diff options
authorRiccardo Spagni <ric@spagni.net>2017-10-15 18:25:08 +0200
committerRiccardo Spagni <ric@spagni.net>2017-10-15 18:25:08 +0200
commit960886aa04f0b50265884c0d4338031a93b1bc5d (patch)
parentMerge pull request #2555 (diff)
parentwallet2+API: use separate callbacks for lightwallets (diff)
Merge pull request #2109
97c2e449 wallet2+API: use separate callbacks for lightwallets (Jaquee) d9261867 walletAPI: correct confirmations in txHistory for unsynced wallets (Jaquee) 9442b043 walletAPI: lightwallet exceptions (Jaquee) fc922934 walletAPI: add lightwallet login() and importWalletRequest() (Jaquee) 79207743 walletAPI: init() lightwallet and SSL support (Jaquee) dde5a1fc walletAPI: add tx unlock_time (Jaquee) bba5cbed wallet2: remove obsolete get_num_rct_outputs() call from create_transactions_2 (Jaquee) 7a482f30 wallet2: create_transactions_2 lightwallet support (Jaquee) ce61b818 wallet2: get_outs lightwallet support (Jaquee) 1197cb71 wallet2: commit_tx() lightwallet support (Jaquee) 43b57804 wallet2: refactor is_tx_spendtime_unlocked() (Jaquee) 32e2b003 wallet2: add lightwallet exceptions to common functions (Jaquee) 2e692fc0 wallet2: refresh() lightwallet support (Jaquee) f44d156c my/openmonero API functions (Jaquee) 288d3c75 wallet2: add remove_obsolete_pool_txs() (Jaquee) 2c6aad7e wallet2: add on_pool_tx_removed callback (Jaquee) ff7c30aa wallet2: light wallet member variables (Jaquee) e2a276cb wallet2: add ssl option to init() (Jaquee) a13540be add string_tools::validate_hex() (Jaquee) fd773d88 refactor cryptonote_basic::add_tx_pub_key_to_extra (Jaquee) 8bfa6c2d lightwallet rpc server commands (Jaquee) 76961ddc Serializer: string to integer conversion for MyMonero compatibility (Jaquee) 1cf940f2 epee http_client SSL support (Jaquee) eec10137 CMakeLists.txt - Add openssl include dir (Jaquee)
Diffstat (limited to '')
15 files changed, 1374 insertions, 123 deletions
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 1f74f59e3..d432646cb 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ if (UNIX AND NOT APPLE)
-# Handle OpenSSL, used for sha256sum on binary updates
+# Handle OpenSSL, used for sha256sum on binary updates and light wallet ssl http
if (NOT OpenSSL_DIR)
EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND brew --prefix openssl
@@ -337,6 +337,8 @@ if (APPLE AND NOT IOS)
find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
+message(STATUS "Using OpenSSL include dir at ${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR}")
diff --git a/contrib/epee/include/net/http_client.h b/contrib/epee/include/net/http_client.h
index 8e099e2bc..ed89ca0c7 100644
--- a/contrib/epee/include/net/http_client.h
+++ b/contrib/epee/include/net/http_client.h
@@ -274,6 +274,7 @@ using namespace std;
chunked_state m_chunked_state;
std::string m_chunked_cache;
critical_section m_lock;
+ bool m_ssl;
explicit http_simple_client()
@@ -291,33 +292,35 @@ using namespace std;
, m_chunked_state()
, m_chunked_cache()
, m_lock()
+ , m_ssl(false)
const std::string &get_host() const { return m_host_buff; };
const std::string &get_port() const { return m_port; };
- bool set_server(const std::string& address, boost::optional<login> user)
+ bool set_server(const std::string& address, boost::optional<login> user, bool ssl = false)
http::url_content parsed{};
const bool r = parse_url(address, parsed);
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "failed to parse url: " << address);
- set_server(std::move(parsed.host), std::to_string(parsed.port), std::move(user));
+ set_server(std::move(parsed.host), std::to_string(parsed.port), std::move(user), ssl);
return true;
- void set_server(std::string host, std::string port, boost::optional<login> user)
+ void set_server(std::string host, std::string port, boost::optional<login> user, bool ssl = false)
m_host_buff = std::move(host);
m_port = std::move(port);
m_auth = user ? http_client_auth{std::move(*user)} : http_client_auth{};
+ m_ssl = ssl;
bool connect(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)
- return m_net_client.connect(m_host_buff, m_port, timeout);
+ return m_net_client.connect(m_host_buff, m_port, timeout, m_ssl);
bool disconnect()
@@ -392,7 +395,6 @@ using namespace std;
res = m_net_client.send(body, timeout);
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(res, false, "HTTP_CLIENT: Failed to SEND");
m_state = reciev_machine_state_header;
if (!handle_reciev(timeout))
diff --git a/contrib/epee/include/net/net_helper.h b/contrib/epee/include/net/net_helper.h
index 1d808cc4c..c8e4c7818 100644
--- a/contrib/epee/include/net/net_helper.h
+++ b/contrib/epee/include/net/net_helper.h
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/ssl.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/steady_timer.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/selection/min.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/bind.hpp>
@@ -85,11 +86,13 @@ namespace net_utils
- blocked_mode_client():m_socket(m_io_service),
- m_initialized(false),
+ blocked_mode_client():m_initialized(false),
- m_shutdowned(0)
+ m_shutdowned(0),
+ m_ssl(false),
+ m_ctx(boost::asio::ssl::context::sslv23),
+ m_ssl_socket(m_io_service,m_ctx)
@@ -113,18 +116,25 @@ namespace net_utils
- bool connect(const std::string& addr, int port, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, const std::string& bind_ip = "")
+ bool connect(const std::string& addr, int port, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, bool ssl = false, const std::string& bind_ip = "")
- return connect(addr, std::to_string(port), timeout, bind_ip);
+ return connect(addr, std::to_string(port), timeout, ssl, bind_ip);
- bool connect(const std::string& addr, const std::string& port, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, const std::string& bind_ip = "")
+ bool connect(const std::string& addr, const std::string& port, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, bool ssl = false, const std::string& bind_ip = "")
m_connected = false;
+ m_ssl = ssl;
- m_socket.close();
+ m_ssl_socket.next_layer().close();
+ // Set SSL options
+ // disable sslv2
+ m_ctx.set_options(boost::asio::ssl::context::default_workarounds | boost::asio::ssl::context::no_sslv2);
+ m_ctx.set_default_verify_paths();
// Get a list of endpoints corresponding to the server name.
@@ -147,11 +157,11 @@ namespace net_utils
boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint remote_endpoint(*iterator);
- m_socket.open(remote_endpoint.protocol());
+ m_ssl_socket.next_layer().open(remote_endpoint.protocol());
if(bind_ip != "" && bind_ip != "0" && bind_ip != "" )
boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint local_endpoint(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(addr.c_str()), 0);
- m_socket.bind(local_endpoint);
+ m_ssl_socket.next_layer().bind(local_endpoint);
@@ -160,17 +170,24 @@ namespace net_utils
boost::system::error_code ec = boost::asio::error::would_block;
- //m_socket.connect(remote_endpoint);
- m_socket.async_connect(remote_endpoint, boost::lambda::var(ec) = boost::lambda::_1);
+ m_ssl_socket.next_layer().async_connect(remote_endpoint, boost::lambda::var(ec) = boost::lambda::_1);
while (ec == boost::asio::error::would_block)
- if (!ec && m_socket.is_open())
+ if (!ec && m_ssl_socket.next_layer().is_open())
m_connected = true;
+ // SSL Options
+ if(m_ssl) {
+ // Disable verification of host certificate
+ m_ssl_socket.set_verify_mode(boost::asio::ssl::verify_peer);
+ // Handshake
+ m_ssl_socket.next_layer().set_option(boost::asio::ip::tcp::no_delay(true));
+ m_ssl_socket.handshake(boost::asio::ssl::stream_base::client);
+ }
return true;
@@ -193,7 +210,6 @@ namespace net_utils
return true;
bool disconnect()
@@ -202,8 +218,9 @@ namespace net_utils
m_connected = false;
- m_socket.shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both);
+ if(m_ssl)
+ shutdown_ssl();
+ m_ssl_socket.next_layer().shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both);
@@ -240,7 +257,7 @@ namespace net_utils
// object is used as a callback and will update the ec variable when the
// operation completes. The blocking_udp_client.cpp example shows how you
// can use boost::bind rather than boost::lambda.
- boost::asio::async_write(m_socket, boost::asio::buffer(buff), boost::lambda::var(ec) = boost::lambda::_1);
+ async_write(buff.c_str(), buff.size(), ec);
// Block until the asynchronous operation has completed.
while (ec == boost::asio::error::would_block)
@@ -302,9 +319,7 @@ namespace net_utils
boost::system::error_code ec;
- size_t writen = m_socket.write_some(boost::asio::buffer(data, sz), ec);
+ size_t writen = write(data, sz, ec);
if (!writen || ec)
@@ -334,10 +349,7 @@ namespace net_utils
bool is_connected()
- return m_connected && m_socket.is_open();
- //return m_socket.is_open();
- //CATCH_ENTRY_L0("is_connected", false)
+ return m_connected && m_ssl_socket.next_layer().is_open();
@@ -369,8 +381,8 @@ namespace net_utils
handler_obj hndlr(ec, bytes_transfered);
char local_buff[10000] = {0};
- //m_socket.async_read_some(boost::asio::buffer(local_buff, sizeof(local_buff)), hndlr);
- boost::asio::async_read(m_socket, boost::asio::buffer(local_buff, sizeof(local_buff)), boost::asio::transfer_at_least(1), hndlr);
+ async_read(local_buff, boost::asio::transfer_at_least(1), hndlr);
// Block until the asynchronous operation has completed.
while (ec == boost::asio::error::would_block && !boost::interprocess::ipcdetail::atomic_read32(&m_shutdowned))
@@ -451,10 +463,8 @@ namespace net_utils
handler_obj hndlr(ec, bytes_transfered);
- //char local_buff[10000] = {0};
- boost::asio::async_read(m_socket, boost::asio::buffer((char*)buff.data(), buff.size()), boost::asio::transfer_at_least(buff.size()), hndlr);
+ async_read((char*)buff.data(), boost::asio::transfer_at_least(buff.size()), hndlr);
// Block until the asynchronous operation has completed.
while (ec == boost::asio::error::would_block && !boost::interprocess::ipcdetail::atomic_read32(&m_shutdowned))
@@ -500,10 +510,18 @@ namespace net_utils
bool shutdown()
- boost::system::error_code ignored_ec;
- m_socket.cancel(ignored_ec);
- m_socket.shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both, ignored_ec);
- m_socket.close(ignored_ec);
+ boost::system::error_code ec;
+ if(m_ssl)
+ shutdown_ssl();
+ m_ssl_socket.next_layer().cancel(ec);
+ if(ec)
+ MDEBUG("Problems at cancel: " << ec.message());
+ m_ssl_socket.next_layer().shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both, ec);
+ if(ec)
+ MDEBUG("Problems at shutdown: " << ec.message());
+ m_ssl_socket.next_layer().close(ec);
+ if(ec)
+ MDEBUG("Problems at close: " << ec.message());
boost::interprocess::ipcdetail::atomic_write32(&m_shutdowned, 1);
m_connected = false;
return true;
@@ -520,7 +538,7 @@ namespace net_utils
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket& get_socket()
- return m_socket;
+ return m_ssl_socket.next_layer();
@@ -537,7 +555,7 @@ namespace net_utils
// connect(), read_line() or write_line() functions to return.
