path: root/blog/themes/wordpress/else-lightning/themetoolkit.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'blog/themes/wordpress/else-lightning/themetoolkit.php')
1 files changed, 389 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/blog/themes/wordpress/else-lightning/themetoolkit.php b/blog/themes/wordpress/else-lightning/themetoolkit.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2bf31d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/themes/wordpress/else-lightning/themetoolkit.php
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+Hack Name: Wordpress Theme Toolkit
+Plugin URI:
+Description: Helps theme authors set up an admin menu. Helps theme users customise the theme.
+Version: 1.12
+Author: Ozh
+Author URI:
+* 1.0 : initial release
+* 1.1 : update for Wordpress 2.0 compatibility
+* 1.11 : added {separator} template
+* 1.12 : more or less minor bug fixing (one when no plugin activated, other with rare mod_security issue) and better compliancy with WP 2.0 roles
+if (!function_exists('themetoolkit')) {
+ function themetoolkit($theme='',$array='',$file='') {
+ global ${$theme};
+ if ($theme == '' or $array == '' or $file == '') {
+ die ('No theme name, theme option, or parent defined in Theme Toolkit');
+ }
+ ${$theme} = new ThemeToolkit($theme,$array,$file);
+ }
+if (!class_exists('ThemeToolkit')) {
+ class ThemeToolkit{
+ var $option, $infos;
+ function ThemeToolkit($theme,$array,$file){
+ global $wp_version;
+ // is it WP 2.0+ and do we have plugins like "../themes/foo/functions.php" running ?
+ if ( $wp_version >= 2 and count(@preg_grep('#^\.\./themes/[^/]+/functions.php$#', get_settings('active_plugins'))) > 0 ) {
+ wp_cache_flush();
+ $this->upgrade_toolkit();
+ }
+ $this->infos['path'] = '../themes/' . basename(dirname($file));
+ /* Create some vars needed if an admin menu is to be printed */
+ if ($array['debug']) {
+ if ((basename($file)) == $_GET['page']) $this->infos['debug'] = 1;
+ unset($array['debug']);
+ }
+ if ((basename($file)) == $_GET['page']){
+ $this->infos['menu_options'] = $array;
+ $this->infos['classname'] = $theme;
+ }
+ $this->option=array();
+ /* Check this file is registered as a plugin, do it if needed */
+ $this->pluginification();
+ /* Get infos about the theme and particularly its 'shortname'
+ * which is used to name the entry in wp_options where data are stored */
+ $this->do_init();
+ /* Read data from options table */
+ $this->read_options();
+ /* Are we in the admin area ? Add a menu then ! */
+ $this->file = $file;
+ add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'add_menu'));
+ }
+ /* Add an entry to the admin menu area */
+ function add_menu() {
+ global $wp_version;
+ if ( $wp_version >= 2 ) {
+ $level = 'edit_themes';
+ } else {
+ $level = 9;
+ }
+ //add_submenu_page('themes.php', 'Configure ' . $this->infos[theme_name], $this->infos[theme_name], 9, $this->infos['path'] . '/functions.php', array(&$this,'admin_menu'));
+ add_theme_page('Configure ' . $this->infos['theme_name'], $this->infos['theme_name'], 'edit_themes', basename($this->file), array(&$this,'admin_menu'));
+ /* Thank you MCincubus for opening my eyes on the last parameter :) */
+ }
+ /* Get infos about this theme */
+ function do_init() {
+ $themes = get_themes();
+ $shouldbe= basename($this->infos['path']);
+ foreach ($themes as $theme) {
+ $current= basename($theme['Template Dir']);
+ if ($current == $shouldbe) {
+ if (get_settings('template') == $current) {
+ $this->infos['active'] = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ $this->infos['active'] = FALSE;
+ }
+ $this->infos['theme_name'] = $theme['Name'];
+ $this->infos['theme_shortname'] = $current;
+ $this->infos['theme_site'] = $theme['Title'];
+ $this->infos['theme_version'] = $theme['Version'];
+ $this->infos['theme_author'] = preg_replace("#>\s*([^<]*)</a>#", ">\\1</a>", $theme['Author']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Read theme options as defined by user and populate the array $this->option */
+ function read_options() {
+ $options = get_option('theme-'.$this->infos['theme_shortname'].'-options');
+ $options['_________junk-entry________'] = 'ozh is my god';
+ foreach ($options as $key=>$val) {
+ $this->option["$key"] = stripslashes($val);
+ }
+ array_pop($this->option);
+ return $this->option;
+ /* Curious about this "junk-entry" ? :) A few explanations then.
