct_tx_masks[o+n*4]);
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(generator.construct_block_manually(blk_txes[n], blk_last, miner_account,
diff --git a/tests/unit_tests/ringct.cpp b/tests/unit_tests/ringct.cpp
index 7970fedb4..81a63b502 100644
--- a/tests/unit_tests/ringct.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit_tests/ringct.cpp
@@ -171,10 +171,12 @@ TEST(ringct, range_proofs)
vector<xmr_amount >amounts;
+ rct::keyV amount_keys;
+ key mask;
//add output 500
+ amount_keys.push_back(rct::hash_to_scalar(rct::zero()));
keyV destinations;
key Sk, Pk;
skpkGen(Sk, Pk);
@@ -183,17 +185,18 @@ TEST(ringct, range_proofs)
//add output for 12500
+ amount_keys.push_back(rct::hash_to_scalar(rct::zero()));
skpkGen(Sk, Pk);
//compute rct data with mixin 500
- rctSig s = genRct(rct::zero(), sc, pc, destinations, amounts, 3);
+ rctSig s = genRct(rct::zero(), sc, pc, destinations, amounts, amount_keys, 3);
//verify rct data
//decode received amount
- ASSERT_TRUE(decodeRct(s, Sk, 1));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(decodeRctFromSharedSecret(s, amount_keys[1], 1, mask));
// Ring CT with failing MG sig part should not verify!
// Since sum of inputs != outputs
@@ -204,13 +207,13 @@ TEST(ringct, range_proofs)
//compute rct data with mixin 500
- s = genRct(rct::zero(), sc, pc, destinations, amounts, 3);
+ s = genRct(rct::zero(), sc, pc, destinations, amounts, amount_keys, 3);
//verify rct data
//decode received amount
- ASSERT_TRUE(decodeRct(s, Sk, 1));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(decodeRctFromSharedSecret(s, amount_keys[1], 1, mask));
TEST(ringct, range_proofs_with_fee)
@@ -229,10 +232,12 @@ TEST(ringct, range_proofs_with_fee)
vector<xmr_amount >amounts;
+ keyV amount_keys;
+ key mask;
//add output 500
+ amount_keys.push_back(rct::hash_to_scalar(rct::zero()));
keyV destinations;
key Sk, Pk;
skpkGen(Sk, Pk);
@@ -241,20 +246,22 @@ TEST(ringct, range_proofs_with_fee)
//add txn fee for 1
//has no corresponding destination..
+ amount_keys.push_back(hash_to_scalar(zero()));
//add output for 12500
+ amount_keys.push_back(hash_to_scalar(zero()));
skpkGen(Sk, Pk);
//compute rct data with mixin 500
- rctSig s = genRct(rct::zero(), sc, pc, destinations, amounts, 3);
+ rctSig s = genRct(rct::zero(), sc, pc, destinations, amounts, amount_keys, 3);
//verify rct data
//decode received amount
- ASSERT_TRUE(decodeRct(s, Sk, 1));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(decodeRctFromSharedSecret(s, amount_keys[1], 1, mask));
// Ring CT with failing MG sig part should not verify!