LOG_PRINT_L3("Timed out socket");
m_connected = false;
- m_socket.close();
+ m_ssl_socket.next_layer().close();
// There is no longer an active deadline. The expiry is set to positive
// infinity so that the actor takes no action until a new deadline is set.
@@ -547,12 +565,54 @@ namespace net_utils
// Put the actor back to sleep.
m_deadline.async_wait(boost::bind(&blocked_mode_client::check_deadline, this));
+ void shutdown_ssl() {
+ // ssl socket shutdown blocks if server doesn't respond. We close after 2 secs
+ boost::system::error_code ec = boost::asio::error::would_block;
+ m_deadline.expires_from_now(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000));
+ m_ssl_socket.async_shutdown(boost::lambda::var(ec) = boost::lambda::_1);
+ while (ec == boost::asio::error::would_block)
+ {
+ m_io_service.run_one();
+ }
+ // Ignore "short read" error
+ if (ec.category() == boost::asio::error::get_ssl_category() && ec.value() != ERR_PACK(ERR_LIB_SSL, 0, SSL_R_SHORT_READ))
+ MDEBUG("Problems at ssl shutdown: " << ec.message());
+ }
+ protected:
+ bool write(const void* data, size_t sz, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+ {
+ bool success;
+ if(m_ssl)
+ success = boost::asio::write(m_ssl_socket, boost::asio::buffer(data, sz), ec);
+ else
+ success = boost::asio::write(m_ssl_socket.next_layer(), boost::asio::buffer(data, sz), ec);
+ return success;
+ }
+ void async_write(const void* data, size_t sz, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+ {
+ if(m_ssl)
+ boost::asio::async_write(m_ssl_socket, boost::asio::buffer(data, sz), boost::lambda::var(ec) = boost::lambda::_1);
+ else
+ boost::asio::async_write(m_ssl_socket.next_layer(), boost::asio::buffer(data, sz), boost::lambda::var(ec) = boost::lambda::_1);
+ }
+ void async_read(char* buff, boost::asio::detail::transfer_at_least_t transfer_at_least, handler_obj& hndlr)
+ {
+ if(!m_ssl)
+ boost::asio::async_read(m_ssl_socket.next_layer(), boost::asio::buffer(buff, sizeof(buff)), transfer_at_least, hndlr);
+ else
+ boost::asio::async_read(m_ssl_socket, boost::asio::buffer(buff, sizeof(buff)), transfer_at_least, hndlr);
+ }
boost::asio::io_service m_io_service;
- boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket m_socket;
+ boost::asio::ssl::context m_ctx;
+ boost::asio::ssl::stream<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket> m_ssl_socket;
+ bool m_ssl;
bool m_initialized;
bool m_connected;
boost::asio::steady_timer m_deadline;
@@ -618,8 +678,8 @@ namespace net_utils
boost::system::error_code ec;
- size_t writen = m_socket.write_some(boost::asio::buffer(data, sz), ec);
+ size_t writen = write(data, sz, ec);
if (!writen || ec)
LOG_PRINT_L3("Problems at write: " << ec.message());
@@ -660,7 +720,7 @@ namespace net_utils
// asynchronous operations are cancelled. This allows the blocked
// connect(), read_line() or write_line() functions to return.
LOG_PRINT_L3("Timed out socket");
- m_socket.close();
+ m_ssl_socket.next_layer().close();
// There is no longer an active deadline. The expiry is set to positive
// infinity so that the actor takes no action until a new deadline is set.
diff --git a/contrib/epee/include/storages/http_abstract_invoke.h b/contrib/epee/include/storages/http_abstract_invoke.h
index 823ce6731..6517f1253 100644
--- a/contrib/epee/include/storages/http_abstract_invoke.h
+++ b/contrib/epee/include/storages/http_abstract_invoke.h
@@ -44,8 +44,11 @@ namespace epee
if(!serialization::store_t_to_json(out_struct, req_param))
return false;
+ http::fields_list additional_params;
+ additional_params.push_back(std::make_pair("Content-Type","application/json; charset=utf-8"));
const http::http_response_info* pri = NULL;
- if(!transport.invoke(uri, method, req_param, timeout, std::addressof(pri)))
+ if(!transport.invoke(uri, method, req_param, timeout, std::addressof(pri), std::move(additional_params)))
LOG_PRINT_L1("Failed to invoke http request to " << uri);
return false;
diff --git a/contrib/epee/include/storages/portable_storage_val_converters.h b/contrib/epee/include/storages/portable_storage_val_converters.h
index e9b91c82b..f4a16cfae 100644
--- a/contrib/epee/include/storages/portable_storage_val_converters.h
+++ b/contrib/epee/include/storages/portable_storage_val_converters.h
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
#pragma once
+#include <regex>
#include "misc_language.h"
#include "portable_storage_base.h"
#include "warnings.h"
@@ -131,6 +133,31 @@ POP_WARNINGS
+ // For MyMonero/OpenMonero backend compatibility
+ // MyMonero backend sends amount, fees and timestamp values as strings.
+ // Until MM backend is updated, this is needed for compatibility between OpenMonero and MyMonero.
+ template<>
+ struct convert_to_integral<std::string, uint64_t, false>
+ {
+ static void convert(const std::string& from, uint64_t& to)
+ {
+ MTRACE("Converting std::string to uint64_t. Source: " << from);
+ // String only contains digits
+ if(std::all_of(from.begin(), from.end(), ::isdigit))
+ to = boost::lexical_cast<uint64_t>(from);
+ // MyMonero ISO 8061 timestamp (2017-05-06T16:27:06Z)
+ else if (std::regex_match (from, std::regex("\\d{4}-[01]\\d-[0-3]\\dT[0-2]\\d:[0-5]\\d:[0-5]\\dZ")))
+ {
+ // Convert to unix timestamp
+ std::tm tm = {};
+ std::istringstream ss(from);
+ if (ss >> std::get_time(&tm, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))
+ to = std::mktime(&tm);
+ } else
+ }
+ };
template<class from_type, class to_type>
struct is_convertable: std::integral_constant<bool,
std::is_integral<to_type>::value &&
diff --git a/contrib/epee/include/string_tools.h b/contrib/epee/include/string_tools.h
index ce7b2fb87..25639263c 100644
--- a/contrib/epee/include/string_tools.h
+++ b/contrib/epee/include/string_tools.h
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
+#include <regex>
#include <boost/uuid/uuid.hpp>
#include <boost/uuid/uuid_io.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
@@ -349,6 +350,11 @@ POP_WARNINGS
s = *(t_pod_type*)bin_buff.data();
return true;
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ inline bool validate_hex(uint64_t length, const std::string& str)
+ {
+ return std::regex_match(str, std::regex("'^[0-9abcdefABCDEF]+$'")) && str.size() == length;
+ }
inline std::string get_extension(const std::string& str)
diff --git a/src/cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_format_utils.cpp b/src/cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_format_utils.cpp
index 6f171f227..d09f4c432 100644
--- a/src/cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_format_utils.cpp
+++ b/src/cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_format_utils.cpp
@@ -324,9 +324,19 @@ namespace cryptonote
bool add_tx_pub_key_to_extra(transaction& tx, const crypto::public_key& tx_pub_key)
- tx.extra.resize(tx.extra.size() + 1 + sizeof(crypto::public_key));
- tx.extra[tx.extra.size() - 1 - sizeof(crypto::public_key)] = TX_EXTRA_TAG_PUBKEY;
- *reinterpret_cast<crypto::public_key*>(&tx.extra[tx.extra.size() - sizeof(crypto::public_key)]) = tx_pub_key;
+ return add_tx_pub_key_to_extra(tx.extra, tx_pub_key);
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool add_tx_pub_key_to_extra(transaction_prefix& tx, const crypto::public_key& tx_pub_key)
+ {
+ return add_tx_pub_key_to_extra(tx.extra, tx_pub_key);
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool add_tx_pub_key_to_extra(std::vector<uint8_t>& tx_extra, const crypto::public_key& tx_pub_key)
+ {
+ tx_extra.resize(tx_extra.size() + 1 + sizeof(crypto::public_key));
+ tx_extra[tx_extra.size() - 1 - sizeof(crypto::public_key)] = TX_EXTRA_TAG_PUBKEY;
+ *reinterpret_cast<crypto::public_key*>(&tx_extra[tx_extra.size() - sizeof(crypto::public_key)]) = tx_pub_key;
return true;
diff --git a/src/cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_format_utils.h b/src/cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_format_utils.h
index 078c8b8a0..f88310c4c 100644
--- a/src/cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_format_utils.h
+++ b/src/cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_format_utils.h
@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ namespace cryptonote
crypto::public_key get_tx_pub_key_from_extra(const transaction_prefix& tx, size_t pk_index = 0);
crypto::public_key get_tx_pub_key_from_extra(const transaction& tx, size_t pk_index = 0);
bool add_tx_pub_key_to_extra(transaction& tx, const crypto::public_key& tx_pub_key);
+ bool add_tx_pub_key_to_extra(transaction_prefix& tx, const crypto::public_key& tx_pub_key);
+ bool add_tx_pub_key_to_extra(std::vector<uint8_t>& tx_extra, const crypto::public_key& tx_pub_key);
std::vector<crypto::public_key> get_additional_tx_pub_keys_from_extra(const std::vector<uint8_t>& tx_extra);
std::vector<crypto::public_key> get_additional_tx_pub_keys_from_extra(const transaction_prefix& tx);
bool add_additional_tx_pub_keys_to_extra(std::vector<uint8_t>& tx_extra, const std::vector<crypto::public_key>& additional_pub_keys);
diff --git a/src/rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h b/src/rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h
index 85ac2ca30..ee2a79eb4 100644
--- a/src/rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h
+++ b/src/rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace cryptonote
// advance which version they will stop working with
// Don't go over 32767 for any of these
#define MAKE_CORE_RPC_VERSION(major,minor) (((major)<<16)|(minor))
@@ -195,6 +195,358 @@ namespace cryptonote
+ {
+ struct request
+ {
+ std::string address;
+ std::string view_key;
+ KV_SERIALIZE(address)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(view_key)
+ };
+ struct spent_output {
+ uint64_t amount;
+ std::string key_image;
+ std::string tx_pub_key;
+ uint64_t out_index;
+ uint32_t mixin;
+ KV_SERIALIZE(amount)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(key_image)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(tx_pub_key)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(out_index)
+ };
+ struct transaction
+ {
+ uint64_t id;
+ std::string hash;
+ uint64_t timestamp;
+ uint64_t total_received;
+ uint64_t total_sent;
+ uint64_t unlock_time;
+ uint64_t height;
+ std::list<spent_output> spent_outputs;
+ std::string payment_id;
+ bool coinbase;
+ bool mempool;
+ uint32_t mixin;
+ KV_SERIALIZE(timestamp)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(total_received)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(total_sent)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(unlock_time)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(height)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(spent_outputs)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(payment_id)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(coinbase)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(mempool)
+ };
+ struct response
+ {
+ //std::list<std::string> txs_as_json;
+ uint64_t total_received;
+ uint64_t total_received_unlocked = 0; // OpenMonero only
+ uint64_t scanned_height;
+ std::list<transaction> transactions;
+ uint64_t blockchain_height;
+ uint64_t scanned_block_height;
+ std::string status;
+ KV_SERIALIZE(total_received)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(total_received_unlocked)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(scanned_height)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(transactions)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(blockchain_height)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(scanned_block_height)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(status)
+ };
+ };
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ {
+ struct request
+ {
+ std::string address;
+ std::string view_key;
+ KV_SERIALIZE(address)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(view_key)