+ * The problem is that get_option always return an array, even if
+ * no settings has been previously saved in table wp_options. This
+ * junk entry is here to populate the array with at least one value,
+ * removed afterwards, so that the foreach loop doesn't go moo. */
+ }
+ /* Write theme options as defined by user in database */
+ function store_options($array) {
+ update_option('theme-'.$this->infos['theme_shortname'].'-options','');
+ if (update_option('theme-'.$this->infos['theme_shortname'].'-options',$array)) {
+ return "Options successfully stored";
+ } else {
+ return "Could not save options !";
+ }
+ }
+ /* Delete options from database */
+ function delete_options() {
+ /* Remove entry from database */
+ delete_option('theme-'.$this->infos['theme_shortname'].'-options');
+ /* Unregister this file as a plugin (therefore remove the admin menu) */
+ $this->depluginification();
+ /* Revert theme back to Kubrick if this theme was activated */
+ if ($this->infos['active']) {
+ update_option('template', 'default');
+ update_option('stylesheet', 'default');
+ do_action('switch_theme', 'Default');
+ }
+ /* Go back to Theme admin */
+ print '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=themes.php?activated=true">';
+ echo "<script> self.location(\"themes.php?activated=true\");</script>";
+ exit;
+ }
+ /* Check if the theme has been loaded at least once (so that this file has been registered as a plugin) */
+ function is_installed() {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $where = 'theme-'.$this->infos['theme_shortname'].'-options';
+ $check = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = '$where'");
+ if ($check == 0) {
+ return FALSE;
+ } else {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Theme used for the first time (create blank entry in database) */
+ function do_firstinit() {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $options = array();
+ foreach(array_keys($this->option) as $key) {
+ $options["$key"]='';
+ }
+ add_option('theme-'.$this->infos['theme_shortname'].'-options',$options, 'Options for theme '.$this->infos['theme_name']);
+ return "Theme options added in database (1 entry in table '". $wpdb->options ."')";
+ }
+ /* The mother of them all : the Admin Menu printing func */
+ function admin_menu () {
+ global $cache_settings, $wpdb;
+ /* Process things when things are to be processed */
+ if (@$_POST['action'] == 'store_option') {
+ unset($_POST['action']);
+ $msg = $this->store_options($_POST);
+ } elseif (@$_POST['action'] == 'delete_options') {
+ $this->delete_options();
+ } elseif (!$this->is_installed()) {
+ $msg = $this->do_firstinit();
+ }
+ if (@$msg) print "<div class='updated'><p><b>" . $msg . "</b></p></div>\n";
+ echo '<div class="wrap"><h2>Thank you !</h2>';
+ echo '<p>Thank you for installing ' . $this->infos['theme_site'] . ', a theme for Wordpress. This theme was made by '.$this->infos['theme_author'].'. </p>';
+ if (!$this->infos['active']) { /* theme is not active */
+ echo '<p>(Please note that this theme is currently <strong>not activated</strong> on your site as the default theme.)</p>';
+ }
+ $cache_settings = '';
+ $check = $this->read_options();
+ echo "<h2>Configure ${$this->infos['theme_name']} </h2>";
+ echo '<p>This theme allows you to configure some variables to suit your blog, which are :</p>
+ <form action="" method="post">
+ <input type="hidden" name="action" value="store_option">
+ <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5" border="0" width=100% class="editform">';
+ /* Print form, here comes the fun part :) */
+ foreach ($this->infos['menu_options'] as $key=>$val) {
+ $items='';
