blob: e5ada0bf4dc4ad8d45eebe2abcc739955f0991e2 (
plain) (
@Echo off
rem Convert the anti-ad server listing
rem into an unbound dns spoof redirection list.
rem Written by Y.Voinov (c) 2014
rem Note: Wget required!
rem Variables
set prefix="C:\Program Files (x86)"
set dst_dir=%prefix%\Unbound
set work_dir=%TEMP%
set list_addr=""
rem Check Wget installed
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('where wget') do @set wget=%%a
if /I "%wget%"=="" echo Wget not found. If installed, add path to PATH environment variable. & exit 1
echo Wget found: %wget%
"%wget%" -O %work_dir%\yoyo_ad_servers %list_addr%
del /Q /F /S %dst_dir%\unbound_ad_servers
for /F "eol=; tokens=*" %%a in (%work_dir%\yoyo_ad_servers) do (
echo local-zone: %%a redirect>>%dst_dir%\unbound_ad_servers
echo local-data: "%%a A">>%dst_dir%\unbound_ad_servers
echo Done.
rem then add an include line to your unbound.conf pointing to the full path of
rem the unbound_ad_servers file:
rem include: $dst_dir/unbound_ad_servers