+ };
+ struct spent_output
+ {
+ uint64_t amount;
+ std::string key_image;
+ std::string tx_pub_key;
+ uint64_t out_index;
+ uint32_t mixin;
+ KV_SERIALIZE(amount)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(key_image)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(tx_pub_key)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(out_index)
+ };
+ struct response
+ {
+ uint64_t locked_funds;
+ uint64_t total_received;
+ uint64_t total_sent;
+ uint64_t scanned_height;
+ uint64_t scanned_block_height;
+ uint64_t start_height;
+ uint64_t transaction_height;
+ uint64_t blockchain_height;
+ std::list<spent_output> spent_outputs;
+ KV_SERIALIZE(locked_funds)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(total_received)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(total_sent)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(scanned_height)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(scanned_block_height)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(start_height)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(transaction_height)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(blockchain_height)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(spent_outputs)
+ };
+ };
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ {
+ struct request
+ {
+ std::string amount;
+ std::string address;
+ std::string view_key;
+ // OpenMonero specific
+ uint64_t mixin;
+ bool use_dust;
+ std::string dust_threshold;
+ KV_SERIALIZE(amount)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(address)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(view_key)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(use_dust)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(dust_threshold)
+ };
+ struct output {
+ uint64_t amount;
+ std::string public_key;
+ uint64_t index;
+ uint64_t global_index;
+ std::string rct;
+ std::string tx_hash;
+ std::string tx_pub_key;
+ std::string tx_prefix_hash;
+ std::vector<std::string> spend_key_images;
+ uint64_t timestamp;
+ uint64_t height;
+ KV_SERIALIZE(amount)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(public_key)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(global_index)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(tx_hash)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(tx_pub_key)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(tx_prefix_hash)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(spend_key_images)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(timestamp)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(height)
+ };
+ struct response
+ {
+ uint64_t amount;
+ std::list<output> outputs;
+ uint64_t per_kb_fee;
+ std::string status;
+ std::string reason;
+ KV_SERIALIZE(amount)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(outputs)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(per_kb_fee)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(status)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(reason)
+ };
+ };
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ {
+ struct request
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> amounts;
+ uint32_t count;
+ KV_SERIALIZE(amounts)
+ };
+ struct output {
+ std::string public_key;
+ uint64_t global_index;
+ std::string rct; // 64+64+64 characters long (<rct commit> + <encrypted mask> + <rct amount>)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(public_key)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(global_index)
+ };
+ struct amount_out {
+ uint64_t amount;
+ std::vector<output> outputs;
+ KV_SERIALIZE(amount)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(outputs)
+ };
+ struct response
+ {
+ std::vector<amount_out> amount_outs;
+ std::string Error;
+ KV_SERIALIZE(amount_outs)
+ };
+ };
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ {
+ struct request
+ {
+ std::string address;
+ std::string view_key;
+ std::string tx;
+ KV_SERIALIZE(address)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(view_key)
+ };
+ struct response
+ {
+ std::string status;
+ std::string error;
+ KV_SERIALIZE(status)
+ };
+ };
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ {
+ struct request
+ {
+ std::string address;
+ std::string view_key;
+ bool create_account;
+ KV_SERIALIZE(address)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(view_key)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(create_account)
+ };
+ struct response
+ {
+ std::string status;
+ std::string reason;
+ bool new_address;
+ KV_SERIALIZE(status)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(reason)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(new_address)
+ };
+ };
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ {
+ struct request
+ {
+ std::string address;
+ std::string view_key;
+ KV_SERIALIZE(address)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(view_key)
+ };
+ struct response
+ {
+ std::string payment_id;
+ uint64_t import_fee;
+ bool new_request;
+ bool request_fulfilled;
+ std::string payment_address;
+ std::string status;
+ KV_SERIALIZE(payment_id)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(import_fee)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(new_request)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(request_fulfilled)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(payment_address)
+ KV_SERIALIZE(status)
+ };
+ };
+ //-----------------------------------------------
struct request
diff --git a/src/wallet/api/transaction_history.cpp b/src/wallet/api/transaction_history.cpp
index b6ba8c359..59eca3dd7 100644
--- a/src/wallet/api/transaction_history.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/api/transaction_history.cpp
@@ -134,14 +134,10 @@ void TransactionHistoryImpl::refresh()
ti->m_subaddrAccount = pd.m_subaddr_index.major;
ti->m_label = m_wallet->m_wallet->get_subaddress_label(pd.m_subaddr_index);
ti->m_timestamp = pd.m_timestamp;
- ti->m_confirmations = wallet_height - pd.m_block_height;
+ ti->m_confirmations = (wallet_height > pd.m_block_height) ? wallet_height - pd.m_block_height : 0;
ti->m_unlock_time = pd.m_unlock_time;
- /* output.insert(std::make_pair(pd.m_block_height, std::make_pair(true, (boost::format("%20.20s %s %s %s")
- % print_money(pd.m_amount)
- % string_tools::pod_to_hex(pd.m_tx_hash)
- % payment_id % "-").str()))); */
// confirmed output transactions
@@ -181,7 +177,7 @@ void TransactionHistoryImpl::refresh()
ti->m_subaddrAccount = pd.m_subaddr_account;
ti->m_label = pd.m_subaddr_indices.size() == 1 ? m_wallet->m_wallet->get_subaddress_label({pd.m_subaddr_account, *pd.m_subaddr_indices.begin()}) : "";
ti->m_timestamp = pd.m_timestamp;
- ti->m_confirmations = wallet_height - pd.m_block_height;
+ ti->m_confirmations = (wallet_height > pd.m_block_height) ? wallet_height - pd.m_block_height : 0;
// single output transaction might contain multiple transfers
for (const auto &d: pd.m_dests) {
diff --git a/src/wallet/api/wallet.cpp b/src/wallet/api/wallet.cpp
index a932d9d6f..db7e60cd7 100644
--- a/src/wallet/api/wallet.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/api/wallet.cpp
@@ -155,6 +155,38 @@ struct Wallet2CallbackImpl : public tools::i_wallet2_callback
// TODO;
+ // Light wallet callbacks
+ virtual void on_lw_new_block(uint64_t height)
+ {
+ if (m_listener) {
+ m_listener->newBlock(height);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void on_lw_money_received(uint64_t height, const crypto::hash &txid, uint64_t amount)
+ {
+ if (m_listener) {
+ std::string tx_hash = epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(txid);
+ m_listener->moneyReceived(tx_hash, amount);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void on_lw_unconfirmed_money_received(uint64_t height, const crypto::hash &txid, uint64_t amount)
+ {
+ if (m_listener) {
+ std::string tx_hash = epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(txid);
+ m_listener->unconfirmedMoneyReceived(tx_hash, amount);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void on_lw_money_spent(uint64_t height, const crypto::hash &txid, uint64_t amount)
+ {
+ if (m_listener) {
+ std::string tx_hash = epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(txid);
+ m_listener->moneySpent(tx_hash, amount);
+ }
+ }
WalletListener * m_listener;
WalletImpl * m_wallet;
@@ -703,12 +735,45 @@ string WalletImpl::keysFilename() const
return m_wallet->get_keys_file();
-bool WalletImpl::init(const std::string &daemon_address, uint64_t upper_transaction_size_limit, const std::string &daemon_username, const std::string &daemon_password)
+bool WalletImpl::init(const std::string &daemon_address, uint64_t upper_transaction_size_limit, const std::string &daemon_username, const std::string &daemon_password, bool use_ssl, bool lightWallet)
+ m_wallet->set_light_wallet(lightWallet);
if(daemon_username != "")
m_daemon_login.emplace(daemon_username, daemon_password);
- return doInit(daemon_address, upper_transaction_size_limit);
+ return doInit(daemon_address, upper_transaction_size_limit, use_ssl);
+bool WalletImpl::lightWalletLogin(bool &isNewWallet) const
+ return m_wallet->light_wallet_login(isNewWallet);
+bool WalletImpl::lightWalletImportWalletRequest(std::string &payment_id, uint64_t &fee, bool &new_request, bool &request_fulfilled, std::string &payment_address, std::string &status)
+ try
+ {
+ cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_IMPORT_WALLET_REQUEST::response response;
+ if(!m_wallet->light_wallet_import_wallet_request(response)){
+ m_errorString = tr("Failed to send import wallet request");
+ m_status = Status_Error;
+ return false;
+ }
+ fee = response.import_fee;
+ payment_id = response.payment_id;
+ new_request = response.new_request;
+ request_fulfilled = response.request_fulfilled;
+ payment_address = response.payment_address;
+ status = response.status;
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception &e)
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR("Error sending import wallet request: " << e.what());
+ m_errorString = e.what();
+ m_status = Status_Error;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
void WalletImpl::setRefreshFromBlockHeight(uint64_t refresh_from_block_height)
@@ -733,6 +798,9 @@ uint64_t WalletImpl::unlockedBalance(uint32_t accountIndex) const
uint64_t WalletImpl::blockChainHeight() const
+ if(m_wallet->light_wallet()) {
+ return m_wallet->get_light_wallet_scanned_block_height();
+ }
return m_wallet->get_blockchain_current_height();
uint64_t WalletImpl::approximateBlockChainHeight() const
@@ -741,6 +809,9 @@ uint64_t WalletImpl::approximateBlockChainHeight() const
uint64_t WalletImpl::daemonBlockChainHeight() const
+ if(m_wallet->light_wallet()) {
+ return m_wallet->get_light_wallet_scanned_block_height();
+ }
if (!m_is_connected)
return 0;
std::string err;
@@ -760,6 +831,9 @@ uint64_t WalletImpl::daemonBlockChainHeight() const
uint64_t WalletImpl::daemonBlockChainTargetHeight() const
+ if(m_wallet->light_wallet()) {
+ return m_wallet->get_light_wallet_blockchain_height();
+ }
if (!m_is_connected)
return 0;
std::string err;
@@ -1348,7 +1422,8 @@ Wallet::ConnectionStatus WalletImpl::connected() const
m_is_connected = m_wallet->check_connection(&version, DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS);
if (!m_is_connected)
return Wallet::ConnectionStatus_Disconnected;
- if ((version >> 16) != CORE_RPC_VERSION_MAJOR)
+ // Version check is not implemented in light wallets nodes/wallets
+ if (!m_wallet->light_wallet() && (version >> 16) != CORE_RPC_VERSION_MAJOR)
return Wallet::ConnectionStatus_WrongVersion;
return Wallet::ConnectionStatus_Connected;
@@ -1411,7 +1486,7 @@ void WalletImpl::doRefresh()
try {
// Syncing daemon and refreshing wallet simultaneously is very resource intensive.