+ preg_match('/\s*([^{#]*)\s*({([^}]*)})*\s*([#]*\s*(.*))/', $val, $matches);
+ if ($matches[3]) {
+ $items = split("\|", $matches[3]);
+ }
+ print "<tr valign='top'><th scope='row' width='33%'>\n";
+ if (@$items) {
+ $type = array_shift($items);
+ switch ($type) {
+ case 'separator':
+ print '<h3>'.$matches[1]."</h3></th>\n<td>&nbsp;</td>";
+ break;
+ case 'radio':
+ print $matches[1]."</th>\n<td>";
+ while ($items) {
+ $v=array_shift($items);
+ $t=array_shift($items);
+ $checked='';
+ if ($v == $this->option[$key]) $checked='checked';
+ print "<label for='${key}${v}'><input type='radio' id='${key}${v}' name='$key' value='$v' $checked /> $t</label>";
+ if (@$items) print "<br />\n";
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'textarea':
+ $rows=array_shift($items);
+ $cols=array_shift($items);
+ print "<label for='$key'>".$matches[1]."</label></th>\n<td>";
+ print "<textarea name='$key' id='$key' rows='$rows' cols='$cols'>" . $this->option[$key] . "</textarea>";
+ break;
+ case 'checkbox':
+ print $matches[1]."</th>\n<td>";
+ while ($items) {
+ $k=array_shift($items);
+ $v=array_shift($items);
+ $t=array_shift($items);
+ $checked='';
+ if ($v == $this->option[$k]) $checked='checked';
+ print "<label for='${k}${v}'><input type='checkbox' id='${k}${v}' name='$k' value='$v' $checked /> $t</label>";
+ if (@$items) print "<br />\n";
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "<label for='$key'>".$matches[1]."</label></th>\n<td>";
+ print "<input type='text' name='$key' id='$key' value='" . $this->option[$key] . "' />";
+ }
+ if ($matches[5]) print '<br/>'. $matches[5];
+ print "</td></tr>\n";
+ }
+ echo '</table>
+ <p class="submit"><input type="submit" value="Store Options" /></p>
+ </form>';
+ if ($this->infos['debug'] and $this->option) {
+ $g = '<span style="color:#006600">';
+ $b = '<span style="color:#0000CC">';
+ $o = '<span style="color:#FF9900">';
+ $r = '<span style="color:#CC0000">';
+ echo '<h2>Programmer\'s corner</h2>';
+ echo '<p>The array <em>$'. $this->infos['classname'] . '->option</em> is actually populated with the following keys and values :</p>
+ <p><pre class="updated">';
+ $count = 0;
+ foreach ($this->option as $key=>$val) {
+ $val=str_replace('<','&lt;',$val);
+ if ($val) {
+ print '<span class="ttkline">'.$g.'$'.$this->infos['classname'].'</span>'.$b.'-></span>'.$g.'option</span>'.$b.'[</span>'.$g.'\'</span>'.$r.$key.'</span>'.$g.'\'</span>'.$b.']</span>'.$g.' = "</span>'. $o.$val.'</span>'.$g."\"</span></span>\n";
+ $count++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$count) print "\n\n";
+ echo '</pre><p>To disable this report (for example before packaging your theme and making it available for download), remove the line "&nbsp;<em>\'debug\' => \'debug\'</em>&nbsp;" in the array you edited at the beginning of this file.</p>';
+ }
+ echo '<h2>Delete Theme options</h2>
+ <p>To completely remove these theme options from your database (reminder: they are all stored in a single entry, in Wordpress options table <em>'. $wpdb->options. '</em>), click on
+ the following button. You will be then redirected to the <a href="themes.php">Themes admin interface</a>';
+ if ($this->infos['active']) {
+ echo ' and the Default theme will have been activated';
+ }
+ echo '.</p>
+ <p><strong>Special notice for people allowing their readers to change theme</strong> (i.e. using a Theme Switcher on their blog)<br/>
+ Unless you really remove the theme files from your server, this theme will still be available to users, and therefore will self-install again as soon as someone selects it. Also, all custom variables as defined in the above menu will be blank, this could lead to unexpected behaviour.