// Since sum of inputs != outputs
@@ -265,13 +272,13 @@ TEST(ringct, range_proofs_with_fee)
//compute rct data with mixin 500
- s = genRct(rct::zero(), sc, pc, destinations, amounts, 3);
+ s = genRct(rct::zero(), sc, pc, destinations, amounts, amount_keys, 3);
//verify rct data
//decode received amount
- ASSERT_TRUE(decodeRct(s, Sk, 1));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(decodeRctFromSharedSecret(s, amount_keys[1], 1, mask));
TEST(ringct, simple)
@@ -284,6 +291,8 @@ TEST(ringct, simple)
//this keyV corresponds to destination pubkeys
keyV destinations;
+ keyV amount_keys;
+ key mask;
//add fake input 3000
//the sc is secret data
@@ -303,6 +312,7 @@ TEST(ringct, simple)
//add output 5000
+ amount_keys.push_back(rct::hash_to_scalar(rct::zero()));
//add the corresponding destination pubkey
key Sk, Pk;
skpkGen(Sk, Pk);
@@ -310,6 +320,7 @@ TEST(ringct, simple)
//add output 999
+ amount_keys.push_back(rct::hash_to_scalar(rct::zero()));
//add the corresponding destination pubkey
skpkGen(Sk, Pk);
@@ -319,13 +330,13 @@ TEST(ringct, simple)
//compute sig with mixin 2
xmr_amount txnfee = 1;
- rctSig s = genRctSimple(message, sc, pc, destinations,inamounts, outamounts, txnfee, 2);
+ rctSig s = genRctSimple(message, sc, pc, destinations,inamounts, outamounts, amount_keys, txnfee, 2);
//verify ring ct signature
//decode received amount corresponding to output pubkey index 1
- ASSERT_TRUE(decodeRctSimple(s, Sk, 1));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(decodeRctSimpleFromSharedSecret(s, amount_keys[1], 1, mask));
static rct::rctSig make_sample_rct_sig(int n_inputs, const uint64_t input_amounts[], int n_outputs, const uint64_t output_amounts[], bool last_is_fee)
@@ -334,6 +345,7 @@ static rct::rctSig make_sample_rct_sig(int n_inputs, const uint64_t input_amount
ctkey sctmp, pctmp;
vector<xmr_amount >amounts;
keyV destinations;
+ keyV amount_keys;
key Sk, Pk;
for (int n = 0; n < n_inputs; ++n) {
@@ -344,12 +356,13 @@ static rct::rctSig make_sample_rct_sig(int n_inputs, const uint64_t input_amount
for (int n = 0; n < n_outputs; ++n) {
+ amount_keys.push_back(rct::hash_to_scalar(rct::zero()));
skpkGen(Sk, Pk);
if (n < n_outputs - 1 || !last_is_fee)
- return genRct(rct::zero(), sc, pc, destinations, amounts, 3);;
+ return genRct(rct::zero(), sc, pc, destinations, amounts, amount_keys, 3);;
static rct::rctSig make_sample_simple_rct_sig(int n_inputs, const uint64_t input_amounts[], int n_outputs, const uint64_t output_amounts[], uint64_t fee)
@@ -358,6 +371,7 @@ static rct::rctSig make_sample_simple_rct_sig(int n_inputs, const uint64_t input
ctkey sctmp, pctmp;
vector<xmr_amount> inamounts, outamounts;
keyV destinations;
+ keyV amount_keys;
key Sk, Pk;
for (int n = 0; n < n_inputs; ++n) {
@@ -369,11 +383,12 @@ static rct::rctSig make_sample_simple_rct_sig(int n_inputs, const uint64_t input
for (int n = 0; n < n_outputs; ++n) {
+ amount_keys.push_back(hash_to_scalar(zero()));
skpkGen(Sk, Pk);
- return genRctSimple(rct::zero(), sc, pc, destinations, inamounts, outamounts, fee, 3);;
+ return genRctSimple(rct::zero(), sc, pc, destinations, inamounts, outamounts, amount_keys, fee, 3);;
static bool range_proof_test(bool expected_valid,
diff --git a/tests/unit_tests/serialization.cpp b/tests/unit_tests/serialization.cpp
index 380c2140f..0a53aeae0 100644
--- a/tests/unit_tests/serialization.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit_tests/serialization.cpp
@@ -554,6 +554,7 @@ TEST(Serialization, serializes_ringct_types)
vector<uint64_t> amounts;
+ rct::keyV amount_keys;
//add output 500
rct::keyV destinations;
@@ -562,10 +563,11 @@ TEST(Serialization, serializes_ringct_types)
//add output for 12500
+ amount_keys.push_back(rct::hash_to_scalar(rct::zero()));
rct::skpkGen(Sk, Pk);
//compute rct data with mixin 500
- s0 = rct::genRct(rct::zero(), sc, pc, destinations, amounts, 3);
+ s0 = rct::genRct(rct::zero(), sc, pc, destinations, amounts, amount_keys, 3);
mg0 = s0.MG;
ASSERT_TRUE(serialization::dump_binary(mg0, blob));