// Disable refresh if wallet is disconnected or daemon isn't synced.
- if (daemonSynced()) {
+ if (m_wallet->light_wallet() || daemonSynced()) {
if (!m_synchronized) {
m_synchronized = true;
@@ -1476,13 +1551,14 @@ bool WalletImpl::isNewWallet() const
return !(blockChainHeight() > 1 || m_recoveringFromSeed || m_rebuildWalletCache) && !watchOnly();
-bool WalletImpl::doInit(const string &daemon_address, uint64_t upper_transaction_size_limit)
+bool WalletImpl::doInit(const string &daemon_address, uint64_t upper_transaction_size_limit, bool ssl)
- if (!m_wallet->init(daemon_address, m_daemon_login, upper_transaction_size_limit))
+ if (!m_wallet->init(daemon_address, m_daemon_login, upper_transaction_size_limit, ssl))
return false;
// in case new wallet, this will force fast-refresh (pulling hashes instead of blocks)
// If daemon isn't synced a calculated block height will be used instead
+ //TODO: Handle light wallet scenario where block height = 0.
if (isNewWallet() && daemonSynced()) {
LOG_PRINT_L2(__FUNCTION__ << ":New Wallet - fast refresh until " << daemonBlockChainHeight());
diff --git a/src/wallet/api/wallet.h b/src/wallet/api/wallet.h
index 020c5e46a..ecb218ea0 100644
--- a/src/wallet/api/wallet.h
+++ b/src/wallet/api/wallet.h
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ public:
bool store(const std::string &path);
std::string filename() const;
std::string keysFilename() const;
- bool init(const std::string &daemon_address, uint64_t upper_transaction_size_limit = 0, const std::string &daemon_username = "", const std::string &daemon_password = "");
+ bool init(const std::string &daemon_address, uint64_t upper_transaction_size_limit = 0, const std::string &daemon_username = "", const std::string &daemon_password = "", bool use_ssl = false, bool lightWallet = false);
bool connectToDaemon();
ConnectionStatus connected() const;
void setTrustedDaemon(bool arg);
@@ -143,6 +143,8 @@ public:
virtual void pauseRefresh();
virtual bool parse_uri(const std::string &uri, std::string &address, std::string &payment_id, uint64_t &amount, std::string &tx_description, std::string &recipient_name, std::vector<std::string> &unknown_parameters, std::string &error);
virtual std::string getDefaultDataDir() const;
+ virtual bool lightWalletLogin(bool &isNewWallet) const;
+ virtual bool lightWalletImportWalletRequest(std::string &payment_id, uint64_t &fee, bool &new_request, bool &request_fulfilled, std::string &payment_address, std::string &status);
void clearStatus() const;
@@ -151,7 +153,7 @@ private:
bool daemonSynced() const;
void stopRefresh();
bool isNewWallet() const;
- bool doInit(const std::string &daemon_address, uint64_t upper_transaction_size_limit);
+ bool doInit(const std::string &daemon_address, uint64_t upper_transaction_size_limit = 0, bool ssl = false);
friend class PendingTransactionImpl;
diff --git a/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp b/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp
index 024b7a6ff..fdb3bf976 100644
--- a/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<wallet2> wallet2::make_dummy(const boost::program_options::varia
-bool wallet2::init(std::string daemon_address, boost::optional<epee::net_utils::http::login> daemon_login, uint64_t upper_transaction_size_limit)
+bool wallet2::init(std::string daemon_address, boost::optional<epee::net_utils::http::login> daemon_login, uint64_t upper_transaction_size_limit, bool ssl)
@@ -534,7 +534,10 @@ bool wallet2::init(std::string daemon_address, boost::optional<epee::net_utils::
m_upper_transaction_size_limit = upper_transaction_size_limit;
m_daemon_address = std::move(daemon_address);
m_daemon_login = std::move(daemon_login);
- return m_http_client.set_server(get_daemon_address(), get_daemon_login());
+ // When switching from light wallet to full wallet, we need to reset the height we got from lw node.
+ if(m_light_wallet)
+ m_local_bc_height = m_blockchain.size();
+ return m_http_client.set_server(get_daemon_address(), get_daemon_login(), ssl);
bool wallet2::is_deterministic() const
@@ -1513,6 +1516,34 @@ void wallet2::pull_next_blocks(uint64_t start_height, uint64_t &blocks_start_hei
error = true;
+void wallet2::remove_obsolete_pool_txs(const std::vector<crypto::hash> &tx_hashes)
+ // remove pool txes to us that aren't in the pool anymore
+ std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, wallet2::payment_details>::iterator uit = m_unconfirmed_payments.begin();
+ while (uit != m_unconfirmed_payments.end())
+ {
+ const crypto::hash &txid = uit->second.m_tx_hash;
+ bool found = false;
+ for (const auto &it2: tx_hashes)
+ {
+ if (it2 == txid)
+ {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ auto pit = uit++;
+ if (!found)
+ {
+ MDEBUG("Removing " << txid << " from unconfirmed payments, not found in pool");
+ m_unconfirmed_payments.erase(pit);
+ if (0 != m_callback)
+ m_callback->on_pool_tx_removed(txid);
+ }
+ }
void wallet2::update_pool_state(bool refreshed)
@@ -1590,28 +1621,8 @@ void wallet2::update_pool_state(bool refreshed)
// the in transfers list instead (or nowhere if it just
// disappeared without being mined)
if (refreshed)
- {
- std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, wallet2::payment_details>::iterator uit = m_unconfirmed_payments.begin();
- while (uit != m_unconfirmed_payments.end())
- {
- const crypto::hash &txid = uit->second.m_tx_hash;
- bool found = false;
- for (const auto &it2: res.tx_hashes)
- {
- if (it2 == txid)
- {
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- auto pit = uit++;
- if (!found)
- {
- MDEBUG("Removing " << txid << " from unconfirmed payments, not found in pool");
- m_unconfirmed_payments.erase(pit);
- }
- }
- }
+ remove_obsolete_pool_txs(res.tx_hashes);
MDEBUG("update_pool_state done second loop");
// gather txids of new pool txes to us
@@ -1828,6 +1839,39 @@ bool wallet2::delete_address_book_row(std::size_t row_id) {
void wallet2::refresh(uint64_t start_height, uint64_t & blocks_fetched, bool& received_money)
+ if(m_light_wallet) {
+ // MyMonero get_address_info needs to be called occasionally to trigger wallet sync.
+ // This call is not really needed for other purposes and can be removed if mymonero changes their backend.
+ cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_ADDRESS_INFO::response res;
+ // Get basic info
+ if(light_wallet_get_address_info(res)) {
+ // Last stored block height
+ uint64_t prev_height = m_light_wallet_blockchain_height;
+ // Update lw heights
+ m_light_wallet_scanned_block_height = res.scanned_block_height;
+ m_light_wallet_blockchain_height = res.blockchain_height;
+ m_local_bc_height = res.blockchain_height;
+ // If new height - call new_block callback
+ if(m_light_wallet_blockchain_height != prev_height)
+ {
+ MDEBUG("new block since last time!");
+ m_callback->on_lw_new_block(m_light_wallet_blockchain_height - 1);
+ }
+ m_light_wallet_connected = true;
+ MDEBUG("lw scanned block height: " << m_light_wallet_scanned_block_height);
+ MDEBUG("lw blockchain height: " << m_light_wallet_blockchain_height);
+ MDEBUG(m_light_wallet_blockchain_height-m_light_wallet_scanned_block_height << " blocks behind");
+ // TODO: add wallet created block info
+ light_wallet_get_address_txs();
+ } else
+ m_light_wallet_connected = false;
+ // Lighwallet refresh done
+ return;
+ }
received_money = false;
blocks_fetched = 0;
uint64_t added_blocks = 0;
@@ -2603,6 +2647,12 @@ bool wallet2::check_connection(uint32_t *version, uint32_t timeout)
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(m_daemon_rpc_mutex);
+ // TODO: Add light wallet version check.
