function __save_bash_options () { local _set _state _option while read _set _state _option ; do case "${_state}" in -o) __BASH_SET_ENABLED+=( "${_option}" ) ;; +o) __BASH_SET_DISABLED+=( "${_option}" ) ;; esac done < <( set +o ) while read _option _state ; do case "${_state}" in on) __BASH_SHOPT_ENABLED+=( "${_option}" ) ;; off) __BASH_SHOPT_DISABLED+=( "${_option}" ) ;; esac done < <( shopt ) } function __restore_bash_options () { local _option if [[ -n ${__BASH_SET_ENABLED} ]] ; then for _option in "${_BASH_SET_ENABLED[@]}" ; do set -o "${_option}" done fi if [[ -n ${__BASH_SET_DISABLED} ]] ; then for _option in "${__BASH_SET_DISABLED[@]}" ; do set +o "${_option}" done fi if [[ -n ${__BASH_SHOPT_ENABLED} ]] ; then shopt -s "${__BASH_SHOPT_ENABLED[@]}" fi if [[ -n ${__BASH_SHOPT_DISABLED} ]] ; then shopt -u "${__BASH_SHOPT_DISABLED[@]}" fi } function __load_make_conf () { if (( ${#} != 1 )) ; then return 1 fi declare -g "${1}=$(env -i "PATH=/usr/bin" portageq envvar ${1})" return $? } function __drop-non-systemd () { local _opt case "${EAPI:-0}" in [5-6]) ;; [7-8]) _opt="-r" ;; *) die "Unsupported EAPI ${EAPI}" ;; esac if ! has_version ${_opt} sys-apps/systemd ; then return 0 fi local -a _DIRS=( /etc/conf.d /etc/init.d /etc/logrotate.d /etc/syslog-ng ) local _dir for _dir in ${_DIRS[@]} ; do _dir="${_ed}${_dir}" if [[ -e "${_dir}" ]] ; then einfo "Removing ${_dir#${_ed}}" rm -rf "${_dir}" fi done } function __drop-nls-man-pages () { local -a _DIRS=( /usr/share/man /usr/share/postgresql-*/man /usr/share/binutils-data/*/*/man /usr/lib*/icedtea*/man /usr/lib*/node_modules/npm/man /usr/lib*/node_modules/npm/node_modules/request/node_modules/http-signature/node_modules/ctype/man /usr/lib*/node_modules/npm/node_modules/request/node_modules/http-signature/node_modules/sshpk/man /usr/lib*/php*/man /opt/icedtea-bin*/man ) local _dir for _dir in ${_DIRS[@]} ; do find "${_ed}" \ -path "${_ed}${_dir}" | sort | while read ; do if has noman ${FEATURES} ; then einfo "Removing ${REPLY#${_ed}}" rm -rf "${REPLY}" else # Drop non man? directories find "${REPLY}" \ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \ -type d \ -name 'man*' -prune -o -print | sort | while read ; do einfo "Removing ${REPLY#${_ed}}" rm -rf "${REPLY}" done fi done done } function __drop-nls-locales () { local -a _DIRS=( /usr/share/locale /usr/share/help ) __load_make_conf L10N local _dir _l for _dir in ${_DIRS[@]} ; do if [[ ! -d "${_ed}${_dir}" ]] ; then continue fi find "${_ed}${_dir}" \ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \ -type d | sort | while read ; do _l="${REPLY##*/}" if [[ "${_l}" == "C" ]] ; then continue elif has "${_l}" ${LINGUAS} ; then continue elif has "${_l/_/-}" ${L10N} ; then continue fi einfo "Removing ${REPLY#${_ed}}" rm -rf "${REPLY}" done done } function __drop-doc () { # FEATURES=nodoc does not care about everything if ! has nodoc ${FEATURES} ; then return 0 fi local -a _DIRS=( /opt/ekopath/docs /usr/lib64/python*/site-packages/enum/doc /usr/lib64/python*/site-packages/numpy/doc /usr/share/graphviz/doc /usr/share/gtk-doc/html /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/doc /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/slides/doc /usr/share/texmf-dist/source/latex/koma-script/doc /usr/share/texmf-site/doc /usr/share/texmf-site/tex/generic/pgf/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/doc /usr/share/texmf-site/tex/latex/pgf/doc /usr/share/vim/vim74/doc /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/doc ) local _dir for _dir in ${_DIRS[@]} ; do find "${_ed}" \ -path "${_ed}${_dir}" | sort | while read ; do einfo "Removing ${REPLY#${_ed}}" rm -rf "${REPLY}" done done } function __drop-unneeded () { local -a _FILES=( /etc/*.sample /etc/avahi/avahi-dnsconfd.action /etc/avahi/services/sftp-ssh.service /etc/avahi/services/ssh.service /etc/conf.d/*-s6 /etc/conf.d/*-supervise /etc/conf.d/pydoc* /etc/cups/*.default /etc/dnsdist/dnsdist.conf-dist /etc/dnsdist/dnsdist.conf.example /etc/elinks/*.sample /etc/exim/auth_conf.sub /etc/exim/exim.conf.dist /etc/exim/exim.conf.exiscan-acl /etc/exim/system_filter.exim /etc/init.d/*-s6 /etc/init.d/*-supervise /etc/init.d/pydoc* /etc/pkcs11/*.example /etc/rmt /etc/snmp/*.example /etc/squid/*.default /etc/squid/*.documented /etc/ssh/ssh_config.d /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d /etc/ssl/*.dist /etc/sudo_logsrvd.conf /etc/sudoers.dist /etc/varnish/example.vcl /etc/vsftpd/*.example /etc/xinetd.d /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/connman_resolvconf.conf /usr/share/emacs /usr/share/fish/vendor_completions.d /usr/share/zsh/site-functions /var/svc.d # See /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-ssh.desktop ) local _file for _file in ${_FILES[@]} ; do find "${_ed}" \ -path "${_ed}${_file}" | sort | while read ; do einfo "Removing ${REPLY#${_ed}}" rm -rf "${REPLY}" done done } function __drop-empty-dir () { local i while (( i++ < 64 )) && [[ $(find "${_ed}" -mindepth 1 -type d -empty) ]] ; do find "${_ed}" \ -mindepth 1 \ -type d \ -empty | sort | while read ; do einfo "Removing ${REPLY#${_ed}}" rm -rf "${REPLY}" done done if (( i >= 64 )) ; then eerror "${FUNCNAME} recursed more than ${i} time, that's bad" fi } function __install_own_file () { local _PROFILE_PATH="${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/profiles*}" if [[ $? != 0 || ! ${_PROFILE_PATH} ]] ; then return 1 fi local _dir for _dir in "${PF}" "${P}" "${PN}:${SLOT}" "${PN}" ; do if [[ -d "${_PROFILE_PATH}/factory-default/${CATEGORY}/${_dir}" ]] ; then _FACTORY_DIRECTORY="${_PROFILE_PATH}/factory-default/${CATEGORY}/${_dir}" break fi done if [[ ! ${_FACTORY_DIRECTORY} ]] ; then return 0 fi find "${_FACTORY_DIRECTORY}" \ \( -type f -or -type l \) \ -printf '%P\n' | sort | while read ; do if [[ -e "${_ed}/${REPLY}" ]] ; then einfo "Store original ${REPLY} to /usr/share/gentoo-factory/${CATEGORY}/${PF}" install -D -m 0644 \ "${_ed}/${REPLY}" \ "${_ed}/usr/share/gentoo-factory/${CATEGORY}/${PF}/${REPLY}" \ || die chmod --reference="${_ed}/${REPLY}" "${_ed}/usr/share/gentoo-factory/${CATEGORY}/${PF}/${REPLY}" \ || die fi einfo "Install ${REPLY} from factory-default" if [[ -f "${_FACTORY_DIRECTORY}/${REPLY}" ]] ; then install -D -m 0644 \ "${_FACTORY_DIRECTORY}/${REPLY}" \ "${_ed}/${REPLY}" \ || die if [[ -e "${_ed}/usr/share/gentoo-factory/${CATEGORY}/${PF}/${REPLY}" ]] ; then chmod --reference="${_ed}/usr/share/gentoo-factory/${CATEGORY}/${PF}/${REPLY}" "${_ed}/${REPLY}" \ || die else chmod --reference="${_FACTORY_DIRECTORY}/${REPLY}" "${_ed}/${REPLY}" \ || die fi elif [[ -L "${_FACTORY_DIRECTORY}/${REPLY}" ]] ; then cp -P "${_FACTORY_DIRECTORY}/${REPLY}" \ "${_ed}/${REPLY}" \ || die fi done } function __drop-distfiles () { if [[ "${PORTAGE_REMOVE_DISTFILES}" != "Yes" ]] ; then return 0 fi local _r if has fetch ${RESTRICT} ; then continue elif has mirror ${RESTRICT} ; then continue fi if [[ -d "${DISTDIR}" ]] ; then find "${DISTDIR}" -type l | while read ; do _r="$(readlink -f "${REPLY}")" einfo "Removing ${_r}" rm -f "${_r}" done fi if [[ -n "${EGIT_DIR}" ]] ; then if [[ -d "${EGIT_DIR}" ]] ; then einfo "Removing ${EGIT_DIR}" rm -rf "${EGIT_DIR}" fi if [[ -d "${EGIT3_STORE_DIR}" ]] ; then find "${EGIT3_STORE_DIR}" -mindepth 0 -type d -empty | while read ; do einfo "Removing ${REPLY}" rm -rf "${REPLY}" done fi fi } function post_src_install () { if [[ ${ED} ]] ; then local _ed="${ED}" else local _ed="${D}" fi # Get rid of trailing / local _ed="${_ed/%\/}" if [[ ! -d "${_ed}" ]] ; then return 0 fi __install_own_file } function pre_pkg_preinst () { if [[ ${ED} ]] ; then local _ed="${ED}" else local _ed="${D}" fi # Get rid of trailing / local _ed="${_ed/%\/}" if [[ ! -d "${_ed}" ]] ; then return 0 fi __save_bash_options set -o noglob __drop-non-systemd __drop-nls-man-pages __drop-nls-locales __drop-doc __drop-unneeded __drop-empty-dir __restore_bash_options } function post_pkg_postinst () { __drop-distfiles } # vim: syntax=sh