+ Press "Delete" only if you intend to remove the theme files right after this.</p>
+ <form action="" method="post">
+ <input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete_options">
+ <p class="submit"><input type="submit" value="Delete Options" onclick="return confirm(\'Are you really sure you want to delete ?\');"/></p>
+ </form>';
+ ob_start(array(&$this,'footercut'));
+ echo '<h2>Credits</h2>';
+ echo '<p>'.$this->infos['theme_site'].' has been created by '.$this->infos['theme_author'].'. ';
+ echo 'This administration menu uses <a href="" title="Wordpress Theme Toolkit : create a admin menu for your own theme as easily as editing 3 lines">Wordpress Theme Toolkit</a> by <a href="" title="planetOzh">Ozh</a>. And everything was made possible thanks to <a href="" title="Best. Blogware. Ever.">Wordpress</a>.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div id="footer"><div style="float:right;margin-left:-180px;padding-right:5%"><p><a href="">Theme Toolkit</a> by<br />
+ <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="" /></a><br />';
+ echo 'for '.$this->infos['theme_site']."</p></div>\n";
+ echo '</div><!-- footercut -->';
+ }
+ /* Make this footer part of the real #footer DIV of Wordpress admin area */
+ function footercut($string) {
+ return preg_replace('#</div><!-- footercut -->.*<div id="footer">#m', '', $string);
+ }
+ /***************************************
+ * Self-Pluginification (TM)(R)(C) . © ®
+ *
+ * The word "Self-Pluginification" and
+ * any future derivatives are licensed,
+ * patented and trademarked under the
+ * terms of the OHYEAHSURE agreement.
+ * Hmmmmmkey ? Fine.
+ **************************************/
+ function pluginification () {
+ global $wp_version;
+ if ($wp_version<2) {
+ $us = $this->infos['path'].'/functions.php';
+ $them = get_settings('active_plugins');
+ /* Now, are we members of the PPC (Plugins Private Club) yet ? */
+ if (!in_array($us,$them)) {
+ /* No ? Jeez, claim member card ! */
+ $them[]=$us;
+ update_option('active_plugins',$them);
+ /* Wow. We're l33t now. */
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /***************************************
+ * De-Pluginification (TM)(R)(C) . © ®
+ *
+ * Same legal notice. It's not that I
+ * really like it, but my lawyer asked
+ * for it. I swear.
+ **************************************/
+ function depluginification () {
+ global $wp_version;
+ if ($wp_version<2) {
+ $us = $this->infos['path'].'/functions.php';
+ $them = get_settings('active_plugins');
+ if (in_array($us,$them)) {
+ $here = array_search($us,$them);
+ unset($them[$here]);
+ update_option('active_plugins',$them);
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /***************************************
+ * Really, the whole plugin management
+ * system is really neat in WP, and very
+ * easy to use.
+ **************************************/
+ /* Clean plugins lists in order to work with Wordpress 2.0 */
+ function upgrade_toolkit () {
+ $plugins=get_settings('active_plugins');
+ $delete=@preg_grep('#^\.\./themes/[^/]+/functions.php$#', $plugins);
+ $result=array_diff($plugins,$delete);
+ $temp = array();
+ foreach($result as $item) $temp[]=$item;
+ $result = $temp;
+ update_option('active_plugins',$result);
+ wp_cache_flush;
+ }
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file