+ if(m_light_wallet) {
+ version = 0;
+ return m_light_wallet_connected;
+ }
@@ -2896,6 +2946,8 @@ void wallet2::store_to(const std::string &path, const std::string &password)
uint64_t wallet2::balance(uint32_t index_major) const
uint64_t amount = 0;
+ if(m_light_wallet)
+ return m_light_wallet_unlocked_balance;
for (const auto& i : balance_per_subaddress(index_major))
amount += i.second;
return amount;
@@ -2904,6 +2956,8 @@ uint64_t wallet2::balance(uint32_t index_major) const
uint64_t wallet2::unlocked_balance(uint32_t index_major) const
uint64_t amount = 0;
+ if(m_light_wallet)
+ return m_light_wallet_balance;
for (const auto& i : unlocked_balance_per_subaddress(index_major))
amount += i.second;
return amount;
@@ -3105,10 +3159,15 @@ void wallet2::rescan_blockchain(bool refresh)
bool wallet2::is_transfer_unlocked(const transfer_details& td) const
- if(!is_tx_spendtime_unlocked(td.m_tx.unlock_time, td.m_block_height))
+ return is_transfer_unlocked(td.m_tx.unlock_time, td.m_block_height);
+bool wallet2::is_transfer_unlocked(uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t block_height) const
+ if(!is_tx_spendtime_unlocked(unlock_time, block_height))
return false;
- if(td.m_block_height + CRYPTONOTE_DEFAULT_TX_SPENDABLE_AGE > m_blockchain.size())
+ if(block_height + CRYPTONOTE_DEFAULT_TX_SPENDABLE_AGE > m_local_bc_height)
return false;
return true;
@@ -3119,7 +3178,7 @@ bool wallet2::is_tx_spendtime_unlocked(uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t block_heig
//interpret as block index
- if(m_blockchain.size()-1 + CRYPTONOTE_LOCKED_TX_ALLOWED_DELTA_BLOCKS >= unlock_time)
+ if(m_local_bc_height-1 + CRYPTONOTE_LOCKED_TX_ALLOWED_DELTA_BLOCKS >= unlock_time)
return true;
return false;
@@ -3424,25 +3483,42 @@ crypto::hash8 wallet2::get_short_payment_id(const pending_tx &ptx) const
void wallet2::commit_tx(pending_tx& ptx)
using namespace cryptonote;
- crypto::hash txid;
- COMMAND_RPC_SEND_RAW_TX::request req;
- req.tx_as_hex = epee::string_tools::buff_to_hex_nodelimer(tx_to_blob(ptx.tx));
- req.do_not_relay = false;
- COMMAND_RPC_SEND_RAW_TX::response daemon_send_resp;
- m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock();
- bool r = epee::net_utils::invoke_http_json("/sendrawtransaction", req, daemon_send_resp, m_http_client, rpc_timeout);
- m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock();
- THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "sendrawtransaction");
- THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_send_resp.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "sendrawtransaction");
- THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_send_resp.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::tx_rejected, ptx.tx, daemon_send_resp.status, daemon_send_resp.reason);
- // sanity checks
- for (size_t idx: ptx.selected_transfers)
+ if(m_light_wallet)
- THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(idx >= m_transfers.size(), error::wallet_internal_error,
- "Bad output index in selected transfers: " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(idx));
+ cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SUBMIT_RAW_TX::request oreq;
+ cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SUBMIT_RAW_TX::response ores;
+ oreq.address = get_account().get_public_address_str(m_testnet);
+ oreq.view_key = string_tools::pod_to_hex(get_account().get_keys().m_view_secret_key);
+ oreq.tx = epee::string_tools::buff_to_hex_nodelimer(tx_to_blob(ptx.tx));
+ m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock();
+ bool r = epee::net_utils::invoke_http_json("/submit_raw_tx", oreq, ores, m_http_client, rpc_timeout, "POST");
+ m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock();
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "submit_raw_tx");
+ // MyMonero and OpenMonero use different status strings
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(ores.status != "OK" && ores.status != "success" , error::tx_rejected, ptx.tx, ores.status, ores.error);
+ else
+ {
+ // Normal submit
+ COMMAND_RPC_SEND_RAW_TX::request req;
+ req.tx_as_hex = epee::string_tools::buff_to_hex_nodelimer(tx_to_blob(ptx.tx));
+ req.do_not_relay = false;
+ COMMAND_RPC_SEND_RAW_TX::response daemon_send_resp;
+ m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock();
+ bool r = epee::net_utils::invoke_http_json("/sendrawtransaction", req, daemon_send_resp, m_http_client, rpc_timeout);
+ m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock();
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "sendrawtransaction");
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_send_resp.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "sendrawtransaction");
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_send_resp.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::tx_rejected, ptx.tx, daemon_send_resp.status, daemon_send_resp.reason);
+ // sanity checks
+ for (size_t idx: ptx.selected_transfers)
+ {
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(idx >= m_transfers.size(), error::wallet_internal_error,
+ "Bad output index in selected transfers: " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(idx));
+ }
+ }
+ crypto::hash txid;
txid = get_transaction_hash(ptx.tx);
crypto::hash payment_id = crypto::null_hash;
@@ -3864,6 +3940,8 @@ uint64_t wallet2::get_dynamic_per_kb_fee_estimate()
uint64_t wallet2::get_per_kb_fee()
+ if(m_light_wallet)
+ return m_light_wallet_per_kb_fee;
bool use_dyn_fee = use_fork_rules(HF_VERSION_DYNAMIC_FEE, -720 * 1);
if (!use_dyn_fee)
return FEE_PER_KB;
@@ -3989,10 +4067,134 @@ std::vector<wallet2::pending_tx> wallet2::create_transactions(std::vector<crypto
+bool wallet2::tx_add_fake_output(std::vector<std::vector<tools::wallet2::get_outs_entry>> &outs, uint64_t global_index, const crypto::public_key& tx_public_key, const rct::key& mask, uint64_t real_index, bool unlocked) const
+ if (!unlocked) // don't add locked outs
+ return false;
+ if (global_index == real_index) // don't re-add real one
+ return false;
+ auto item = std::make_tuple(global_index, tx_public_key, mask);
+ if (std::find(outs.back().begin(), outs.back().end(), item) != outs.back().end()) // don't add duplicates
+ return false;
+ outs.back().push_back(item);
+ return true;
+void wallet2::light_wallet_get_outs(std::vector<std::vector<tools::wallet2::get_outs_entry>> &outs, const std::list<size_t> &selected_transfers, size_t fake_outputs_count) {
+ MDEBUG("LIGHTWALLET - Getting random outs");
+ cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTS::request oreq;
+ cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTS::response ores;
+ size_t light_wallet_requested_outputs_count = (size_t)((fake_outputs_count + 1) * 1.5 + 1);
+ // Amounts to ask for
+ // MyMonero api handle amounts and fees as strings
+ for(size_t idx: selected_transfers) {
+ const uint64_t ask_amount = m_transfers[idx].is_rct() ? 0 : m_transfers[idx].amount();
+ std::ostringstream amount_ss;
+ amount_ss << ask_amount;
+ oreq.amounts.push_back(amount_ss.str());
+ }
+ oreq.count = light_wallet_requested_outputs_count;
+ m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock();
+ bool r = epee::net_utils::invoke_http_json("/get_random_outs", oreq, ores, m_http_client, rpc_timeout, "POST");
+ m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock();
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "get_random_outs");
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(ores.amount_outs.empty() , error::wallet_internal_error, "No outputs recieved from light wallet node. Error: " + ores.Error);
+ // Check if we got enough outputs for each amount
+ for(auto& out: ores.amount_outs) {
+ const uint64_t out_amount = boost::lexical_cast<uint64_t>(out.amount);
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(out.outputs.size() < light_wallet_requested_outputs_count , error::wallet_internal_error, "Not enough outputs for amount: " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(out.amount));
+ MDEBUG(out.outputs.size() << " outputs for amount "+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(out.amount) + " received from light wallet node");
+ }
+ MDEBUG("selected transfers size: " << selected_transfers.size());
+ for(size_t idx: selected_transfers)
+ {
+ // Create new index
+ outs.push_back(std::vector<get_outs_entry>());
+ outs.back().reserve(fake_outputs_count + 1);
+ // add real output first
+ const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[idx];
+ const uint64_t amount = td.is_rct() ? 0 : td.amount();
+ outs.back().push_back(std::make_tuple(td.m_global_output_index, td.get_public_key(), rct::commit(td.amount(), td.m_mask)));
+ MDEBUG("added real output " << string_tools::pod_to_hex(td.get_public_key()));
+ // Even if the lightwallet server returns random outputs, we pick them randomly.
+ std::vector<size_t> order;
+ order.resize(light_wallet_requested_outputs_count);
+ for (size_t n = 0; n < order.size(); ++n)
+ order[n] = n;
+ std::shuffle(order.begin(), order.end(), std::default_random_engine(crypto::rand<unsigned>()));
+ LOG_PRINT_L2("Looking for " << (fake_outputs_count+1) << " outputs with amounts " << print_money(td.is_rct() ? 0 : td.amount()));
+ MDEBUG("OUTS SIZE: " << outs.back().size());
+ for (size_t o = 0; o < light_wallet_requested_outputs_count && outs.back().size() < fake_outputs_count + 1; ++o)
+ {
+ // Random pick
+ size_t i = order[o];
+ // Find which random output key to use
+ bool found_amount = false;
+ size_t amount_key;
+ for(amount_key = 0; amount_key < ores.amount_outs.size(); ++amount_key)
+ {
+ if(boost::lexical_cast<uint64_t>(ores.amount_outs[amount_key].amount) == amount) {
+ found_amount = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!found_amount , error::wallet_internal_error, "Outputs for amount " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(ores.amount_outs[amount_key].amount) + " not found" );
+ LOG_PRINT_L2("Index " << i << "/" << light_wallet_requested_outputs_count << ": idx " << ores.amount_outs[amount_key].outputs[i].global_index << " (real " << td.m_global_output_index << "), unlocked " << "(always in light)" << ", key " << ores.amount_outs[0].outputs[i].public_key);
+ // Convert light wallet string data to proper data structures
+ crypto::public_key tx_public_key;
+ rct::key mask = AUTO_VAL_INIT(mask); // decrypted mask - not used here
+ rct::key rct_commit = AUTO_VAL_INIT(rct_commit);
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, ores.amount_outs[amount_key].outputs[i].public_key), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid public_key");
+ string_tools::hex_to_pod(ores.amount_outs[amount_key].outputs[i].public_key, tx_public_key);
+ const uint64_t global_index = ores.amount_outs[amount_key].outputs[i].global_index;
+ if(!light_wallet_parse_rct_str(ores.amount_outs[amount_key].outputs[i].rct, tx_public_key, 0, mask, rct_commit, false))
+ rct_commit = rct::zeroCommit(td.amount());
+ if (tx_add_fake_output(outs, global_index, tx_public_key, rct_commit, td.m_global_output_index, true)) {
+ MDEBUG("added fake output " << ores.amount_outs[amount_key].outputs[i].public_key);
+ MDEBUG("index " << global_index);
+ }
+ }
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(outs.back().size() < fake_outputs_count + 1 , error::wallet_internal_error, "Not enough fake outputs found" );
+ // Real output is the first. Shuffle outputs
+ MTRACE(outs.back().size() << " outputs added. Sorting outputs by index:");
+ std::sort(outs.back().begin(), outs.back().end(), [](const get_outs_entry &a, const get_outs_entry &b) { return std::get<0>(a) < std::get<0>(b); });
+ // Print output order
+ for(auto added_out: outs.back())
+ MTRACE(std::get<0>(added_out));
+ }
void wallet2::get_outs(std::vector<std::vector<tools::wallet2::get_outs_entry>> &outs, const std::list<size_t> &selected_transfers, size_t fake_outputs_count)
LOG_PRINT_L2("fake_outputs_count: " << fake_outputs_count);
+ if(m_light_wallet && fake_outputs_count > 0) {
+ light_wallet_get_outs(outs, selected_transfers, fake_outputs_count);
+ return;
+ }
if (fake_outputs_count > 0)
// get histogram for the amounts we need
@@ -4189,14 +4391,7 @@ void wallet2::get_outs(std::vector<std::vector<tools::wallet2::get_outs_entry>>
size_t i = base + order[o];
LOG_PRINT_L2("Index " << i << "/" << requested_outputs_count << ": idx " << req.outputs[i].index << " (real " << td.m_global_output_index << "), unlocked " << daemon_resp.outs[i].unlocked << ", key " << daemon_resp.outs[i].key);
- if (req.outputs[i].index == td.m_global_output_index) // don't re-add real one
- continue;
- if (!daemon_resp.outs[i].unlocked) // don't add locked outs
- continue;
- auto item = std::make_tuple(req.outputs[i].index, daemon_resp.outs[i].key, daemon_resp.outs[i].mask);
- if (std::find(outs.back().begin(), outs.back().end(), item) != outs.back().end()) // don't add duplicates
- continue;
- outs.back().push_back(item);
+ tx_add_fake_output(outs, req.outputs[i].index, daemon_resp.outs[i].key, daemon_resp.outs[i].mask, td.m_global_output_index, daemon_resp.outs[i].unlocked);
if (outs.back().size() < fake_outputs_count + 1)
@@ -4218,7 +4413,7 @@ void wallet2::get_outs(std::vector<std::vector<tools::wallet2::get_outs_entry>>
const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[idx];
std::vector<get_outs_entry> v;
const rct::key mask = td.is_rct() ? rct::commit(td.amount(), td.m_mask) : rct::zeroCommit(td.amount());
- v.push_back(std::make_tuple(td.m_global_output_index, boost::get<txout_to_key>(td.m_tx.vout[td.m_internal_output_index].target).key, mask));
+ v.push_back(std::make_tuple(td.m_global_output_index, td.get_public_key(), mask));
@@ -4433,6 +4628,9 @@ void wallet2::transfer_selected_rct(std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry
src.rct = td.is_rct();
//paste mixin transaction
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(outs.size() < out_index + 1 , error::wallet_internal_error, "outs.size() < out_index + 1");
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(outs[out_index].size() < fake_outputs_count , error::wallet_internal_error, "fake_outputs_count > random outputs found");
typedef cryptonote::tx_source_entry::output_entry tx_output_entry;
for (size_t n = 0; n < fake_outputs_count + 1; ++n)
@@ -4454,7 +4652,7 @@ void wallet2::transfer_selected_rct(std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry
tx_output_entry real_oe;
real_oe.first = td.m_global_output_index;
- real_oe.second.dest = rct::pk2rct(boost::get<txout_to_key>(td.m_tx.vout[td.m_internal_output_index].target).key);
+ real_oe.second.dest = rct::pk2rct(td.get_public_key());
real_oe.second.mask = rct::commit(td.amount(), td.m_mask);
*it_to_replace = real_oe;
src.real_out_tx_key = get_tx_pub_key_from_extra(td.m_tx, td.m_pk_index);
@@ -4701,6 +4899,445 @@ static uint32_t get_count_above(const std::vector<wallet2::transfer_details> &tr
return count;
+bool wallet2::light_wallet_login(bool &new_address)
+ MDEBUG("Light wallet login request");
+ m_light_wallet_connected = false;
+ cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_LOGIN::request request;
+ cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_LOGIN::response response;
+ request.address = get_account().get_public_address_str(m_testnet);
+ request.view_key = string_tools::pod_to_hex(get_account().get_keys().m_view_secret_key);
+ // Always create account if it doesnt exist.
