# This file is deprecated as per GLEP 56 in favor of metadata.xml. Please add # your descriptions to your package's metadata.xml ONLY. # * generated automatically using egencache * dev-lang/php:argon2 - Enable password hashing algorithm from app-crypt/argon2 dev-lang/php:bcmath - Add support for libbcmath dev-lang/php:cli - Enable CLI SAPI dev-lang/php:coverage - Include gcov symbols for test coverage and lcov reports. Only useful for extension developers, and requires GCC. dev-lang/php:ctype - Enable ctype functions dev-lang/php:embed - Enable embed SAPI dev-lang/php:enchant - Add supports Enchant spelling library. dev-lang/php:fileinfo - Add fileinfo extension support dev-lang/php:filter - Add filter extension support dev-lang/php:flatfile - Add dbm support for flat files dev-lang/php:fpm - Enable the FastCGI Process Manager SAPI dev-lang/php:gd - Adds support for gd (bundled with PHP) dev-lang/php:hash - Enable the hash extension dev-lang/php:inifile - Add dbm support for .ini files dev-lang/php:intl - Enables the intl extension for extended internalization support dev-lang/php:jit - Enable PCRE JIT support dev-lang/php:json - Enable JSON support dev-lang/php:ldap-sasl - Add SASL support for the PHP LDAP extension dev-lang/php:lmdb - Enable support for dev-db/lmdb db backend dev-lang/php:opcache - Enables built-in opcode cache, replacing pecl-apc et al. dev-lang/php:pcntl - Add support for process creation functions dev-lang/php:pdo - Enable the bundled PDO extensions dev-lang/php:phar - Enables the phar extension to provide phar archive support dev-lang/php:phpdbg - Enable the PHP Debug Command Line SAPI (like gdb for php) dev-lang/php:session-mm - Include dev-libs/mm support for session storage dev-lang/php:sharedmem - Add support for shared memory use dev-lang/php:simplexml - Support for SimpleXML dev-lang/php:sodium - Enable support for crypto through dev-libs/libsodium dev-lang/php:sysvipc - Support for System V-compatible inter-process communication dev-lang/php:tokenizer - Add support for the PHP file parser dev-lang/php:tokyocabinet - Enable support for dev-db/tokyocabinet db backend dev-lang/php:wddx - Add support for Web Distributed Data eXchange dev-lang/php:webp - Enable webp support for GD in php-7.x dev-lang/php:xmlreader - Enable XMLReader support dev-lang/php:xmlwriter - Enable XMLWriter support dev-lang/php:xslt - Enable the XSL extension dev-lang/php:zip-encryption - Enable ZIP file encryption from dev-libs/libzip net-misc/icmptx:client - Enable client support net-misc/icmptx:server - Enable server support net-p2p/dogecoin:qrcode - Enable generation of QR Codes for receiving payments net-p2p/dogecoin:utils - Build the utils net-p2p/dogecoin:wallet - Enable wallet support sys-firmware/gnuk:tools - Install aditional tools sys-kernel/longterm-sources:llvm - Build with Clang/LLVM sys-kernel/longterm-sources:rust - Build with rust support sys-kernel/stable-sources:llvm - Build with Clang/LLVM sys-kernel/stable-sources:rust - Build with rust support virtual/linux-sources:firmware - Install linux kernel firmware www-client/arcanist:lint - Support for linter www-client/arcanist:mercurial - Support for dev-vcs/mercurial