+ request.create_account = true;
+ m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock();
+ bool connected = epee::net_utils::invoke_http_json("/login", request, response, m_http_client, rpc_timeout, "POST");
+ m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock();
+ // MyMonero doesn't send any status message. OpenMonero does.
+ m_light_wallet_connected = connected && (response.status.empty() || response.status == "success");
+ new_address = response.new_address;
+ MDEBUG("Status: " << response.status);
+ MDEBUG("Reason: " << response.reason);
+ MDEBUG("New wallet: " << response.new_address);
+ if(m_light_wallet_connected)
+ {
+ // Clear old data on successfull login.
+ // m_transfers.clear();
+ // m_payments.clear();
+ // m_unconfirmed_payments.clear();
+ }
+ return m_light_wallet_connected;
+bool wallet2::light_wallet_import_wallet_request(cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_IMPORT_WALLET_REQUEST::response &response)
+ MDEBUG("Light wallet import wallet request");
+ cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_IMPORT_WALLET_REQUEST::request oreq;
+ oreq.address = get_account().get_public_address_str(m_testnet);
+ oreq.view_key = string_tools::pod_to_hex(get_account().get_keys().m_view_secret_key);
+ m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock();
+ bool r = epee::net_utils::invoke_http_json("/import_wallet_request", oreq, response, m_http_client, rpc_timeout, "POST");
+ m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock();
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "import_wallet_request");
+ return true;
+void wallet2::light_wallet_get_unspent_outs()
+ MDEBUG("Getting unspent outs");
+ cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_UNSPENT_OUTS::request oreq;
+ cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_UNSPENT_OUTS::response ores;
+ oreq.amount = "0";
+ oreq.address = get_account().get_public_address_str(m_testnet);
+ oreq.view_key = string_tools::pod_to_hex(get_account().get_keys().m_view_secret_key);
+ // openMonero specific
+ oreq.dust_threshold = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(::config::DEFAULT_DUST_THRESHOLD);
+ // below are required by openMonero api - but are not used.
+ oreq.mixin = 0;
+ oreq.use_dust = true;
+ m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock();
+ bool r = epee::net_utils::invoke_http_json("/get_unspent_outs", oreq, ores, m_http_client, rpc_timeout, "POST");
+ m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock();
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "get_unspent_outs");
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(ores.status == "error", error::wallet_internal_error, ores.reason);
+ m_light_wallet_per_kb_fee = ores.per_kb_fee;
+ std::unordered_map<crypto::hash,bool> transfers_txs;
+ for(const auto &t: m_transfers)
+ transfers_txs.emplace(t.m_txid,t.m_spent);
+ MDEBUG("FOUND " << ores.outputs.size() <<" outputs");
+ // return if no outputs found
+ if(ores.outputs.empty())
+ return;
+ // Clear old outputs
+ m_transfers.clear();
+ for (const auto &o: ores.outputs) {
+ bool spent = false;
+ bool add_transfer = true;
+ crypto::key_image unspent_key_image;
+ crypto::public_key tx_public_key = AUTO_VAL_INIT(tx_public_key);
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, o.tx_pub_key), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid tx_pub_key field");
+ string_tools::hex_to_pod(o.tx_pub_key, tx_public_key);
+ for (const std::string &ski: o.spend_key_images) {
+ spent = false;
+ // Check if key image is ours
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, ski), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid key image");
+ string_tools::hex_to_pod(ski, unspent_key_image);
+ if(light_wallet_key_image_is_ours(unspent_key_image, tx_public_key, o.index)){
+ MTRACE("Output " << o.public_key << " is spent. Key image: " << ski);
+ spent = true;
+ break;
+ } {
+ MTRACE("Unspent output found. " << o.public_key);
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if tx already exists in m_transfers.
+ crypto::hash txid;
+ crypto::public_key tx_pub_key;
+ crypto::public_key public_key;
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, o.tx_hash), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid tx_hash field");
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, o.public_key), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid public_key field");
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, o.tx_pub_key), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid tx_pub_key field");
+ string_tools::hex_to_pod(o.tx_hash, txid);
+ string_tools::hex_to_pod(o.public_key, public_key);
+ string_tools::hex_to_pod(o.tx_pub_key, tx_pub_key);
+ for(auto &t: m_transfers){
+ if(t.get_public_key() == public_key) {
+ t.m_spent = spent;
+ add_transfer = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!add_transfer)
+ continue;
+ m_transfers.push_back(boost::value_initialized<transfer_details>());
+ transfer_details& td = m_transfers.back();
+ td.m_block_height = o.height;
+ td.m_global_output_index = o.global_index;
+ td.m_txid = txid;
+ // Add to extra
+ add_tx_pub_key_to_extra(td.m_tx, tx_pub_key);
+ td.m_key_image = unspent_key_image;
+ td.m_key_image_known = !m_watch_only;
+ td.m_amount = o.amount;
+ td.m_pk_index = 0;
+ td.m_internal_output_index = o.index;
+ td.m_spent = spent;
+ tx_out txout;
+ txout.target = txout_to_key(public_key);
+ txout.amount = td.m_amount;
+ td.m_tx.vout.resize(td.m_internal_output_index + 1);
+ td.m_tx.vout[td.m_internal_output_index] = txout;
+ // Add unlock time and coinbase bool got from get_address_txs api call
+ std::unordered_map<crypto::hash,address_tx>::const_iterator found = m_light_wallet_address_txs.find(txid);
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(found == m_light_wallet_address_txs.end(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Lightwallet: tx not found in m_light_wallet_address_txs");
+ bool miner_tx = found->second.m_coinbase;
+ td.m_tx.unlock_time = found->second.m_unlock_time;
+ if (!o.rct.empty())
+ {
+ // Coinbase tx's
+ if(miner_tx)
+ {
+ td.m_mask = rct::identity();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // rct txs
+ // decrypt rct mask, calculate commit hash and compare against blockchain commit hash
+ rct::key rct_commit;
+ light_wallet_parse_rct_str(o.rct, tx_pub_key, td.m_internal_output_index, td.m_mask, rct_commit, true);
+ bool valid_commit = (rct_commit == rct::commit(td.amount(), td.m_mask));
+ if(!valid_commit)
+ {
+ MDEBUG("output index: " << o.global_index);
+ MDEBUG("mask: " + string_tools::pod_to_hex(td.m_mask));
+ MDEBUG("calculated commit: " + string_tools::pod_to_hex(rct::commit(td.amount(), td.m_mask)));
+ MDEBUG("expected commit: " + string_tools::pod_to_hex(rct_commit));
+ MDEBUG("amount: " << td.amount());
+ }
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!valid_commit, error::wallet_internal_error, "Lightwallet: rct commit hash mismatch!");
+ }
+ td.m_rct = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ td.m_mask = rct::identity();
+ td.m_rct = false;
+ }
+ if(!spent)
+ set_unspent(m_transfers.size()-1);
+ m_key_images[td.m_key_image] = m_transfers.size()-1;
+ m_pub_keys[td.get_public_key()] = m_transfers.size()-1;
+ }
+bool wallet2::light_wallet_get_address_info(cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_ADDRESS_INFO::response &response)
+ cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_ADDRESS_INFO::request request;
+ request.address = get_account().get_public_address_str(m_testnet);
+ request.view_key = string_tools::pod_to_hex(get_account().get_keys().m_view_secret_key);
+ m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock();
+ bool r = epee::net_utils::invoke_http_json("/get_address_info", request, response, m_http_client, rpc_timeout, "POST");
+ m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock();
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "get_address_info");
+ // TODO: Validate result
+ return true;
+void wallet2::light_wallet_get_address_txs()
+ MDEBUG("Refreshing light wallet");
+ cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_ADDRESS_TXS::request ireq;
+ cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_ADDRESS_TXS::response ires;
+ ireq.address = get_account().get_public_address_str(m_testnet);
+ ireq.view_key = string_tools::pod_to_hex(get_account().get_keys().m_view_secret_key);
+ m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock();
+ bool r = epee::net_utils::invoke_http_json("/get_address_txs", ireq, ires, m_http_client, rpc_timeout, "POST");
+ m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock();
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "get_address_txs");
+ //OpenMonero sends status=success, Mymonero doesn't.
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF((!ires.status.empty() && ires.status != "success"), error::no_connection_to_daemon, "get_address_txs");
+ // Abort if no transactions
+ if(ires.transactions.empty())
+ return;
+ // Create searchable vectors
+ std::vector<crypto::hash> payments_txs;
+ for(const auto &p: m_payments)
+ payments_txs.push_back(p.second.m_tx_hash);
+ std::vector<crypto::hash> unconfirmed_payments_txs;
+ for(const auto &up: m_unconfirmed_payments)
+ unconfirmed_payments_txs.push_back(up.second.m_tx_hash);
+ // for balance calculation
+ uint64_t wallet_total_sent = 0;
+ uint64_t wallet_total_unlocked_sent = 0;
+ // txs in pool
+ std::vector<crypto::hash> pool_txs;
+ for (const auto &t: ires.transactions) {
+ const uint64_t total_received = t.total_received;
+ uint64_t total_sent = t.total_sent;
+ // Check key images - subtract fake outputs from total_sent
+ for(const auto &so: t.spent_outputs)
+ {
+ crypto::public_key tx_public_key;
+ crypto::key_image key_image;
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, so.tx_pub_key), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid tx_pub_key field");
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, so.key_image), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid key_image field");
+ string_tools::hex_to_pod(so.tx_pub_key, tx_public_key);
+ string_tools::hex_to_pod(so.key_image, key_image);
+ if(!light_wallet_key_image_is_ours(key_image, tx_public_key, so.out_index)) {
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(so.amount > t.total_sent, error::wallet_internal_error, "Lightwallet: total sent is negative!");
+ total_sent -= so.amount;
+ }
+ }
+ // Do not add tx if empty.
+ if(total_sent == 0 && total_received == 0)
+ continue;
+ crypto::hash payment_id = null_hash;
+ crypto::hash tx_hash;
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, t.payment_id), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid payment_id field");
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, t.hash), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid hash field");
+ string_tools::hex_to_pod(t.payment_id, payment_id);
+ string_tools::hex_to_pod(t.hash, tx_hash);
+ // lightwallet specific info
+ bool incoming = (total_received > total_sent);
+ address_tx address_tx;
+ address_tx.m_tx_hash = tx_hash;
+ address_tx.m_incoming = incoming;
+ address_tx.m_amount = incoming ? total_received - total_sent : total_sent - total_received;
+ address_tx.m_block_height = t.height;
+ address_tx.m_unlock_time = t.unlock_time;
+ address_tx.m_timestamp = t.timestamp;
+ address_tx.m_coinbase = t.coinbase;
+ address_tx.m_mempool = t.mempool;
+ m_light_wallet_address_txs.emplace(tx_hash,address_tx);
+ // populate data needed for history (m_payments, m_unconfirmed_payments, m_confirmed_txs)
+ // INCOMING transfers
+ if(total_received > total_sent) {
+ payment_details payment;
+ payment.m_tx_hash = tx_hash;
+ payment.m_amount = total_received - total_sent;
+ payment.m_block_height = t.height;
+ payment.m_unlock_time = t.unlock_time;
+ payment.m_timestamp = t.timestamp;
+ if (t.mempool) {
+ if (std::find(unconfirmed_payments_txs.begin(), unconfirmed_payments_txs.end(), tx_hash) == unconfirmed_payments_txs.end()) {
+ pool_txs.push_back(tx_hash);
+ m_unconfirmed_payments.emplace(tx_hash, payment);
+ if (0 != m_callback) {
+ m_callback->on_lw_unconfirmed_money_received(t.height, payment.m_tx_hash, payment.m_amount);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (std::find(payments_txs.begin(), payments_txs.end(), tx_hash) == payments_txs.end()) {
+ m_payments.emplace(tx_hash, payment);
+ if (0 != m_callback) {
+ m_callback->on_lw_money_received(t.height, payment.m_tx_hash, payment.m_amount);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Outgoing transfers
+ } else {
+ uint64_t amount_sent = total_sent - total_received;
+ cryptonote::transaction dummy_tx; // not used by light wallet
+ // increase wallet total sent
+ wallet_total_sent += total_sent;
+ if (t.mempool)
+ {
+ // Handled by add_unconfirmed_tx in commit_tx
+ // If sent from another wallet instance we need to add it
+ if(m_unconfirmed_txs.find(tx_hash) == m_unconfirmed_txs.end())
+ {
+ unconfirmed_transfer_details utd;
+ utd.m_amount_in = amount_sent;
+ utd.m_amount_out = amount_sent;
+ utd.m_change = 0;
+ utd.m_payment_id = payment_id;
+ utd.m_timestamp = t.timestamp;
+ utd.m_state = wallet2::unconfirmed_transfer_details::pending;
+ m_unconfirmed_txs.emplace(tx_hash,utd);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Only add if new
+ auto confirmed_tx = m_confirmed_txs.find(tx_hash);
+ if(confirmed_tx == m_confirmed_txs.end()) {
+ // tx is added to m_unconfirmed_txs - move to confirmed
+ if(m_unconfirmed_txs.find(tx_hash) != m_unconfirmed_txs.end())
+ {
+ process_unconfirmed(tx_hash, dummy_tx, t.height);
+ }
+ // Tx sent by another wallet instance
+ else
+ {
+ confirmed_transfer_details ctd;
+ ctd.m_amount_in = amount_sent;
+ ctd.m_amount_out = amount_sent;
+ ctd.m_change = 0;
+ ctd.m_payment_id = payment_id;
+ ctd.m_block_height = t.height;
+ ctd.m_timestamp = t.timestamp;
+ m_confirmed_txs.emplace(tx_hash,ctd);
+ }
+ if (0 != m_callback)
+ {
+ m_callback->on_lw_money_spent(t.height, tx_hash, amount_sent);
+ }
+ }
+ // If not new - check the amount and update if necessary.
+ // when sending a tx to same wallet the receiving amount has to be credited
+ else
+ {
+ if(confirmed_tx->second.m_amount_in != amount_sent || confirmed_tx->second.m_amount_out != amount_sent)
+ {
+ MDEBUG("Adjusting amount sent/received for tx: <" + t.hash + ">. Is tx sent to own wallet? " << print_money(amount_sent) << " != " << print_money(confirmed_tx->second.m_amount_in));
+ confirmed_tx->second.m_amount_in = amount_sent;
+ confirmed_tx->second.m_amount_out = amount_sent;
+ confirmed_tx->second.m_change = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: purge old unconfirmed_txs
+ remove_obsolete_pool_txs(pool_txs);
+ // Calculate wallet balance
+ m_light_wallet_balance = ires.total_received-wallet_total_sent;
+ // MyMonero doesnt send unlocked balance
+ if(ires.total_received_unlocked > 0)
+ m_light_wallet_unlocked_balance = ires.total_received_unlocked-wallet_total_sent;
+ else
+ m_light_wallet_unlocked_balance = m_light_wallet_balance;
+bool wallet2::light_wallet_parse_rct_str(const std::string& rct_string, const crypto::public_key& tx_pub_key, uint64_t internal_output_index, rct::key& decrypted_mask, rct::key& rct_commit, bool decrypt) const
+ // rct string is empty if output is non RCT
+ if (rct_string.empty())
+ return false;
+ // rct_string is a string with length 64+64+64 (<rct commit> + <encrypted mask> + <rct amount>)
+ rct::key encrypted_mask;
+ std::string rct_commit_str = rct_string.substr(0,64);
+ std::string encrypted_mask_str = rct_string.substr(64,64);
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, rct_commit_str), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid rct commit hash: " + rct_commit_str);
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(string_tools::validate_hex(64, encrypted_mask_str), error::wallet_internal_error, "Invalid rct mask: " + encrypted_mask_str);
+ string_tools::hex_to_pod(rct_commit_str, rct_commit);
+ string_tools::hex_to_pod(encrypted_mask_str, encrypted_mask);
+ if (decrypt) {
+ // Decrypt the mask
+ crypto::key_derivation derivation;
+ generate_key_derivation(tx_pub_key, get_account().get_keys().m_view_secret_key, derivation);
+ crypto::secret_key scalar;
+ crypto::derivation_to_scalar(derivation, internal_output_index, scalar);
+ sc_sub(decrypted_mask.bytes,encrypted_mask.bytes,rct::hash_to_scalar(rct::sk2rct(scalar)).bytes);
+ }
+ return true;
+bool wallet2::light_wallet_key_image_is_ours(const crypto::key_image& key_image, const crypto::public_key& tx_public_key, uint64_t out_index)
+ // Lookup key image from cache
+ std::map<uint64_t, crypto::key_image> index_keyimage_map;
+ std::unordered_map<crypto::public_key, std::map<uint64_t, crypto::key_image> >::const_iterator found_pub_key = m_key_image_cache.find(tx_public_key);
+ if(found_pub_key != m_key_image_cache.end()) {
+ // pub key found. key image for index cached?
+ index_keyimage_map = found_pub_key->second;
+ std::map<uint64_t,crypto::key_image>::const_iterator index_found = index_keyimage_map.find(out_index);
+ if(index_found != index_keyimage_map.end())
+ return key_image == index_found->second;
+ }
+ // Not in cache - calculate key image
+ crypto::key_image calculated_key_image;
+ cryptonote::keypair in_ephemeral;
+ cryptonote::generate_key_image_helper(get_account().get_keys(), tx_public_key, out_index, in_ephemeral, calculated_key_image);
+ index_keyimage_map.emplace(out_index, calculated_key_image);
+ m_key_image_cache.emplace(tx_public_key, index_keyimage_map);
+ return key_image == calculated_key_image;
// Another implementation of transaction creation that is hopefully better
// While there is anything left to pay, it goes through random outputs and tries
// to fill the next destination/amount. If it fully fills it, it will use the
@@ -4718,6 +5355,10 @@ static uint32_t get_count_above(const std::vector<wallet2::transfer_details> &tr
// usable balance.
std::vector<wallet2::pending_tx> wallet2::create_transactions_2(std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry> dsts, const size_t fake_outs_count, const uint64_t unlock_time, uint32_t priority, const std::vector<uint8_t>& extra, uint32_t subaddr_account, std::set<uint32_t> subaddr_indices, bool trusted_daemon)
+ if(m_light_wallet) {
+ // Populate m_transfers
+ light_wallet_get_unspent_outs();
+ }
std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, std::vector<size_t>>> unused_transfers_indices_per_subaddr;
std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, std::vector<size_t>>> unused_dust_indices_per_subaddr;
uint64_t needed_money;
@@ -4880,7 +5521,7 @@ std::vector<wallet2::pending_tx> wallet2::create_transactions_2(std::vector<cryp
std::vector<size_t> preferred_inputs;
uint64_t rct_outs_needed = 2 * (fake_outs_count + 1);
rct_outs_needed += 100; // some fudge factor since we don't know how many are locked
- if (use_rct && get_num_rct_outputs() >= rct_outs_needed)
+ if (use_rct)
// this is used to build a tx that's 1 or 2 inputs, and 2 outputs, which
// will get us a known fee.
@@ -5334,6 +5975,9 @@ void wallet2::get_hard_fork_info(uint8_t version, uint64_t &earliest_height)
bool wallet2::use_fork_rules(uint8_t version, int64_t early_blocks)
+ // TODO: How to get fork rule info from light wallet node?
+ if(m_light_wallet)
+ return true;
uint64_t height, earliest_height;
boost::optional<std::string> result = m_node_rpc_proxy.get_height(height);
throw_on_rpc_response_error(result, "get_info");
diff --git a/src/wallet/wallet2.h b/src/wallet/wallet2.h
index 5e24db917..31afd0b9e 100644
--- a/src/wallet/wallet2.h
+++ b/src/wallet/wallet2.h
@@ -71,11 +71,19 @@ namespace tools
class i_wallet2_callback
+ // Full wallet callbacks
virtual void on_new_block(uint64_t height, const cryptonote::block& block) {}
virtual void on_money_received(uint64_t height, const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t amount, const cryptonote::subaddress_index& subaddr_index) {}
virtual void on_unconfirmed_money_received(uint64_t height, const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t amount, const cryptonote::subaddress_index& subaddr_index) {}
virtual void on_money_spent(uint64_t height, const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& in_tx, uint64_t amount, const cryptonote::transaction& spend_tx, const cryptonote::subaddress_index& subaddr_index) {}
virtual void on_skip_transaction(uint64_t height, const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& tx) {}
+ // Light wallet callbacks
+ virtual void on_lw_new_block(uint64_t height) {}
+ virtual void on_lw_money_received(uint64_t height, const crypto::hash &txid, uint64_t amount) {}
+ virtual void on_lw_unconfirmed_money_received(uint64_t height, const crypto::hash &txid, uint64_t amount) {}
+ virtual void on_lw_money_spent(uint64_t height, const crypto::hash &txid, uint64_t amount) {}
+ // Common callbacks
+ virtual void on_pool_tx_removed(const crypto::hash &txid) {}
virtual ~i_wallet2_callback() {}
@@ -165,7 +173,7 @@ namespace tools
static bool verify_password(const std::string& keys_file_name, const std::string& password, bool watch_only);
- wallet2(bool testnet = false, bool restricted = false) : m_run(true), m_callback(0), m_testnet(testnet), m_always_confirm_transfers(true), m_print_ring_members(false), m_store_tx_info(true), m_default_mixin(0), m_default_priority(0), m_refresh_type(RefreshOptimizeCoinbase), m_auto_refresh(true), m_refresh_from_block_height(0), m_confirm_missing_payment_id(true), m_ask_password(true), m_min_output_count(0), m_min_output_value(0), m_merge_destinations(false), m_confirm_backlog(true), m_is_initialized(false), m_restricted(restricted), is_old_file_format(false), m_node_rpc_proxy(m_http_client, m_daemon_rpc_mutex) {}
+ wallet2(bool testnet = false, bool restricted = false) : m_run(true), m_callback(0), m_testnet(testnet), m_always_confirm_transfers(true), m_print_ring_members(false), m_store_tx_info(true), m_default_mixin(0), m_default_priority(0), m_refresh_type(RefreshOptimizeCoinbase), m_auto_refresh(true), m_refresh_from_block_height(0), m_confirm_missing_payment_id(true), m_ask_password(true), m_min_output_count(0), m_min_output_value(0), m_merge_destinations(false), m_confirm_backlog(true), m_is_initialized(false), m_restricted(restricted), is_old_file_format(false), m_node_rpc_proxy(m_http_client, m_daemon_rpc_mutex), m_light_wallet(false), m_light_wallet_scanned_block_height(0), m_light_wallet_blockchain_height(0), m_light_wallet_connected(false), m_light_wallet_balance(0), m_light_wallet_unlocked_balance(0) {}
struct tx_scan_info_t
@@ -229,6 +237,13 @@ namespace tools
cryptonote::subaddress_index m_subaddr_index;
+ struct address_tx : payment_details
+ {
+ bool m_coinbase;
+ bool m_mempool;
+ bool m_incoming;
+ };
struct unconfirmed_transfer_details
cryptonote::transaction_prefix m_tx;
@@ -410,7 +425,7 @@ namespace tools
// the minimum block size.
bool deinit();
bool init(std::string daemon_address = "http://localhost:8080",
- boost::optional<epee::net_utils::http::login> daemon_login = boost::none, uint64_t upper_transaction_size_limit = 0);
+ boost::optional<epee::net_utils::http::login> daemon_login = boost::none, uint64_t upper_transaction_size_limit = 0, bool ssl = false);
void stop() { m_run.store(false, std::memory_order_relaxed); }
@@ -422,6 +437,15 @@ namespace tools
bool is_deterministic() const;
bool get_seed(std::string& electrum_words, const std::string &passphrase = std::string()) const;
+ /*!
+ * \brief Checks if light wallet. A light wallet sends view key to a server where the blockchain is scanned.
+ */
+ bool light_wallet() const { return m_light_wallet; }
+ void set_light_wallet(bool light_wallet) { m_light_wallet = light_wallet; }
+ uint64_t get_light_wallet_scanned_block_height() const { return m_light_wallet_scanned_block_height; }
+ uint64_t get_light_wallet_blockchain_height() const { return m_light_wallet_blockchain_height; }
* \brief Gets the seed language
@@ -512,6 +536,7 @@ namespace tools
void rescan_spent();
void rescan_blockchain(bool refresh = true);
bool is_transfer_unlocked(const transfer_details& td) const;
+ bool is_transfer_unlocked(uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t block_height) const;
template <class t_archive>
inline void serialize(t_archive &a, const unsigned int ver)
@@ -695,6 +720,7 @@ namespace tools
uint64_t import_key_images(const std::string &filename, uint64_t &spent, uint64_t &unspent);
void update_pool_state(bool refreshed = false);
+ void remove_obsolete_pool_txs(const std::vector<crypto::hash> &tx_hashes);
std::string encrypt(const std::string &plaintext, const crypto::secret_key &skey, bool authenticated = true) const;
std::string encrypt_with_view_secret_key(const std::string &plaintext, bool authenticated = true) const;
@@ -713,6 +739,24 @@ namespace tools
uint64_t get_fee_multiplier(uint32_t priority, int fee_algorithm = -1);
uint64_t get_per_kb_fee();
+ // Light wallet specific functions
+ // fetch unspent outs from lw node and store in m_transfers
+ void light_wallet_get_unspent_outs();
+ // fetch txs and store in m_payments
+ void light_wallet_get_address_txs();
+ // get_address_info
+ bool light_wallet_get_address_info(cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_ADDRESS_INFO::response &response);
+ // Login. new_address is true if address hasn't been used on lw node before.
+ bool light_wallet_login(bool &new_address);
+ // Send an import request to lw node. returns info about import fee, address and payment_id
+ bool light_wallet_import_wallet_request(cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_IMPORT_WALLET_REQUEST::response &response);
+ // get random outputs from light wallet server
+ void light_wallet_get_outs(std::vector<std::vector<get_outs_entry>> &outs, const std::list<size_t> &selected_transfers, size_t fake_outputs_count);
+ // Parse rct string
+ bool light_wallet_parse_rct_str(const std::string& rct_string, const crypto::public_key& tx_pub_key, uint64_t internal_output_index, rct::key& decrypted_mask, rct::key& rct_commit, bool decrypt) const;
+ // check if key image is ours
+ bool light_wallet_key_image_is_ours(const crypto::key_image& key_image, const crypto::public_key& tx_public_key, uint64_t out_index);
* \brief Stores wallet information to wallet file.
@@ -759,6 +803,8 @@ namespace tools
void set_spent(size_t idx, uint64_t height);
void set_unspent(size_t idx);
void get_outs(std::vector<std::vector<get_outs_entry>> &outs, const std::list<size_t> &selected_transfers, size_t fake_outputs_count);
+ bool tx_add_fake_output(std::vector<std::vector<tools::wallet2::get_outs_entry>> &outs, uint64_t global_index, const crypto::public_key& tx_public_key, const rct::key& mask, uint64_t real_index, bool unlocked) const;
+ bool wallet_generate_key_image_helper(const cryptonote::account_keys& ack, const crypto::public_key& tx_public_key, size_t real_output_index, cryptonote::keypair& in_ephemeral, crypto::key_image& ki);
crypto::public_key get_tx_pub_key_from_received_outs(const tools::wallet2::transfer_details &td) const;
bool should_pick_a_second_output(bool use_rct, size_t n_transfers, const std::vector<size_t> &unused_transfers_indices, const std::vector<size_t> &unused_dust_indices) const;
std::vector<size_t> get_only_rct(const std::vector<size_t> &unused_dust_indices, const std::vector<size_t> &unused_transfers_indices) const;
@@ -820,6 +866,20 @@ namespace tools
bool m_is_initialized;
NodeRPCProxy m_node_rpc_proxy;
std::unordered_set<crypto::hash> m_scanned_pool_txs[2];
+ // Light wallet
+ bool m_light_wallet; /* sends view key to daemon for scanning */
+ uint64_t m_light_wallet_scanned_block_height;
+ uint64_t m_light_wallet_blockchain_height;
+ uint64_t m_light_wallet_per_kb_fee = FEE_PER_KB;
+ bool m_light_wallet_connected;
+ uint64_t m_light_wallet_balance;
+ uint64_t m_light_wallet_unlocked_balance;
+ // Light wallet info needed to populate m_payment requires 2 separate api calls (get_address_txs and get_unspent_outs)
+ // We save the info from the first call in m_light_wallet_address_txs for easier lookup.
+ std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, address_tx> m_light_wallet_address_txs;
+ // store calculated key image for faster lookup
+ std::unordered_map<crypto::public_key, std::map<uint64_t, crypto::key_image> > m_key_image_cache;
BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2, 20)
diff --git a/src/wallet/wallet2_api.h b/src/wallet/wallet2_api.h
index 6f612bbb3..4d734ab94 100644
--- a/src/wallet/wallet2_api.h
+++ b/src/wallet/wallet2_api.h
@@ -427,9 +427,12 @@ struct Wallet
* \param daemon_address - daemon address in "hostname:port" format
* \param upper_transaction_size_limit
+ * \param daemon_username
+ * \param daemon_password
+ * \param lightWallet - start wallet in light mode, connect to a openmonero compatible server.
* \return - true on success
- virtual bool init(const std::string &daemon_address, uint64_t upper_transaction_size_limit, const std::string &daemon_username = "", const std::string &daemon_password = "") = 0;
+ virtual bool init(const std::string &daemon_address, uint64_t upper_transaction_size_limit = 0, const std::string &daemon_username = "", const std::string &daemon_password = "", bool use_ssl = false, bool lightWallet = false) = 0;
* \brief createWatchOnly - Creates a watch only wallet
@@ -722,6 +725,12 @@ struct Wallet
* \return true on success
virtual bool rescanSpent() = 0;
+ //! Light wallet authenticate and login
+ virtual bool lightWalletLogin(bool &isNewWallet) const = 0;
+ //! Initiates a light wallet import wallet request
+ virtual bool lightWalletImportWalletRequest(std::string &payment_id, uint64_t &fee, bool &new_request, bool &request_fulfilled, std::string &payment_address, std::string &status) = 0;